Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 69: Mission commission

The name of Tiantong Civil Guard Association was reported, and a civilian took two people to the elevator and went upstairs. At the door where the first meeting room was written, the clerical staff pushed the door open for the two of them... Mu even looked at Jingjingyu, and after he nodded, walked in half a step before him.

The conference room is so wide that people looking from one side to the other will feel that they cannot see their faces clearly. There is an oval conference table in the center, and many people have been sitting on both sides equally. From the appearance of their suits and the corresponding signs on the conference table, we can see that they must be figures like the presidents of various police companies.

Behind them, stood a group of civilian police with weapons.

After Jingyu and Mugen walked in, everyone looked at them together, creating an invisible pressure. The presidents are the identities of the above persons, while the police are strong.

However, some of the policemen quickly turned their heads away with an unsightly expression; others stared at Jingyu in annoyance... Obviously, they all suffered losses from Jingyu or were snatched away by Jingyu. Of the policemen were combined.

There are also a few, who do not know who Jingyu is. No, maybe it has something to do with Jingyu and Mugen's dress now? Both of them came out of their respective schools, and came directly here, still wearing student uniforms.

This will inevitably make the ignorant underestimate them.

"Hey hello, when did the police become a kid's game?" A 190-centimeter-high man with a skull-printed facial tissue, muscularly like a bodybuilder, walked out of the station. With an uncomfortable look, he glared at Mugen and Jingyu. "Hurry up."

The policemen who knew Jingyu looked at each other, glanced at each other, or shook their heads, or showed an expression of gloating.

"Mr. General..." The originator of the skull mask was a girl with a lack of expression on her face. She calmly looked at everyone's reaction in her eyes, and was really uneasy, just like shouting the skull scarf reminderly.

But, "Shut up!" The skull scarf didn't appreciate it.

Mu squeezed her lips even more. What I was about to say, I only felt that there was a black shadow shaking in the afterglow of my eyes, Jingyu was already standing in front of me.

She opened her mouth. With her responsiveness, most people in the room can't see anything if they only see that level. Jingyu is quite serious this time. Therefore, Mu Geng was a little worried that he was too chaotic. But at the same time, the curvature of her lips rose slightly, satisfied with his love.

"..." Skull face towel was only a moment of distraction, and felt the crisis of bashing. He almost instinctively raised his right hand and quickly grabbed the black giant sword behind him... He grabbed an empty space and felt a little lighter.

The Great Sword is gone? After reacting to this, he thought that someone had stood behind him and turned back quickly.

There is no one. He only saw the people in this direction, staring at him behind his face with a frightened expression.

"Hey..." the boy's voice said, "I thought it was Sima Heavy Industry's Epee product, it wasn't."

The skull scarf turned back stiffly with an incredible expression, and his eyes widened suddenly in horror. The young man who had just stood in front of him with a black giant sword in his hand was not his, but who would it be?

But how could he take it? That sword is so heavy that you have to take it off his back... you have to get to his back first; you have to be able to extract it from the taller one, with a length of 1.5 meters... this is not a small one It can be done in one second.

But the boy did just that, and at a speed he couldn't respond.

monster! The opponent must be as strong as a monster.

The forehead of the skull scarf left cold sweat.

Jingyu's eyelids flipped and gave him a casual look. Lifting the black sword upside down and handing it to him, Wen Sheng urged:

"You must watch your weapon tightly, otherwise you will not know how to die."

The skull scarf received the sword. However, it was already like frosting eggplant. Jingyu turned around and blinked at Mu even more, making a gentleman's request.

"President, please be seated."

Mu lifted his chest even more, and with a reserved smile on his lips, he walked toward the center seat. Jingyu opened the seat for her, and when she sat down, she stood at the corresponding position behind her.

There was a little chat in the room before the two of them came in. Now, it has long been silent. Even the gray-haired old man in military uniform pushed the door from the other end and was surprised.

He stood at the top of the conference table, glanced back and forth, and said: "The person who intends to accept the commission stays, and after listening to the commission, he will not be allowed to refuse."

The room was very quiet, no one moved.

After waiting for a while, the gray-haired old man said, "Okay, treat everyone as accepting the commission." He turned to face the wall with the huge screen behind his back. "Now, start commissioning instructions." He saluted respectfully.

The bowing movement surprised everyone. When I was thinking, ‘what kind of person is it, can this official be like this’, a beep sounded and the screen jumped out of the screen. Everyone was surprised to see the beautiful girl wearing a white dress similar to a wedding dress. Including Mu Geng, the sitting presidents all stood up together.

Someone shouted, "Master Sheng Tianzi, and Tian Tong Assistant Officer."

Yes, Sheng Tianzi sits on the luxurious throne, and Ju Zhicheng, who is wearing a Japanese skirt, stands behind her.

Juzhi Cheng looked at Mu Geng and Jingyu through the screen, and did not move like a wooden man. Mu even gritted his teeth, reluctantly setting his eyes on Sheng Tianzi's body.

Jingyu always looked at Sheng Tianzi. I don’t know if it’s an illusion. He thought that the girl looked at him first.

"Everyone, Gui'an." Sheng Tianzi's voice can sweeten people's hearts. However, realizing that the task she personally entrusted to her must be even more difficult, and while everyone was nervous, she had no intention of paying attention to her beauty.

"There are two commissions. One is to eliminate the source of infection that caused the infected person yesterday, and the other is to retrieve the box swallowed by the source of infection... that's all."

With her concise words, an aluminum alloy square metal box appeared on the screen, and the amount of remuneration-that is enough to startle astronomical figures.

‘Billion? 'Jingyu was also a little surprised. The gastrointestinal animals he and Yanzhu knocked down a year were enough to make them rise from 240,000 to thousands. Even so, the money earned is more than 50 million. Now, for a gastrointestinal animal with a maximum of four stages, such a reward is promised... Jingyu feels that this Sheng Tianzi will not do anything.

Letting people know that boxes are important and letting people know that boxes are dangerous are two very different concepts. Moreover, excessive amounts of money will also spawn the evil track of ‘in order to **** credit for killing colleagues’.

Jingyu just thought of this, and felt that many people's eyes were alertly staring at himself...he couldn't laugh or cry.

‘What, do you think I will be the worst one? ’

This is the case with the civilian police, and the presidents are asking Saint Tianzi about matters related to the mission. Among them was Mu Geng. After receiving the answer from Holy Son, she said:

"I am Tian Tong Mugen, the president of the Tiantong Civil Security Association. Yesterday, the infected person was knocked down by my member Long Jingyu and his initiator. Before that, they met a very dangerous masker... Even if it was a shot in the head, it still escaped. So, I would like to ask whether it is related to this masked person that you set such a high salary."

Sheng Tianzi hesitated, "I also learned about the report from the police. The result of the inquiry is that the other party's IP ranking is being deprived. Before being deprived, it was...134 places..."

She had just said this and immediately let most of the people present take a breath. The point of accepting the mission has become shaken. Some people even think that on the surface they can't refuse, but they can passively slack off.

Mu even couldn't help looking at Jingyu. He was still indifferent, calming her down.



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