Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 51: Tiantong Civil Guard Company

Following the girl in front of you, walking in a slightly old and remote neighborhood, you can see various nightclubs and bars from time to time... Jingyu has some doubts that people who enter here for the first time will be scared by this atmosphere. .

"Mu Geng, is it necessary to set up the company, especially in this kind of... less serious place?"

Especially Mu Geng himself is already a 15-year-old girl. From puberty to now, she looks more and more beautiful. Coupled with the E-cup that clearly surpassed the girls of the same age, and the delicate creamy skin like white porcelain... so gorgeous, how to look, it is not in harmony with here.

Mu Geng's body paused, and after turning his head, his eyes dodged slightly.

"No, it doesn't matter. The company operates mainly during the day, and at night, after the nightclubs and bars start business, we are off work... there will be no impact."

What she said makes sense. What's more, the main task of the civilian police is to kill gastroent animals that have broken into the area. The government's monitoring agency will not send personnel to notify the gastrointestinal animal when it is found. Instead, directly tell the nearest police company to execute it by phone.

That is to say, there are not many guests who come to talk with them.

However, Jingyu still stared suspiciously at her face, "I'll give you the money, shouldn't you stay a while?"

"Woo..." Mu Geng's expression shaken by what he said. However, she quickly grunted her pink lips~ petals, unwilling to say: "Then, the money was never obtained from that woman, I don't want to use it."

Then he turned his head and shook his straight black hair, striding forward.

Jingyu stroked her forehead helplessly. How could he make her understand that the money he earned was already his, and who got it from him had nothing to do with it?

He knew how much the disgust between the girls could be covered.

After catching up again, "So, where did you raise the money from again?" Jingyu asked curiously.

"This, don't have to ask." Mu Geng stopped in front of a four-story dilapidated building, gestured upward, and emphasized: "Today is the day when the company is officially established, don't mention those who will let Someone is unhappy."

‘What the **** makes you unhappy. 'Always feel very concerned, Jingyu decided to investigate later.

He raised his head and saw a sign erected on the third floor of the building with the words "Tiantong Civil Guard Company" written on it.

This is really very visual, reminding him of the establishment of the'Maori Detective Office'.

‘It’s another small company that has something to do with me, starting from scratch. 'He missed his eyes.

He didn't hear Jingyu's evaluation. From his expression, Mu even couldn't see his reaction. After hesitating, he looked at him with his hands folded and said anxiously: "I...I know, I am wronged by your name. But, I will... give you back in the future."

In the last few words, the volume is not known why it is particularly low. Moreover, her face was also red.

With such performance, Jingyu sees a wave in his heart. I know that although her body looks charming, in fact, her temperament is very conservative and shy. "Don't you take me to take a look?" He took the initiative to ease this ambiguity for her.

Mu even raised his head and smiled happily with satisfaction.

The two went up to the third floor, and Mu Gan opened the door. After entering, Jingyu can also smell the faint smell of paint that has just been renovated.

Mu even covered a floor, but now only this office is used. It is arranged very similar to many small Japanese firms. In the window position is the president's desk and sofa chair. In the center of the room are two long sofas facing each other and a coffee table for guests. To the right of the door, there is a water dispenser and an information cabinet. That’s all.

Mu even glanced at Jingyu secretly, walked silently to the president's desk, and sat down.

Seeing that Jingyu didn't respond, her little hand clenched into a fist, and coughed into the cough artificially, and gave him another look.

Jingyu shook his head and smiled, pretending to say: "President Mu Geng, do you have any orders?"

"Hum..." Mu more arrogant ~ smiled proudly, pointed his finger at him, "Dragon member, now go to bring your starter back, and then start the formal work."

After talking, she covered her mouth and laughed. After Jingyu walked in, she asked:

"I just behaved just fine? Does it look like the president?"

"What does it look like? It's not interesting to imitate others. You can start your own company and be the president you want to be." Jingyu encouraged her.

"Huh." Mu nodded in agreement, and a compelling expression immediately appeared on his face, and said to himself: ``Look, I will definitely make the company bigger... The unwoven woman is nothing remarkable. ’

Jingyu did not know that she was thinking about this, "Then I will go to IISO now and start the registration of the initiator... The task can be started at any time. Don’t forget, I am a person and can knock down gastrointestinal animals."

"Even so, I still hope that you can fight with the starter, which is safer," Mu said more seriously.

She looked at Jingyu and waved her hands wisely to say goodbye, and couldn't help shouting, "Yes, who is the initiator you decided on?"

She originally thought that Jingyu would choose Sixteen Nights as a partner. I recently asked for sixteen nights, only to realize that it was not.

"A girl in an orphanage, rabbit-shaped intestinal factor." Jingyu didn't look back. "The name is Long Yanzhu."

The so-called orphanage was established by Jingyu at that time using the heir's letter of appointment. It is used to take care of red-eyed babies among parents who are unwilling to raise and war orphans

It was originally funded by the government. Unfortunately, later, because of the breakthrough in the research of Jingyu and Violet, the first type of inhibitor was completed. After it is put into use, the eyes of red-eyed babies will fade ~ go red. As long as no easy-to-use ability is used in the future, there will be no risk of erosion.

In this way, the agreement signed before that prohibits the militaryization of the'cursed child' is counted. It is equivalent to most of the grown-up "children of curse", which will be no different from ordinary human girls.

The government began to show that it was reluctant to continue to assume the obligation to raise them. For the orphanage's various expenses, such as the food distribution, pocket money, education and other aspects of the orphans, it is required to be consistent with the ordinary orphanages.

Ordinary orphanages have social donations, but the orphanages of the cursed children do not. If this happens, the cursed children in these orphanages will not only fail to receive a good education, but will also have a hard life.

Jingyu had expected this. Therefore, he participated in the Second Kanto War. Earlier, Sima Heavy Industries, which had signed an agreement with himself, began to accumulate funds. Then, at the same time the medicines were distributed, these orphanages were acquired.

It can be said that the money he earned is basically spent in these orphanages.

This is another reason why Mu Geng doesn't want to take money from him. She didn't want to make herself a burden for him.

As for the orphans' surnamed Long, they naturally chose his surname.



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