Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 103: Confessions 1

Humans hug me!

The first time I experienced such an experience, my brain suddenly became blank. The whole body...not me boasting, just like a human being like him, I can beat a dozen or so. However, at this moment, I dare not move in his arms.

Where did this unknown fear come from? I shouted in wonder. Then, I felt that his arms were so strong, my cheeks began to heat, my heart beat became irregular, and my consciousness became trance... Somehow, I had a warm and comfortable feeling in my arms.

Will that be what I think? What human beings embrace, of course, should be annoying.

Therefore, I concluded that I must have done something by him.

What a mean!

From bottom to top, I stared at his chin with hostile eyes. If he comes close, I must take a bite there to let him know how powerful I am... He is just a human being, and no matter what I do to me, I will not give in to him.

I was surprised, even angry, at what the orange-haired cursed child said.

"The concubine only allows you to take his arms once."

She said to me like this, is it because I want this? I really want to argue with her by shouting-this embrace is not good at all, if you want, just pull me out.

As a result, I failed to call out. He placed me on his thigh like a little doll, rudely. Suddenly, I bowed forward and pressed my body. That chin was so close to my lips, even my nose was sprayed on my face.

I thought what he was going to do to me, closed his eyes in fear.

But he did nothing. I knew after a second that it should be his posture to ride this motorcycle...the seat was slightly tilted upward.

Realizing that I was wrong, I blushed my cheeks in shame. Some secretly rejoiced that at this moment he did not see my embarrassment because of the monster behind him.

However, things did not end here, and even began to develop in the direction I did not expect...

He was relieved when he was away from the town and the surrounding buildings disappeared and replaced by some weeds. He suddenly looked down. I was taken aback. When I shrank and closed my eyes again, I thought that he should at least say it first.

Then I realized my weakness. If you close your eyes, don't you mean confess to him? I forced myself to open my eyes again, lying on his back in his arms and staring up at him.

Seeing his face and his smile again, there is nothing on it that I have seen before, any expression that can disgust me. It is better to say that I am really admiring in my heart, what a beautiful person.

Ah, what I thought of myself... Isn't human beings synonymous with stupidity, arrogance, and viciousness? What is beautiful does not match them at all.

I was angry with myself, and gave him a glance, and told him with eyes, ‘I’m not afraid of you’, don’t look away.

Then there was a period of silence. On the way, he seemed to guide the cursed child behind the orange hair and threw the aluminum alloy box to who was waiting on the road.

I tried to stand up and looked at it, but I only saw a woman wearing a long black dress and a strange white short skirt... I learned later that the costume was called maid costume.

Yes, he should have handed the box to a maid.

The muscles in the waist gradually lost their strength in a standing posture, and I fell back into his arms. I swear, this is not my wish, nor do I feel comfortable at all.

Moreover, there was a smell in him. It's annoying. Just a sniff will make me blush and heartbeat... That must be a chemical similar to hypnotic gas, right? This person was despicable, and he wanted to use this little method against me.

I sneered. He looked too little at the resistance of the cursed child, so I would not be fainted. After the motorcycle got on the road in the peripheral area, the driving became smooth and the speed was slower, I heard the voice of the cursed child of orange hair, she said: "Jingyu, Should we go home directly next, or go to the compound?"

Do you still need to ask? Of course you should go to the compound. But he said that he was going to take me to the place where all the cursed children.

But, "Go home. It's too late now. Go to the compound, and the children's rest will be disturbed." He replied.

This liar!

I would never approve of it in my heart. It is a very good behavior for him to forgive the cursed children.

In short, I was deceived by him. The next place to go, the so-called home, did not know what was waiting for me, and I felt deeply uneasy. Before arriving, I thought hard about the countermeasures.

Simply, after he stopped the car, I cleverly pretended to be asleep... This way, he can also be negligent. When their precautions are alleviated, it is up to me to choose whether to stay or not.

"Ah, it's too cunning." The girl complained again. "It can be so, people want to hug."

No, I didn't want to hug and pretend to sleep. I shouted at the bottom of my heart, distressed as I pretended to sleep, and could not make a sound.

"Be patient a little, this is your younger generation."

You talk nonsense, do I look smaller than that one?


I heard the girl's whisper. She seemed to be looking forward to it, but she stopped talking... Did she even agree? I really think to refute, but unfortunately, I'm pretending to sleep.

Judging from the sound of footsteps, I was hugged by him and seemed to enter a closed building. I counted the number of steps silently, guessing that he was only on the third floor. After entering the corridor on the third floor, I counted three in my heart, and the girl knocked on the door.

"Aunt Xunzi, we are back." She shouted spiritually.

Xun Zi? I have heard her talk about it, and it seems to be a person who is very good at cooking.

Oops, realizing that the other party is also a human being, I immediately raised my alert level and cursed him in the bottom of my heart... Really bad humanity, even brought me into the human circle.

Someone in the door quickly answered. Although it sounds a bit boring through the door, the man is a woman and is very gentle... Just thinking of this, I shook my head at the bottom of my heart. The gentleness of the woman named Xun Zi is only for humans... Not to me.

The door opened, "Welcome home." The woman said with a smile, "Ah, this child is..."

She saw me... I was tight, and then remembered, I closed my eyes, she certainly did not know that I was a cursed child. Otherwise, you won't ask so calmly.

No, knowing that I am the cursed child, she might not let me enter the house, or leave me alone.

"This is a concubine's younger generation." The girl revealed my identity at once, and I sneered in my heart, waiting to hear the woman's panic. In that case, I can laugh at her as much as possible, but it is a stupid human being. Then, when there is a chance later, revenge her.

"Really? That must also be a very spiritual child."

...She, what is she talking about? Do you want to deceive me because I don’t see it? I won't be fooled. Certainly, after a while, she will reveal her original appearance.

I'm waiting to see, hypocritical humans, look at how I satirize you at that time!



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