Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 111: Tina

However, she shook her head and refused in an unhurried tone.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. If you can, please keep it secret and don't get involved in it anymore."

Jingyu can see the worry about herself from her eyes. He guessed that the girl was afraid of giving orders to her, aware of his existence, and ordered her to kill him.

If the girl does not do that, she is the one who will be killed.

She is trying to avoid these two points.

At the same time, Jingyu felt that the girl had a high fear of the orderer. She hastily persuaded the other party to give up the task, or to say that she can protect her, she must not believe it.

So, "Just send you away." Jingyu smiled gently: "If you go down alone, you might be found by the patrol police again. By the time, wouldn't it repeat just now? And, I have already appeared Now... that person can find it."

What he wanted to say in the end is: I am fully involved, but it does not hinder you. I believe that the person will not do things indiscriminately during your mission... unless he wants to increase the risk of your exposure.

Jingyu wanted to eliminate the girl’s worries. However, after his words were over and the girl understood the meaning, it was not obvious that she showed a moment of disappointment.

‘Do you want me to stop you? 'Jingyu was surprised.

The girl walked to his motorcycle, activating his ability to turn his eyes red. Then, sitting in the back seat with the suitcase.

"Then trouble you," she said lightly.

Jingyu started the motorcycle, carrying the girl, and drove towards the remote urban area that she directed. After a quarter of an hour, they had come to a dilapidated two-storey old apartment building.

No matter how you look at it, the girl's silver-gold hair and some cool dark green umbrella skirt-under these two combinations, her gorgeous appearance is very disproportionate to here. However, as long as the owners of this old apartment can make money, they will not ask about the identity of the renter.

In other words, she is an outsider.

Jingyu judged in his mind.

"Thank you." The girl jumped out of the car and dragged the box to the side of him. "Please be sure to follow what you just said, don't come to hinder me... better not to come here again."

Jingyu laughed, "I have a guard mission tomorrow, maybe the person you want to kill is the one I want to protect."

He was actually just kidding, but the girl's heart snapped.

"If this is the case, I hope you can give up the task." The girl said seriously.

"Huo Huo, quite confident, does this mean that you think you are stronger than our team?" Jingyu glanced at her sideways, proudly: "Anyway, I am also the strongest police in the Tokyo area, can't I say to you? Just sit back and ignore it."

He didn't need to show off himself, it was just revealing his information to the girl.

"The strongest?" The girl shook her head indifferently. "I still think so."

Jingyu smiled, and he was really stressed for the first time, "I am stronger than you". But the girl’s attitude did not make him angry or embarrassed... because he found an excuse.

"Wait until you know who I am, what I have done, and then say this sentence." He snorted pretending to be unhappy, started the motorcycle, and drove away with the girl's watch.

After his figure disappeared, the girl walked into the apartment. Putting the box in the center of the tatami, she put on the headset again.

"Tina Spront, what happened, why closed the communication?" asked an arrogant man in his voice.

"Master, after the police appeared, I didn't kill him as you said because of the presence of the police. However, after all, it was perfunctory in the past and would not hinder the progress of the mission and would not reveal the identity." Girl, that is Tina carefully reported. The arrogant voice was silent for a few seconds and then asked: "...Is that your judgment under IP ranking 98?"

"Yes." Tina definitely.

"Huh, okay, I won't pursue the process for the time being. But if the results do not satisfy me, you know."

There was a hint of fear in Tina's eyes, "Yes."

"So now, let me confirm again, Tina Spront, tell me what is your task?"

Tina opened the lid and there was a huge dark gun in her height. She stroked the gun and said:

"Eliminate the representative of the Tokyo area, the Holy Son, Master."

The conversation is over here. This time it was really waiting for the other party to hang up the phone. Tina was relieved while remembering what Jingyu said.

‘The strongest? She whispered silently: ‘It would be nice if it was really strong. ’Look at the old computer in the room...

When Jingyu returned home, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. Mu took a shower, put on a pink skirt-style pajamas, sat on the sofa, and dried his long black hair with a hair dryer. When she saw Jingyu walking into the living room, she smiled and asked:

"How did you talk to the Holy Son?"

It was Xun Zi who opened the door for Jingyu. The youngest Yanzhu had already gone to bed. Otherwise, she will be clamoring, not allowing Mu to dress so close to Jingyu.

Jingyu sat next to Mugen, thinking of this girl who dared to make fun of herself again and again, and pinched her thigh with light force... that made Mugen's body crisp and blushing. , Looked at Xunzi very nervously.

After that, he gave him a strange white look and sat a foot away.

"I promised her the **** mission. In the next few days, I will not take any other missions for now." Jingyu said, sniffing the hand with a happy expression.

The hair dryer in Mu Geng's hand almost fell to the ground.

Xunzi turned his tea around and saw his daughter's red face with her head down, where she didn't know what happened. But considering her daughter's face, she pretended not to see it. Put the tea in front of Jingyu, and told the two to go to bed earlier, she first returned to the room.

In this way, there are only two people left in the living room.

"Mukeng, do you want to sleep with me tonight?" Jingyu stared at her with fiery eyes.

Mu raised his head in surprise, but quickly shook his hands.

"You, you... what are you talking about? Mom and they are all there, no."

"Well, if they are not there, can they?"

Jingyu smiled as she meant and approached her again. Mu wanted to move more, and was surrounded by his waist. He buried his head in her hairline, breathing the fragrance of shampoo and her virgin boldly.

"I, I don't mean that." His hot breath sprayed on his skin, making Mugen's head lowered to his chest. She whispered: "Then... that kind of thing, at least, at least after marriage... Okay."

"What kind of thing? What's that kind of thing? I just said I want to sleep, not'that kind of thing.'"

The girl's body completely froze because of this sentence.

The next second, she whispered ‘necrosis’ and threw a small fist at him.



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