Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 104: Confessions 2

I was carried into the house by a man. He stopped not far from the door... My hearing is good, judging from the voice, the woman lowered her body and should have changed his shoes.

Then here is the entrance. After a few seconds, he climbed a step, walked out a few steps smoothly, and turned to the right.

"Jingyu, in which room are you going to let her sleep?" It was the girl's voice again. She didn't know why, and she laughed so happily, "Why not? Concubine is so considerate of the younger generation. , Please let her sleep in the concubine's room. As for the concubine, sleep with you."


Suddenly someone yelled and scared me... It was another woman's voice, and there was a human in this room. Moreover, the woman exuded a danger that made my skin tremble and instinctively entered a state of alert.

After a few seconds, I felt like a fool.

"You, you... you ran out naked." The orange-haired girl shouted in a shocked tone. "You are not allowed to seduce Jingyu with your chest!"

I guess she might have stood in front of the man holding me and stretched her arms to block him. But I think she is so small that she can stop him from being a ghost.

"What are you talking nonsense about?" The woman exuded the danger as suddenly as it appeared, and disappeared at once. Listening to the sound, even a little flustered, "I am obviously surrounded by bath towels, not naked."

"You didn't wear anything, you were naked. In short, you should go quickly and don't allow you to get close to him."

"I... I didn't have to rely on it. Jingyu, you, don't look at me, you are ashamed."

She seems to have run away. I heard the sound of opening and closing the door. Once again, she said:

"It's true, you have been biased! I'm going to say you, even if the child sleeps in your room, you can sleep on our is not allowed to sleep on Jingyu's side."

"If you sleep in your room, there will be three people. Moreover, the concubine will not sleep with you, it will absorb the growth of the concubine's chest."

Hey... Does that person have this terrible ability? I was shocked, and I felt more and more afraid of her.

"I don't have that weird ability." The woman protested.

"There is it. Otherwise, your mother's aunt Xunzi is not that big, why are you so big?"

"What are you talking about!" The woman named Xun Zi raised the volume, without the tenderness just now, very imposingly ordered, "Mu Geng, how long do you have to keep it like shame , Go get dressed quickly."

The distant woman screamed and slammed the door. Then, there were some small mumbles from the door.

"Mum is really, she didn't say her, but people said that to her."

"You are 16 years old and you are an adult. How can you compare with Yanzhu." Xun Zi continued to blame her with great dignity.

When I arrived at this time, I suddenly realized that she had just defended the orange-haired girl who was the child of the curse, and blamed the daughter who was born by her as a human being?

I feel incredible.

The man standing quietly moved again. He held me and walked forward, into the girl named Mu Geng who just ran into...maybe a passage. Then, opened a door... I smelled a good smell.

This time I knew that it was a smell that girls only had, not poisonous gas. He walked a few steps inwards, and after stopping, sent me forward to the low... My body came into contact with the soft and elastic...maybe the bed. But the bed was so comfortable, I really experienced it for the first time.

‘That girl is really happy. 'I thought enviously.

The man's arm was pulled away from under me. Judging from the sound, he drew a soft quilt and covered me. Gently stroking the hair on my forehead, I thought he would leave, but he approached me... and touched my forehead with his lips.

What is he doing? I don’t know, I just feel the heartbeat becomes irregular again. I even held my breath nervously, just waiting for him to stay away... I was relieved when he left.

Later, I heard the sound of closing the door. Making sure that there was no breath other than me in the room, I opened my eyes.

You can see the light from the outside in the cracks of the door, and there are moonlight and faint street light from outside the window. I looked at this light with this light, belonging to the same girl's room as the cursed child... It was completely different from mine, and it reached a level that subverted my inherent impression.

Apart from a bed, can there be so many things in the bedroom?

I sat up facing the door. You can see on the right side is a set of tables and chairs. From the table there are books, judging that it is a desk. However, there is a pink laptop on this desk, as well as a cartoon-style desk lamp, as well as other unnamed gadgets.

One side of the desk was clinical, and the other side was a closet that almost occupied the entire wall. A variety of cartoon character models are placed in the upper part. Wonderfully, except for the size ratio, it is simply true. The second half is a few books and discs... I carefully got out of bed and took one out of the disc, which read "Dzi Bead Girl".

Ah, I know this. I have seen it advertised in a building from afar, which is very popular.

I inserted the disc carefully and watched it back and forth a few times on the desk and closet. The girl did indeed live free here... She didn’t lie. The humans in this family may be really good to her Right.

In my mind, the inherent impression of mankind is gradually changing. I just thought of my own experience, but I was a little unwilling-if so many good people, why did we meet bad people.

My eye sockets are a little wet. Before the tears flowed out of my eyes, I wiped them off with the back of my hand...because it was weak.

There was a voice outside the door, and it seemed that the woman who came into the room and dressed came out.

"I forgot to ask...Jingyu, is the child you brought back a cursed child?"

After she mentioned me, I moved carefully to the door and put my ear on the door, wanting to hear what they said about me.

"It's the cursed son." The man replied: "She took the box... yes, I asked you to investigate, who gave her the order, how did you check?"

"Hum, I have obtained favorable evidence, as long as it is delivered to Sheng Tianzi tomorrow." It is called Mu Geng, she is very proud. However, what she said really surprised me.

In fact, I don’t even know who gave me the order. It seems that the people here are serious, not only destroying the place where I was trained, but also pulling out the people behind the scenes.

‘It would be nice if they could do it. "I thought a little sullenly.

"If the evidence is submitted, you can run it yourself and hand it directly to her hands. As long as you turn around halfway, you may be'missing.'" The man sneered.

"You make sense." Mu agreed, and lowered his voice... No, the voice became lost. "Actually, when the evidence came to someone, it was interrupted."

‘She means, is there anyone else above that person? ’I was surprised, but relieved again.

It doesn't matter, I may have the opportunity to avenge myself!



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