Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 85: General Yixiong

On Monday, Jingyu went to school as usual. He had just parked the locomotive by the playground, and there was a girl behind him who asked in a nice and unpretentious Osaka tone:

"Jingyu, how about our clothes?"

Jingyu turned back in surprise and couldn't help staying... Unwoven who came over was still wearing a kimono. However, outside the kimono, the white apron was very cleverly covered. Not only did it not violate the conflict, but it increased her prettyness from the contradiction.

Take a look at Katyusha, the maid who replaced the hair band on her head. She really did some work for the three words "maid costume".

"Very good." Jingyu sincerely praised: "I was the first time I saw this model of maid costume."

No, to be precise, it was the first time someone showed him this. His possessive heart revived, and through the unwoven weird face, he looked back at the students who stood by and watched... He approached unwoven.

"In the future, just show me alone." Whispered so softly.

Unwoven was originally a very generous girl. Even in the face of so many people, she was dressed like a big company, Qianjin, without any blush or embarrassment. However, his words made her small earlobe red.

In the two or three steps when Jingyu walked away, she turned her back on him and adjusted her emotions before turning around. With his clothing bundled, he walked with a small step and came to his side. Walk side by side with him, look at him sideways, sneering:

"It's true, so overbearing, and don't ask others whether they agree or not, it seems like they are right."

To be honest, she still felt some crises, and this was what she showed him in the school where there was no Mu Geng, Yan Zhu, or Sixteen Nights.

The family had long known her meaning. They are also very satisfied with Jingyu. However, when marrying him, if it is not a true wife... From the perspective of a large international company such as the Sima family, you will find it difficult to pass on your face.

You see, your baby girl is only a concubine in the end... People who are hostile to the Sima family will spread rumors like this.

The unwoven individual did not care, and she had to take care of the family's feelings. So, she wanted to fight.

Of course, the main reason is still not wanting to lose to Mu Geng.

She wants to prove to Jingyu that I can do anything for you.

‘Isn’t that what you always expected? 'Jingyu looked at her with some curiosity. Unwoven did not avoid her gaze. The two pairs of black eyes opposed each other, and he guessed that this included some of the elements of the performance... However, she successfully showed the girl's last restraint, refusing to welcome him and not pretending.

Jingyu is very happy. I thought, this girl may have the same qualities as you have them.

Therefore, his answer is different.

"Yeah, I want to eat can resist, I allow."

The corner of his lips laughed very evilly.

‘He meant to say, the more you struggle, the more I like it? "Unwoven secret sip, "True color!" ’

When the two approached the other students, they no longer mentioned these. Entering the teaching building, they go to different classes separately.

Regarding this, Jingyu once asked Wuzhi with some curiosity, "Why not make our two classes the same?"

Her answer was, "Always together, maybe you will be annoying... Just keep a little distance to make you feel fresh when you see me next time."

I have to say that this girl has absolutely excellent touch in terms of being a woman.

This is where Jingyu likes her most.

At the third quarter of the morning class, Jingyu received a call from Mu Geng.

"Jingyu, I found the source of the infection. In the 32nd really can fly as you think. However, for more specific information, I don't have any...I still need your on-site judgment Now."

The location of the incident is an inhabited area, and the thirty-two area is an uninhabited peripheral area. There are only two possibilities to fly there or to crawl through the underground waterway without anyone discovering it... Underground waterways are equipped with surveillance cameras, but in the air, there are not many satellite resources and they cannot be fully monitored.

"Well, I will rush over as soon as possible." Jingyu said so when leaving the classroom.

He believes that without explanation, Mugen will also send the approximate coordinates to his mobile phone. The key is how far the source of infection moved when he arrived at that coordinate.

To his surprise, Mu more smiled with pride, "Tiantong Civil Guard Society was the first to arrive." Then there was a complaint, "Well, this is also thanks to your 1 billion distribution. The way... Someone puts the treasure on you, so naturally they are willing to spend money."

Going down to the first floor, passing the shoe box, Jingyu understood what she meant. A helicopter is slowly landing on the playground in front of the school. The cabin door opened and jumped out of it was General Yi Xiong who was suppressed by Jingyu.

Strangely, instead of complaining about Jingyu, he waved him enthusiastically.

Are you saying hello?

Jingyu doesn't remember being so familiar with him. However, after hanging up, he walked over and logged into the cabin.

There is also a person in the cabin. Jingyu’s memory is extraordinary, and she will never forget it once she has seen it. It is the girl next to the general who was with light blond hair, and her cute face still lacks expression, wearing a plain white dress. The black trousers are exposed under the skirt, and there should be a pair of tights inside.

"Hello." Under the loud sound of the helicopter propeller, she greeted Jingyu with a calm voice.

Jingyu just nodded and sat opposite her.

Yi Xiong will close the cabin door and the helicopter will take off. Then, the big man didn't go back to the girl's side and sat down, but suddenly knelt down to Jingyu's feet in a Japanese-style courtship.

"What are you doing?" Jingyu wondered.

"I heard that you are a master of using the Epee. Please accept me as a disciple." General Yixiong said sincerely.

Humans will always attack the misfortunes of others. This is due to inferiority.

For the fiasco that day, General Yi Xiong was laughed at for two full days. It was only after the news that the 20 groups brought by my church were still defeated that it became a matter of course... he was finally relieved from the rumors.

The starter who partnered with him, now, looked at the girl who was kneeling down with the calm eyes that he had expected. She found a message from the Internet that the weapon used by Jingyu during the battle yesterday-the Epee and the Desert Eagle.

Not to mention the Eagle of the Desert, isn’t it a sign for General Yi Xiong? Hearing this, I also know how someone can use the Epee to make it so fascinating.

Anyway, the face has been lost, and the other party is indeed a master, and it is not as good as it is.

This is the kneeling of General Yi Xiong.

"Mr. Long, Mr. General is serious." The girl also helped to persuade at this time: "He has reached the limit of using the Epee, and he cannot improve again on his own... You let him see the hope of entering a higher ranking."

"You are so talkative, Xia Shi." The purpose and situation were revealed, and besides being embarrassed, General Yixiong blamed his partner rudely.

The girl was unmoved.

Jingyu glanced at her and asked, "Do you want him to become stronger?"

For a moment, doubts flashed in the girl's eyes. After tilting his little head, he nodded and said bluntly:

"In that case, it would be safer to fight together."

"Well." Jingyu made such a voice. Yi Xiong's face showed a happy look, but the girl knew that it didn't mean anything. Sure enough, Jingyu said plainly: "If you can use it for me... Although I will not accept you as a disciple, I can teach you some ways to exercise."



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