Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 110: Night encounter

‘When they come out, remember to call me up. ’

Violet so charged 16 nights, this waited for three hours. After she walked up to the first floor of the living room, she saw him still radiant, and she seemed quite satisfied.

"Aren't you afraid of hurting her?" he said with reproach.

She saw that the energy of this guy was bottomless.

"He is gentler than you think." The girl who answered her was a girl with green hair who only wore a shirt belonging to him. She leaned against the door, holding a triangular pizza in her hand, "And, I'm not as delicate as you."

‘I can still get out of bed? 『Villages were really taken aback, and could not help but looked at the sixteen nights with puzzled eyes. She has experienced it many times in person. The man’s bravery will make her tired for an hour without wanting to move.

With silver hair and shoulder hair, the empathetic Sixteen Nights understood her meaning and blushed and nodded.

After being confirmed, Violet ignored the satire of the girl and looked at it from top to bottom with great interest.

C.C.'s movements stopped, frowning and turning to Jingyu. "You said, she won't get to the bottom?"

Jingyu smiled bitterly, "Well, Violet, C.C. are all supernatural beings like me. She stayed here for a while. But don't think about what to do to her."

"I know... are you going? Go quickly." The woman didn't look at his direction at all.

Before going out, Jingyu gave C.C. a look of'sentiment under his hand'.

After riding on the locomotive, he handed him the helmet for sixteen nights. Jingyu saw that she had stopped talking, so she pulled her over and gave her a hug.

"Your mother is Viola and my father is me. As long as you think about it, it won't change. CC is my woman, you can treat her as a sister... she will like you because you are the best ."

He patted the **** the back gently, "Tell you another secret to please her and make her all kinds of pizza."

Sixteen nights nodded, "So, do you want to let Mugen know?"

"No. For the time being. If they come here when I don't know, you can ask C.C., she can do whatever she wants with her identity."

Jingyu let go of her, stepped back two steps at sixteen nights, and watched his figure disappear on the motorcycle before returning to the house.

C.C. is gone, it should be back to that room. Instead, Violet greeted him immediately, and after holding her, she whispered:

"Sixteen nights, can your ability imprison her?"

"It should be possible, but, Doctor, I will be confined with you." Sixteen nights reminded: "And, brother, he said, can't do anything to Miss C.C."

"You just listen to him, don't you listen to me?" At this moment, Violet shamelessly put on the posture of adoptive mother. But, after seeing the embarrassment of sixteen nights, she couldn't bear it. "Okay, don't use the field... they have been together for so long, they must have stained the sheets. Sixteen nights, don't you help Miss CC ?"

"Doctor, do you want that bed sheet?" Sixteen nights blushed, but didn't understand too much.

Violet touched her head. "It's too specific. It's too early for you. Just bring the bed sheet. If you find her hair, don't let it go."

"Those words..." Sixteen nights thought about it, and it was indeed within the range she could normally get, so she yelled and walked towards the bedroom.


The ten-year-old girl with silver-gold hair dragged a suitcase that could hold the cello alone and walked on the dimly lit street.

This immediately caught the attention of a patrol police car. The police officer parked the car next to the girl and stopped her.

"Little girl, where are you from? You can't go home so late."

The girl stopped and looked blankly at the police officer who had stepped off the car, her lips opening and closing a few words. Then, when she turned to face the police officer, her eyes turned red.

At this moment, a car light came over. A motorcycle that seemed to be passing by stopped beside them.

The girl frowned inadvertently.

"Do you have anything?" The police officer raised his hand to block the other's headlights and asked the man.

"I'm a policeman, this kid is my initiator." The other party turned off the lights, walked off the motorcycle, and passed the policeman's documents to the police officer.

"That's it." After checking the police, the officer returned the document to the man who was taking off his helmet. "It's my trouble." He returned to the patrol car and continued to drive it on the road at a constant speed.

When the turning lights of the police car disappeared into the eyes, the driver of the motorcycle looked at the girl.

"What did you just want to do to him?" He asked directly and glanced at the headset on the girl's right ear. Unexpectedly, the girl made a gesture of removing it.

The girl's eyes met his dark eyes for a while. Make sure that there is no malice in it, and finally did it.

Then she asked: "You all know?"

"It's a pity that you can't do it to me. If I have an accident, the police officer who just left will hunt you down." The man laughed fearlessly.

The girl frowned again. "So what do you want?"

The man's eyes glanced at the gourd-shaped box that the girl was dragging behind him, and then broke the line: "Anti-tank sniper rifle, who are you assassinating?"

The girl widened her eyes in shock, unable to say a word. She almost thought at the moment that he could see through.

"Well, this is not a place to talk, get in the car, I'll send you." The man returned to his motorcycle and invited.

The girl was puzzled. "Why do you know that I want to kill someone, but still help me?"

The man started the motorcycle and turned his head back: "Although I saw that you wanted to fight the police officer, I felt that your murderousness was not enough. Should you want to hurt him? As a killer, you are not enough Cold blood...I think you are a good boy."

He paused and gestured to his right ear, "Who is instructing you to do that? If he is your promoter, he is the guilty one."

The girl's cold eyes so far have shown obvious shaking, "You are such an incredible person." She used honorific words to express his gratitude for her understanding.



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