Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 64: Short confrontation

The mask man can be sure that he has absolutely no slack vigilance. But it was in this situation that the opponent was able to cut in silently from the dead corner he had not noticed.

Is a master of assassination! Such a person can never be soft.

This judgment was made in an instant, and the shadow of death seemed to have enveloped him. However, those dark golden eyes behind the mask clearly showed a glow of excitement.

Humph Humph... with a oozing laughter, no one knows the bottom of his heart because of this horror ‘Halaliyah’.

"Wait, wait a minute!" The person who yelled out the voice was Tata Island. Standing on the side of Yanzhu, he finally reacted at this moment, and cautiously said to Jingyu: "The other party is not a gastrointestinal animal, it is not your attack range, don't mess up."

Faced with a bare-handed person, even if the other party is most likely a criminal, the police will not shoot first.

What's more, they won't sit back and watch. Other people will be in front of them and will enforce the law for them.

But Tadojima, who had known Jingyu for a long time, could understand that Jingyu would do so because of the extremely dangerous nature of the other party... He would yell out and tell Jingyu that he would choose the side that was beneficial to him. It can eliminate the criminal, and does not make his behavior into a criminal party.

The only thing he was worried about was Jingyu's carelessness... This was when Jingyu first met when he was six years old.

As soon as he was reminded, Yanzhu, who was equally worried, "Jingyu."

The mask man's pupils contracted. From his perspective, Jingyu cannot be seen. However, the name undoubtedly let him know who it was. Even if he is arrogant and arrogant, he will not think that he can still make a big fuss and retreat when the opponent and the starter of the opponent are present at the same time.

"Don't get me wrong," he said with a smoother tone: "I just want to help my hat. And, now that the source of the infection appears, don't deal with it okay?"

The source of infection is judged as a deep infection from the amount of bleeding, and it will become a gastrointestinal animal in a short time. Once let him walk into the crowd, it will lead to a horrible situation called the "extinction"... The gastrointestinal animals attack humans, not mainly for eating, but also to inject body fluids into the human body and make them a member of the gastrointestinal animals .

This is also a reason why humans are afraid of gastrointestinal animals. After being transformed into a gastrointestinal animal, perhaps the soul will be trapped in that sinful body forever, and there will be no salvation... There is a seemingly nonsense saying in the folk.

The police headed by Tata Island finally remembered this matter... The two policemen behind the mask man shouted "Police Department", and Tata Island shouted to Yoshikawa beside him:

"Immediately block the surrounding area, and dispatch police to search as much as possible."

The young black suit policeman was already running towards the outside.

Yanzhu also yelled'Jingyu' again and asked him, "What shall we do?"

The mask man said that, undoubtedly to shake everyone here. But Jingyu's gun didn't even tremble, so he surprised him in the bottom of his heart and couldn't help but admire him. Then his hand suddenly touched his arms.

Jingyu shot. However, the bullet was blocked by the bluish-white light curtain that suddenly appeared outside the mask's body. It's like hitting a bullet-like interface, the bullet's trajectory changes, and finally hits the wall on the left side of the mask man.

"Oh? Section 16's stuff..." Jingyu said a little unexpectedly.

He had fought side by side with the 787 troops, and naturally saw many Section 16 tactics.

But it is obvious that those light curtains without this mask have high intensity. It seems that in these years, the genius that even Muroto is jealous, Grunewald, has strengthened his mechanical reformers a lot. He tried another shot, the light curtain still did not disappear. He judged in his heart, ‘even the duration. ’

As he planned to continue shooting to see how long the light curtain could hold, the mask man pulled out a modified pistol with a dagger. The two stood very close together, and Jingyu's muzzle almost reached the mask man's head. As the mask man stretched his arm, the gun approached his nose.

The light curtain was revoked, and the "Checkmate!" mask was proud. After shooting at Jingyu, and when the pistol was leaning back, he shot at Jingyu.

Time seemed to be slowed down indefinitely, Jingyu glanced at the bullet ejected from the opponent's muzzle. He maintained the posture of pointing the mask man with a gun, like the hands of a clock, and the whole suddenly shifted ‘one square’ towards the right.

Boom, shot again! The bullet hit the masker's white mask, knocking him back in the head.

‘Ahhhh? ‘The mask man was hit by bullets, and he only had doubts when his head was in pain and dizziness. ‘Isn’t I supposed to hit him? In the slow process of falling to the ground, he looked at Jingyu as calmly as possible.

‘It’s really strong. One side of my heart was so sighed, so intensely crazy, that he was once again driving the machinery in his body. A bluish-white light curtain appeared, helping him resist several bullets under Jingyu.

The mask man finally fell on the floor. He pressed his hand against the floor, the red shock wave spread from the palm of his hand, the floor shattered, and the mask man dropped the next floor together with the gravel. Immediately afterwards, he fired a shot, probably hitting something like a gas tank, causing an explosion.

The flame of the enclosed space even rushed up from the hole in the floor. Jingyu, Yanzhu, and the police all took a few steps back.

After the flames disappeared, several people looked down and saw a series of holes, obviously caused by the mask people.

Tadojima looked at Jingyu and said in a frenzy: "As a result, what the **** are you fighting him for? Did you destroy this place like this?" He felt that he was a little bad to explain to the residents.

"You should thank me for being here, otherwise you will die." Jingyu shrugged. "Yanzhu, let's chase the infected." He gestured to Yanzhu and came to the balcony. Yan Zhu embraced his waist and took him from the fourth floor.

When Tadojima looked down, the two had ran along the blood stains.

"Really..." he mumbled.

A police officer wearing a police uniform at this time asked: "Police Department, is that the case? When asked, how did the report be written? Could it be said that the two policemen looked at each other and had a fight, Then broke this place?"

With his eyes, he could only see that Jingyu threatened each other and then shot each other.

Tadajima glanced at him, which made the police officer evasively look away.

"The kid's words are still credible. Moreover, the masked guys also make people feel uncomfortable. How to write the report? To be honest, the other party is a doubtful and dangerous person. Let the top send someone to investigate... …When there are such policemen in the Tokyo area?"

He frowned and paused. "However, it can't help the boy's unscrupulous practices." He touched his unshaven chin with his hand and thought about it.

On Jingyu’s side, “Have you really taught all the steps to avoid bullets to the concubine? Why hasn’t the concubine seen the one you just used? It’s like moving in space, not even the concubine. How did you do it?" Yan Zhu stared at Jingyu's face in doubt.

"Uh..." Unhappy with being pointed at by a gun, and showing a little bit higher than Yanzhu's strength, was discovered by this girl. Jingyu perfunctoryly said: "It may be the light at that time, let you see it wrong...I just used a "wrong step"."

(Sorry, these two days, the protagonist's strength is a bit difficult to grasp, and it is even slower.)



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