Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 50: Become Mu Geng's spiritual pillar

After closing the door, Jingyu came to Mugen's bed and sat down. Pulling her over and embracing her in his arms... If he did this in the usual time, he would be pushed away more shyly by the wood and blushingly said that he was indecent.

But now, she has no resistance.

"Have you been hit?" he asked softly while touching her back gently.

Mu didn't answer, but the tears wet his chest.

"Mukeng, as far as I know, is an amazing girl." He said on his own. "When Dad was not at home, her mother was badly told by someone else. She was obviously too young to stand up and protect her mother. No matter who the opponent is, no bullying of her beloved mother is allowed."

Mu's big closed eyes opened.

"Now, it's still Dad's absence. Mu Gan is going to be decadent. Will the helpless mother lose her lover and lose her most precious daughter?" Jingyu began to question her, "Now Mu Gan, tell me, you Are you going to treat your mother like this?"

Mugen's head shook violently. When he stopped, he stared at Jingyu's eyes, completely confused as to how he was going.

Jingyu raised her hand, wiped the tears on her cheeks for her, and encouraged with a smile: "What you need now is to be your former self, so that the desire of those who want to laugh at you is defeated. Then, compared to them Growing up in an excellent posture. It’s not too late to judge what to do when you grow up."

He pulled one of Mugen's hands up and hooked her with her little finger.

"And I will always be with Mugen. No matter what Muguang wants to do, I will be her supporter."

Mu Geng's tears shed again. However, the eyes gathered in the eye socket.

"Agree?" she asked expectantly.

"Agree." Jingyu answered firmly.

When Jingyu walked out of Mugen's room, fifteen minutes had passed. Under his appeasement, Mu Geng finally fell asleep.

Outside the door, Xun Zi is here, and the sixteen nights in her arms are dozed off. Want to come is waiting for Jingyu, and work hard to support.

Jingyu brought back Sixteen Nights, "Sleep, baby." He patted her back gently and nodded to the trainer who looked at him. "It's okay, wait for her to wake up and do some softness." ~Soft food, let her stomach adjust to it first."

Xun Zi covered his lips with one hand and seemed to cry with a smile. The other hand holding Jingyu, thank you, talking non-stop.

Around the time Jingyu sent the 16th night back to his room and entered the bath room to bathe, not far from this apartment building, the window of a car slowly shook up.

Inside the car was originally the housekeeper of Tiantong's house, and Ziyuan Xianyi of the pineapple head was very well dressed.

‘Originally, I wanted to wait until Tian Tongmu’s girl was weak and sent to the hospital. Then, I sent someone to pretend to be the soul of her father's grievances, and plant the seeds of hatred for her. Fortunately, through her, the Tiantong family was ruined... Alas, the timing of his return is too far... is it better to be a human being after all? ’

He was silent for a while. When the driver drove, he thought to himself:'No, it's not over yet, Tian Tongmu will always know the truth...No, I will let her know the truth, hum... '

He laughed smugly. In his view, even Jingyu would not dare to tell her that his father was killed in such a fragile period.


When Mu more woke up, the sky was not yet bright. She wanted to lie down for a while, but there was a faint light in the crack of the door on the floor.

Who will not have a rest at this time? Or did you forget to turn off the lights?

Somehow, Mu Guan finally decided to go out and see.

The light source has two directions, living room and kitchen with frosted glass door opposite. The kitchen door was not closed tightly, and Mu looked quietly into it. Except for what is on the stove, it's nobody. But she already had a guess in her mind, and she took a light step and walked to the living room.

Mother was sitting on the sofa, napping on the armrest with elbow.

Mu knew more. She remembered Jingyu's words again, and the thought of rejuvenating was never more intense in her heart.

When Jingyu walked out of the room the next day, she saw a bright girl who could smile. Although, he could still see some disguised elements from her expression. It doesn't matter, with him here, time will be a good adjuvant.

Before that, I thought about it for a night. In order to prevent similar accidents that were not present, Jingyu decided to tell Mugen all he knew about the whole thing of Mugen’s father’s death.

He picked the time in the day when Xunzi went out to buy things, and planned to tell. but--

"Jingyu, I want to ask you something." Mu even asked him first.

The two sat on a couch in the living room. One foot apart, and leaning forward to face each other, Jingyu motioned to her to continue.

"Did you really happen to go back that day?" she asked suspiciously: "I think about it now, I always feel appear later, and my mother and I will definitely be killed."

Before answering, Jingyu observed her body by listening to the sound of all things. Sometimes the expression can be deceiving, but some heartbeats, muscle changes, but will be sold.

Fortunately, Mu Geng's current state is within his acceptable range.

"I went to the party with me that day, and your three stupid brothers wanted to hit me for some reason. Just said to me,'I might never see you again'. So, I told them Made a forced confession... and learned that someone wanted to harm you."

"Who is it?" Mugen asked with a bite. Obviously he is still very young, and the expression on his face has become severe. It's probably because of her diligent practice of kendo in the past three years.

"One of them is Tiantong and Guang... Juzhicheng acquiesced." Jingyu's eyes narrowed. "As for who else, I haven't investigated it. Because I think it will be done by yourself."

Mu Geng's fists were pinched tightly, and his pupils contracted because of the name Jingyu mentioned. Soon, her fist was released, and she covered her face with both hands.

"I knew... I actually guessed it, but I couldn't believe it."

She cried with tears, "Why? Obviously they are relatives, they are going to harm their father and harm us?"

At nine years old, even with elite education, she can understand what many things represent. However, after all, it is not an age that can be easily accepted. But this is what she must accept and must cross.

"Mu Geng, only powerless people will ask "why" without knowing what to do. Jingyu rubbed her head and said positively, "Tell me, are you a powerless person?" "

Mugen's cry stopped. It took another few seconds before putting down his hands and nodding weakly.

Yes, she knew she was very weak, even if she practiced kendo and was often praised by the master. For example, she now has no idea what she can do.

It’s not that I didn’t think of ‘revenge’. However, as soon as this thought started, she would quickly get rid of it. Because she did not know how ugly and distorted her heart would be for her relatives.

Like that, will Jingyu look at her right now? Will you still support her?

Unconsciously, one of her hands held the other hand... the little finger of this hand was the one that had been agreed with Jingyu.

At this time, Jingyu lifted up his hand that hooked the little finger with Mu more. Give her a small instruction--

"If you are powerless, find someone to rely on and you can still do it."

Mu was more stunned and finally relieved.



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