Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 43: Sima Weizhi

Faced with this attitude, Jingyu said, "You don't call and ask, maybe you will lose this job."

I wonder if it is his fearlessness that makes the two receptionists uneasy. After secretly communicating with their eyes for a few seconds, one of them said please wait a while while the other picked up the phone.

"Yes, it's the man named Muroto."

Jingyu heard her answer this way, then, without knowing what was said on the phone, she looked up at Jingyu in surprise.

"Yes, yes, I know." She replied with promise.

After she put down the phone, she was relieved. When she turned her head to face Jingyu and was looked at Jingyu with a smile, her face turned red.

"Cough." The fist clenched her fist, and the woman tried to make herself look solemn. "Yes, it has been confirmed that'Murudo" is correct. Please go to the reception room here for a while. Assistant President Mr. Watanabe I will come down to see you soon."

"Is it just an assistant?" Jingyu whispered in dissatisfaction. "Well, I will double the price of 100 million later." He said she was almost casual when the lady receptionist walked out of the front desk. Falling words.

In the end, what can sell 100 million, but also doubled because this is not a minor problem of ‘slowness’?

That's 100 million. It seems that these reception ladies can't earn so much in their lives.

The most important thing is, where did he come from this confidence? Obviously still a child.

Receiving the ladies, when they looked at Jingyu again, they seemed to see something terrible.

On the dozens of floors upstairs, the mobile phone was put down, and the man in his thirties with glasses just wanted to continue leading the way for the girl waiting next to him... The girl had already asked.

"Just now, you did mention Muroto's name, right?"

She wore a pink kimono with noble flowers and held a small black fan to open it habitually, obscuring her face at get off work, and confirmed with a slightly Osaka-style tone:

"Is that Dr. Muroto who is known as "the strongest mind in Japan"?"

"It shouldn't be." The man owed, and said slowly, "I heard the following people say that it is a ten-year-old child. I want to come, maybe I sent a letter for Dr. Muroto. Let me go and meet you. That's it."

"Child?" The girl, who was also nearly ten years old, had dark eyes flashing puzzled, and then brightened as she thought of something, "A boy? And black hair, black eyes, right? He has Didn't say his name?"

"Uh..." the assistant called Watanabe, a little confused by the girl's excitement, tentatively asked: "Miss, do you... do you know him?"

"Do you know..." The girl shook her head, nodded again, put the black fan together, and tapped gently on the palm of the other hand. "In short, let's not go to my father's side first, let's see you first meet him."

"This..." Watanabe glanced to the left, where there was a dark gate that could be said to be close at hand. However, after the girl walked to the right, "Okay, please allow me to contact the president." While dialing the number, he followed.

Soon after, when Jingyu was bored and drinking orange juice to pass the time, it was a lovely girl with healthy pink on her cheeks who pushed the door of the guest room... which surprised him.

‘Sima Heavy Industry would not be so bold as to hire such a little girl, would he be assistant to the president? ’

If so, that president is really a pervert...he thought maliciously.

The girl didn't know why, but just stood by the door and looked at him curiously, so that the two did not say anything for a while. Then, "Miss," there was a man behind him who called the girl. "Ah... um." The girl recovered and the pink color of her cheeks deepened. She did not admit her life at all. She was very polite and nodded to the Jingyu inside: "Hello, we are Sima Weizhi, who came to meet you on behalf of Sima Heavy Industry. Please advise me."

The sound is soft and crunchy like a little girl, and the strange tone also makes Jingyu frown with interest. He, who originally had an indifferent attitude and waited for the'assistant', finally got his spirits up.

"Hello." He put down the cup on the coffee table and stood up from the sofa seat. "I am..." After a short pause, he said the fake name reported to the 787th Army. "Camille, I am very happy with You meet."

"Huh?" The girl did make a sound of surprise. When Jingyu looked at it in surprise, she opened the small black fan, covering half of her face, staggering her eyes and saying, "I didn't expect you to have a foreigner's name."

At the same time, her left eye corner, with a pair of big beautiful eyes with a tearing mole, secretly looked at Jingyu several times.

Jingyu is very experienced in the end, seeing through at a glance, the girl should know that he said a pseudonym. However, since the girl was not clear, he pretended not to know.

After the girl sat opposite him, the thirty-something man who came in with him stood behind her... Jingyu did not hand out the visit letter with the name of Viola, but said directly:

"There are two things I want to talk about... I heard from the doctor that Sima Heavy Industries is building a "VR special training room". I want to apply for testers, no matter how high the difficulty is."

"What?" Assistant Watanabe exclaimed, "You?" and pushed his glasses questioningly.

No matter how you look at it, there is a child who is nearly ten years old in front of me? The body is not particularly strong and prominent. How dare you say how difficult it is? The goal of building that training room was to be used by the Self-Defense Forces, special police forces, and civilian police who would appear in the future.

Watanabe felt that in order not to waste the time between Miss and him, he should interrupt this conversation...even if the other party is in the name of Muroto.

But, "What is there?" Unwoven asked.

Watanabe opened his mouth in amazement, and temporarily suppressed the words he was about to blurt out. Because he knew that although the eldest lady was still immature, after all, she had received elite education since she was young and had enough discernment. At the scene, she was representing Sima Heavy Industry.

Jingyu's eyes circulated on Watanabe's body, and he lifted one corner of his lips. Instead of opening first, he took a piece of paper from his arms and put it on the table, pushing it to the center of the table.

Unwoven bent over curiously and picked up the paper. After watching it for a while, he stood up in surprise.

Once again confirming that what she saw was correct, she stared at Jingyu with a complicated look for a while.

‘He really is... always doing something unimaginable. ’

She smiled bitterly in her heart.

After hesitating, she said: "The first item, we promise you, but you must ensure that you can perform."

"Is that so rash?" Jingyu felt a little surprised, and said evilly: "I haven't said, how much do I want? Are you afraid of my lion opening?"

With this reminder, Watanabe was immediately nervous.

However, "Uh." Unwoven still nodded a little head without hesitation.

Is this a kind of trust or affirmation? Jingyu couldn't figure it out, but he laughed helplessly and happily.

"Lost to you."



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