Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 86: Senju Natsuyo

Yi Xiong's supervisor used the kneeling method, which was expected to have a higher probability of Jingyu's rejection. It can be said that he was still disappointed to hear such a statement, but he was overjoyed after all...because the improvement in strength is about to be achieved.

"Thank you, I will definitely listen to your orders in the future." He vowed. After Jingyu nodded, he sat opposite.

At this moment, "Mr. Long, are you going to let Mr. Jian to do bad things for you, right?" Xia Shi asked in a cold tone. Her eyes stared at Jingyu, "For example, murder..." further temptation.

But unfortunately, Jingyu just smiled. Those dark eyes, which she rated as ‘pretty and attractive’ in her heart, showed nothing but interest in her.

"Hey, Xia Shi, don't talk anymore." General Yixiong seemed afraid that she would offend Jingyu.

"It doesn't matter, what she wants to say, I allowed it." Jingyu stopped him and said to him when he looked over unexpectedly, "General, do you have a psychological burden for killing?"

"Hah?" This big man, like his terrible dress with a skull scarf, is really hard to be polite. He didn't know why Jingyu asked so, but he replied: "How is that possible? The police officers are basically guys who like to fight? Isn't it normal to kill each other if fighting?"

Jingyu laughed and looked at Xia Shi this time, "Well, look, he doesn't mind himself." He paused. "Of course, you can rest assured that I won't let you go to kill... just now Let’s just say that I’m using a general supervisor, you... you can act according to your own judgment and do whatever you like."

Xia Shi stared at him inexplicably. When the general supervisor observed the two of them back and forth because of Jingyu's statement--

"Are you a bad person, or... I can't tell."

"In your heart, it's wrong to only divide people into good and bad. The colors are black and white, and there are also other colors such as gray, which has brought about the change of the world. However, the gorgeous is not necessarily the same Beauty, maybe just hide the ugliness with bright colors."

"What you said makes sense, the piranha looks pretty." Xia Shi suddenly said: "I understand... You just want to say, I hope I don't just look at the surface. It is not necessarily the case that you let Mr. Jiang kill Bad thing, right."

"It can only be said that people are doing their best. It is not easy to find a direct man like him." Jingyu does not hide, "I will use him in many places next. Not everyone in the world Not worth killing, some people are **** it!"

General Yixiong is a simple-minded person. He could not understand most of these conversations between the two. However, he knew the last of Jingyu. Bumping on the chest assured:

"You can rest assured, **** man, I won't be weak."

The helicopter is still flying towards its destination. The sky was overcast with clouds, and it began to rain heavily. Raindrops hit the bulkhead, adding an extra noise.

Under such circumstances, Xia Shi stared at Jingyu after looking at the supervisor.

"So, what the **** is the standard? Is your judgment based?"

"Don't you say, don't you know if I am a good person or a bad person?" Jingyu asked back.

Xia Shi stayed and nodded again. This topic is over here, and Jingyu talks about something else.

"It's me who performs the task. Why are you here? Is it just to beg me to teach him?"

Xia Shi shook his head and said: "There is also a helicopter to pick up your starter. We are just a case this helicopter arrives first and meets the original IP rank 134 'S vicious criminals can also help you resist a little."

Two helicopters were dispatched to improve efficiency, and both helicopters went straight to their destination. And because this helicopter will arrive early, the two talents of Xia Shi will be here.

In terms of combat power. Jingyu should be able to hold back the opponent's starter, Xia Shi and the general supervisor should respond to the promoter. Whatever Xia Shi said, it is also the starter of the thousandth strength. With a well-developed mind, she has estimated the fighting style of Hiroki Yinyin based on the data, and has drawn up a fighting strategy.

After hearing her say this, Jingyu treated it as a gossip and asked, "Have you heard of the "New Human Creation Plan"?"

"Yes... I always thought it was a rumor. However, after seeing the information, although the official did not make a formal explanation, I still believe exists." Xia Shidao.

"The new human creation plan does exist, and it is hosted by four geniuses who are called sages. At the end of the first gastrointestinal war, each of them, through machinery, will be severely injured and even life-threatening. Going in different directions... I was fortunate to be an assistant to one of them."


Xia Shi was stunned when the general was still so praised, because she noticed the information implied in Jingyu's words.

"You said you were one of the assistants at the time? But how old should you be at that time?"

After she said that, the general's eyes became shocked.

Jingyu just smiled and answered this, but revealed: "Yi Zi Yingyin's ability is the product of that plan. However, it is the most genius among the four geniuses who is the master of his sword. See, Hiroki Yinyin should not only be able to defend against attacks. The general repulsion field of that shield, if used unidirectionally away from the body, can be used as an attack method."

Xia Shi understood what he meant, and after thinking about it, "I understand, I will take this into consideration in the strategy."

"Nah, Xia Shi, when you see what kind of person I am, consider serving me." Jingyu somewhat appreciated the girl's mind and invited.

"Me?" Xia Shi confused: "What can I do for you?"

The general can kill, but she doesn't like to kill.

"You know Sheng Tianzi. At a certain period, I hope you can stand by her side and contribute wisdom to her." Jingyu glanced at the general with a look of surprise after saying this, "Don't be right Others say."

His tone was calm. However, the supervisor felt a rush of pressure, and he lowered his head.

"Ah... yes."

There was cold sweat on the forehead of the prison. He had no doubt that if he dared to divulge, this man would turn his head off.



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