Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 65: Noisy club

Jingyu and Yanzhu easily knocked down the gastrointestinal animals transformed by the infected person, and when they returned to the "Tiantong Civil Guard Association", Mu Gan was talking to someone on the phone.

"Yes... I know, I will definitely warn them... Hey? Withdraw? Wait, wait a minute..."

She looked up dumbly and looked at Jingyu and Yanzhu who were preparing to sit on the sofa and enjoy the fragrant tea served by the trainer.

"Hang up," she murmured. After putting down the phone, he still squeezed the arm of the microphone, shaking slightly with force. Then, he suddenly raised his head, swaying his straight black hair, and said to Jingyu and Yanzhu in an angry voice, "You, you two..."

Yan Zhu glanced at her, "Look at your appearance, do you want to teach the concubine again? Can you change something?"

"Are you supposed to change some tricks? Don't you provoke it every time, and I will be asked by the client to say "Do you still want to commission"?" Mugen supported his hands on the table. The heavy movement caused the chest wrapped under the black sailor suit to swing twice.

"Pattern?" Yan Zhu tilted her head cutely and snickered: "Do you really want the concubine to make a pattern?"

"I..." Mu stroked his forehead weakly, groaning with a headache, without a word, he snorted violently and sat on the sofa chair. But her expression was still bulging, and she raised her arms and twisted her face to the side.


Jingyu called her. Just when Mu Gan thought, ‘if he apologizes, forgive him’

"The club's management policy will be adjusted from today. It is no longer how the client picks us, but we choose the client." Jingyu said with pride: "Dare to pick the guy, warn them, and don't pick them up next time. Mission."

Mu turned back dumbfounded. Seeing Jingyu's face was very serious, she burst into tears: "How can this be?"

"I've made up my mind." The dark-haired boy looked beyond doubt.

His overbearing force could not help letting Mu Geng's momentum weaken. Even the cheeks are slightly pink.

‘Cunning, it will look like this to others. It’s clear that others are the president. ’

No matter how whispered in her heart, the accelerated heartbeat made her understand what she was feeling about him.

clatter! There was a crisp sound on the table in front of him, and Mu more looked up, and saw the smile encouraged by his mother.

"Woo..." Mu more quickly dodged his gaze, and his cheeks were redder.

Xun Zi said nothing. After putting down a cup of tea, he happily took the tray to his accounting seat. She didn't know what to type on the keyboard, and then said to Mu Geng, who took a sip of the teacup covertly:

"What should have been issued, in terms of the amount, is only the remuneration of the infected person. But what about the source of the infection?"

She looked at Jingyu and Yanzhu, "I didn't hear you say it was overthrown."

If this combination will let go of gastrointestinal animals, Xun Zi can't believe it. Over the course of the year, she witnessed them bit by bit, from 240,000 to a thousand... The ease and comfort were not like crusting against gastrointestinal animals, but like games.

"We didn't meet." Jingyu said straight.

He narrowed his eyes and touched his chin. "However, judging from the performance of the masked man, he seems to be chasing the source of infection earlier than us, and he wants to dominate the gastrointestinal animal alone."

"Could it be because of this that you attacked him?" Mu Geng asked in surprise: "Are you sure, he wants to dominate?"

Jingyu looked at her sitting in the position of the president from the reception sofa.

"All the time, you are still in the Tokyo area, have you heard of anyone else robbing prey like me and Yanzhu? Besides, even if we rob, we only solve the gastrointestinal animals faster than others, and never Attacked the police. But the man released murderous spirit to Yanzhu."

"Yes, Jingyu was right, and the concubine felt it." Yan Zhu quickly nodded in agreement.

"Such..." Mu realized the seriousness of the problem and muttered to himself, "I didn't expect him to be dispatched." Jingyu and Yanzhu looked at each other and blinked their big eyes.

"Mukeng, who are you talking about?" Jingyu asked.

"It's the strongest person in the Tokyo area." Mu more looked at Jingyu with strange eyes. "I often go to Sima Heavy Industry, don't you not know? The person who left the strongest record is a mask. Yeah."

"Uh..." Jingyu coughed, "Not him."

"How do you know?" Mu even asked.

"Unwoven has described it to me... the strongest." Jingyu grinned in his heart. "The two are different."

"Nah...Nah," Yan Zhu interjected at this time: "Jingyu, the strongest person, is it stronger than you?"

After this question was asked, Mu was even more awkward; the trainer behind Jingyu also stared at his back...the mother and daughter were thinking about the same thing: it was really hard to imagine, Jingyu is not as good as others.

‘It’s a difficult question to answer. In terms of force, Jingyu has no experience of confessing to anyone, nor is he willing to add such experience to himself. After thinking for a while, I stood up, "Muguin, look at the police network, does anyone talk about the source of the infection...I care a little." So the topic changed.

"Ah... um, okay." Mu Geng always felt that his performance was a little different, but could not tell what was wrong. So, temporarily get rid of the extraneous thoughts in my heart, let myself go back to the business, search the computer on the desk of the president.

After a while, she shook her head, "There is no news of the overthrow, the strange thing is... there is no eyewitness information. It's like it disappeared out of thin air after an attack."

But this is obviously impossible. The gastrointestinal animal has an inexplicable obsession with humans. Or injecting body fluids into the human body, or devouring humans... Otherwise, why would they risk a rare opportunity to enter this area protected by giant stone monuments?

Yes, the probability that the gastrointestinal animal can form a "enchantment" through a giant stone monument is less than 1%.

"If you don't see the intelligence, it's a bit incredible." Jingyu said.

In the Tokyo area, there are monitoring devices all over the streets. Coupled with people walking around and people looking out of the window, they formed a three-dimensional surveillance network. If a person can hide it, it is because everyone is a human... The gastrointestinal animal is too weird and terrifying, and it is impossible to deceive people who saw it at a glance.

"Which kind of spider did the infected person turn into? You were at the scene, should you have seen it?" Mu asked more.

The gastrointestinal animal that has just been transformed by humans is the first stage-this is often the basic DNA of the gastrointestinal animal infected with it. By knowing its type, it can judge the gastrointestinal animal's ability and action mode to a certain extent.

"Uh..." Jingyu froze for a while, "is that kind? Colorful... Forget it, I'm going to look for Viola. The corpses of gastrointestinal animals should have been delivered to her."

Mu even snickered with his lips covered and quipped, "Do you want me to buy you a book about biology?"

"It's okay if you take a look at yourself. Next time I will ask you." Jingyu directly kicked the'skin ball' to her.

"Uh..." Mu even grinned, "How can you be like this? People are the president."

The conversation between the two people has a good feeling. Yanzhu looked at him eagerly, and smelt of vinegar, and immediately jumped up and pointed at Mugen:

"Do not seduce him with a chest!"



When Jingyu walked out of the office, the girls almost repeated the quarrel and started.

‘Really, it’s not too tiring. ’

In other words, he never stopped it.



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