Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 44: Spokesperson

In the direction leading to the gathering of gastrointestinal animals, the Defensive Barracks of the Self-Defense Forces were set up in the depth near the giant stone monument.

On this day, a black Mercedes was in front, and a small truck was in the back. He stopped at a distance of ten meters from the first barricade of the military camp.

The soldiers on guard at the barracks stepped out of the sentry box and looked at the car, revealing a hesitation about whether or not to check in the past. And in the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz, I have put on a camouflage suit that is convenient for action... Jingyu is wearing a white mask that is enough to cover the upper half of the face, and wear it on the head and face.

Beside him is an unwoven still wearing pink kimono.

"You really have to be careful. Otherwise, we are just chasing the Yincao Difu and letting you fulfill your contract."

"That's terrible."

Jingyu smiled. Turning her head and covering the crystal around her eyes through the mask, you can see that her cute little face is indeed full of worry. He thought about it and asked:

"Unwoven, you really already know my real name, right?"

Unwoven body stiffened, and after looking away for a few times, "Yeah, have you found it?" She spit out the pink little tongue ~ head mischievously, and smiled half shyly: "We thought, It's covered up pretty well."

Jingyu wanted to hide her name, and she just cooperated. It was like a game, she lost.

That's what I felt for Jingyu. After being exposed, it will be desperately disguised and shaken. At this moment, Jingyu feels as if she has an extra porcelain doll, and is a little delighted.

So, "In the future, when I remove the mask, you can call me my real name." He gave her a reward.

"Really?" Unwoven was immediately excited, and even leaned closer to Jingyu. After Jingyu nodded, her body retreated, and the black fan she held in her hand opened, covering her mouth~ After the bar, she whispered: "So... can we call it now, give it a try?"

Give it a try? Is there any difference in ‘name’?

Although Jingyu has such doubts in his heart, contact with various types of girls allows him to know...the girls' sometimes requests have no rational basis.

So nodded, "I'm waiting." Temporarily delayed getting off the train.

As a result, a few seconds passed, the unwoven did not call out, and even the cheeks were red.

"Being watched by you so much, we can't tell you." She said in awe.

"Uh..." Jingyu seemed to hear the driver in the front seat unable to hold back, and gave out a "poo" laugh. He scratched his cheek. "You can't do it." He whispered softly, opened the rear door, and got out of the car.

The time I forgot for a short time seemed to be suddenly shortened to close to nothing. Before weaving anxiously, the sound that was brewing in the mouth, anxiously~ urged out.


Jingyu paused, turned back, lifted the mask, and gave her a wink... This pretending look would be unwoven. She rubbed the corners of her eyes with her hands and again told her:

"Agreed, you must come back..."

Jingyu nodded heavily to her and closed the door. From the outside, the car is no longer visible. But he knew that Unwoven was still watching him...

At the van, while stopping, two young men in work clothes got out. After opening the car, a small cart was moved out. Then, there are two black boxes one foot wide and 1.5 meters long, and two army green and steel ammunition boxes.

After they were all placed on the trolley, they were pulled to the front of the Mercedes-Benz. After Jingyu got out of the car, and finally waved her hand at Unwoven, she walked over. He took the cart from the man and pushed it to the barracks. At this point, the soldiers at the barricade could not stand. One of them came out and stopped Jingyu's road:

"Little brother, this is not the place to play games? Go back quickly."

If it wasn't obvious, the Mercedes-Benz behind it would not be able to be taken by ordinary people, so he had to be impolite to call the imp.

Jingyu knew that the explanation was useless. He took out the call letter he got from Muroto and handed it to the soldier. The latter took it in wonder, and after a glance, the ghost shouted.

"Team 787? You?"

He looked at Jingyu again and again, as if to find out, where Jingyu was transformed.

In fact, there was no artificial skin at this time. The soldiers of the 787th mechanized special forces will always have a certain position, which is obviously made of black metal... hands, feet, shoulders, arms, big legs, etc.

Often, in order to avoid being treated as aliens, the soldiers will try to cover these places that are obviously different from their skin color when they are living as ordinary people without fighting.

In this way, the sentry finally stared at Jingyu's face, slowly turning to a sympathetic look.

"Have you finished reading?" Jingyu didn't bother to explain, reaching for the call book.

"Ah... wait a moment, and check what you have brought." The soldier returned to God and said quickly.

Don't look at Jingyu's appearance as a child. Since it is the 787's special force for gastroenterology, it must be stronger than him... he has no contempt for it.

After obtaining Jingyu's consent, he first opened the two ammunition boxes. There are neat .50 caliber (12.7mm) bullets with a total of 1,000 rounds. He swallowed and swallowed. After closing the lid, he picked up one of the long black boxes.

It was very heavy to start, and he immediately judged in his heart that it was a machine gun or a sniper rifle.

Considering the number of bullets, he guessed that the possibility of a sniper rifle is relatively high.

However, after opening the box, it was a broad-edged sword that scared him. He went back and forth between Dajian and Jingyu, and after looking back and forth several times, he finally couldn't help saying:

"I'm taking the liberty to ask, are you giving this sword to someone in the camp?"

"Piggyback? Who has such a big face?" Jingyu smiled sarcastically, "Of course I use it myself."

He waved his hand and let the soldier go away. Then, bending over and holding the hilt with one hand, he lifted the big dark sword 1.4 meters long. Looking at the grass and gravel on the side of the road, he waved a sword at will.

With a cry, the wild grass and gravel were half-moon shaped, and were swept across a large piece of four or five meters in width.

That is definitely not a slash attack. The effects that can be created by sword qi can be called a whirlwind.

The soldiers in the vicinity, those after the roadblock, and the Sima heavy workers who hadn't left, were almost shocked to fall to the ground. Only the unwoven fabric seen through the windshield, because I saw Jingyu using the power of the big sword earlier, just covered his mouth and laughed.

She can predict that if the matter spreads, the Self-Defense Forces or the 787 troops will know how to value Jingyu as a child. And he has been valued. The weapons he uses, as well as the mask, will also be asked frequently.

That's Sima Heavy Industry products!

Unwoven is very satisfied with the effect of such publicity.



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