Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 68: Say like

Violet woke up again when she slept again until noon. When I got out of bed, I felt abdominal pain. I thought, what should take a good rest, if he pity her, he should be more gentle.

When he left the room, he went to the bathroom first, washing away what he left in her body. Thinking that it would be better not to get pregnant, she put on clean clothes, wiped her dark purple long curly hair, and came to the restaurant.

Sixteen nights really prepared food for her. But why is it red bean rice?

She stared at the smiling girl with tears and laughs, "He is doing the blame, you don't need to follow along with it."

Although I didn't really like the moral of this kind of food, after taking a bite, I felt that it tasted good, so I continued to eat it.

"Doctor, this is not what my brother told me to do. I want to do it myself." The maid costume still wearing a blue skirt and white apron, lifted the tray up at sixteen nights, covering his small face on the lower half: "I think, doctor I am very happy to be able to combine with my brother."

A faint blush appeared on Violet's face, "It's only once, to the extent that it was bitten by a mosquito... It's not a combination, and I didn't think about combining with him."

Sixteen nights laughed.

Violet knew that that must mean: With the first time, there must be a second time, or even more. And after more times, it is not she can deny.

She put down her chopsticks angrily, "I'm going to the laboratory, don't bother me." She stood up from the table at once.

She forgot that he had just been tossed about last night. A pain in her abdomen caused her to stagger and sit back.

"Damn bastard!" Under the strange eyes of Sixteen Nights, she cursed embarrassingly at the guy who was comfortable with her but made her now terribly painful.


Goutian High School Student Union——

After Jingyu lifted the lid, the heart-shaped pattern in the center of the rice also appeared in the unwoven eyes. She covered her lower half of her face with a black iron fan, so as not to visibly sour:

"Hey... finally, did even the widowed mother participate in it? Mother and daughter Hua, Huh, Mu Geng used such a method, it was really cunning."

Jingyu couldn't help crying, "What's in your little head? This was made for me in sixteen nights."

Unwoven blinked his **** eyes twice, his cheeks turned red.

"Cough, Zan, Zan means..."

Just when she didn't know what to continue, with a bang, the sliding door of the student union room was violently opened. Standing at the door is a girl in a black sailor suit from a foreign school... Wood has darker, straight and long hair, which is more delicate and white. With the eyes of scrutiny, she looked back and forth at Jingyu and Unwoven for several times, and finally the focus of her sight was on Jingyu's bento box.

Then, the corner of the lips twitched a few times, and scolded severely: "Unwoven, even using such a shameless lunch to seduce my members, you dirty slut!"

Jingyu stroked his forehead.

As soon as the unwoven eyeball turned, it was already known that Mu even pulled away without knocking on the door, in order to determine if the two were alone together. So she smiled like a little fox:

"Yeah, how about that? You came late, Jingyu accepted us."

With that in mind, she also pretended to be a pink kimono.

Mu Geng was hit immediately, turning her head blankly to look at Jingyu.

"You, you really..."

"Don't believe it so easily." Jingyu Bai glanced at her, and then stared at the unwoven. The latter spit out her small tongue.

"Huh, who made her want to misunderstand herself."

‘You are not the same. "Jingyu vomited her in the bottom of his heart, "Mugu, what are you doing with me?"

The dialogue between the two made Lin understand the truth better. She snorted at Weiwei and gave him a fierce look that he said, "I will definitely repay it in the future." Unwoven then responded ‘who is afraid of who’ without showing any weakness.

The two girls stared at each other, or Jingyu coughed again, before Mu Geng turned her gaze. But she still did not speak immediately, but stared at Jingyu's bento said: "Then, that is..."

"I did it at sixteen nights."

This answer made Mu Geng's expression more complicated. She ‘oh’ unexplained.

"You have no time to eat, go to the Ministry of Defense first with me."

The Ministry of Defense, which is the agency in charge of Japan's national defense, looked at Mugen with surprise, unwoven who understood this. She obviously didn't understand what such an organization would do to find a small club like them.

Mu even raised her chin at the unwoven, and didn't mean anything to tell her. She walked to Jingyu, took Jingyu's hand and walked out, and whispered: "Hurry up, how bad it is to be late... When it's over, let's eat together."

‘This girl, don’t you want me to eat a heart-shaped bento for sixteen nights? "Jingyu immediately touched Mu Geng's mind thoroughly, and thought that it was almost time to set her center.

When the two of them walked out of the student union office, Mu more deliberately weakened the performance of unwoven. She wanted to let go of Jingyu's hand, but she was clenched by Jingyu instead.

Feeling this, she blushed.

"Jing, Jingyu... Everyone is watching." She is a school uniform of a foreign school and a famous young lady school like Meihe Girls' School. The students in the hallway will stop in surprise when they see it, and gradually There is still some discussion.

Most of them admired Mugen's beauty and envy of her elder lady. Another part is envious of her relationship with Jingyu.

"Then let them see it." Jingyu took her overbearingly, "Straighten your chest, you are the type to take out."

‘Bring it out? "Mu Gan stared blankly at his back, "Is this simply a compliment, or..."

The two went downstairs all the way, Jingyu put a black helmet on her head. He got on the motorcycle and waited for her to sit sideways behind him and grabbed the clothes on both sides of his waist before driving the motorcycle out.

On the way, "Jingyu, what did that mean..." Because he couldn't see her expression, she thought he didn't know how red her face was, and it sounded like a gnat.

Jingyu didn't answer. He let go of a hand holding the front of the car, took Mugen's hand, and suddenly pulled her all over her body...with the chest of the F+cup, he was deformed under pressure by his force. .

After Mu was even more surprised, the whole person froze, almost ashamed.

"Jing, Jingyu, you, what are you doing... what?" she panicked. He wanted to withdraw, but Jingyu held her back.

"Sure enough, this is more comfortable." Jingyu smiled heartily, not at all like doing indecent things to familiar girls, making Mu even angry with him, and I don't know how to blame.

"You should adapt." Jingyu said to her: "I will often do it to you in the future because you are my woman."

"Hey..." Mu was more shocked. When she noticed it, tears had already come out of her eyes.

She thumped his back with the other hand, "Cunning, too cunning, Jingyu is always like this, regardless of whether others agree or not..." Then, she also reached forward and shook hands with the other hand, "Say early to others, villains."

"Say earlier, I want to touch..."

"Hate." She wriggled non-compliance, "say you like people."


The motorcycle came to the parking lot where the Ministry of Defense is located. After taking off the helmet, Mu came to the front of the car and used the rear-view mirror to sort out his appearance. Seeing Jingyu looking at her, she blushed.

"Go in. After you go in, you are not allowed to do bad things to others..."

Jingyu walked her black hair pityfully, "That is, of course, your shyness, just belongs to me."

Mu Geng's purple eyes are more hazy. She quickly adjusted her emotions, thinking that he too would earn the girl's tears, and walked towards the building with the gun guard. After a few steps, she looked back at Jingyu.

"What's wrong with you? Come here quickly." He smiled softly.

"Observe the order, President Tiantong." Jingyu salutes in a military manner.



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