Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 38: Wrong experience

Sixty thick magic notebooks were pulled by the limousine that took Jingyu and Sixteen Nights. Hand them over to joyously, like Muroto of a child who has got a novel toy. Watching her plunge into the ocean of magic knowledge, Jingyu shook her head and began to get busy for her.

In addition to sixteen nights, new red-eye babies were finally reported in the last two days. He just wanted to go to the scene one by one to check the erosion rate of these children. Avoid the emergence of some children. Once born, there will be children in danger of gasification.

At the same time, doing so can also reassure the baby's parents and the nurses who are temporarily monitoring the baby.

Jingyu is really a celebrity now. Often when he appears, people who find him nearby will look at him curiously.

When he looked at it, some were as flattered as he was a celebrity idol, and some seemed to steal a peep. They were found to turn to the beginning. Some of them were a little unnatural and didn't know what expression to put on.

This generally represents the three attitudes that have appeared in society after his speech.

Jingyu had expected it. Moreover, he would do so in person, and he was also cooperating with the speech for follow-up propaganda.

Muroto's letter of appointment was only for half a year. He just wanted to use this half a year to make people's impression of red-eyed babies develop in a deep-rooted manner in accordance with his desired direction.

On the first day, he inspected three babies. Every time, he will give a compliment, and then pick up the baby and put it into the arms of the baby's mother. Encourage the mother to breastfeed for the first time so that she can feel the joy of being sucked.

His appearance is a child, and the women are still awkward in front of him, but there is no precaution. There was even a woman who was sulking and told him that the baby was so comfortable that she was speechless.

I have also encountered people who are terrified of gastrointestinal animals... Both babies' parents have appeared. When you see the baby's red eyes, there will be dizziness and vomiting.

Such a family can't really raise their babies. Jingyu temporarily asked the hospital to send a nurse to take care of the children. Parents of infants need regular psychological treatment. Among them, the unaffected party can also come to see the children frequently.

At present, the number of red-eye babies is still relatively small. However, after the initial chaos at the end of the war, there will be a clear rise. Later there will be a period of stability and duration.

Jingyu wondered, before these came, set up a perfect security mechanism... he gradually took shape in his mind.

On this day, Jingyu pushed back the arrangements for examining red-eye babies after coming in contact with Shengju, and came to the experimental building defined as ‘Section Twenty-two’... which is where he and Viola’s laboratory are located.

As he entered the basement, an unpleasant stale smell that hadn't changed for a long time mixed with formalin, which made him frown.

‘This guy, shouldn’t he die inside? ’

He thought bitterly in his heart that he would stay with him for sixteen nights in the guard room on the first floor and walked alone.

There are several corpses in the aisle that have been treated with antiseptic treatment, and their placement has not changed at all. There are no street lights, and the green indicator light indicating the direction of the safe passage is like a ghost fire in Yincaodi... Jingyu ignored them and walked outside the door of the room where it felt biological.

When he was about to push away, he hesitated and prayed for a long time at the bottom of his heart—

‘Hope not to let me see things that are too ugly, Amen. ’

Then, the closed double doors were opened.

God rejected him after all.

The laboratory was still so messy, with only one lamp on. At a glance, Muroto, who hadn't bathed for several days, had long, unkempt hair dry and dull. I heard the sound of opening the door and turned my head slowly.

That look made Jingyu dare not look straight.

"I said, how much are you a beauty too? Take care of yourself, what's wrong?"

He couldn't help vomiting her, and he shouted waste in his heart.

The heavy dark circles caused by staying up late, coupled with malnutrition, makes the eye sockets hollow. The very pale skin, which was originally due to too little sunlight, has now become morbid white... Muroto has a tendency to transform into a mummy.

Jingyu can imagine the reason for this. Look around her, filled with the magic notes he wrote, not to say, on the blackboard, and on the scattered white paper, all filled with formulas... she should be trying to explain magic with scientific knowledge... progress Not smooth.

"Oh, it's you."

The reaction was slow by several beats.

Jingyu shook his head helplessly. He wanted to blame her more than he felt bad, but he didn't say much.

Walking to her, "give me a hand." He instructed.

Muroto was a little confused, looking at his face with dull eyes.

Jingyu simply took her hand directly. With her own, at this age, her hands, which are smaller than hers, enveloped her shriveled hands like corpses.

When transforming the energy in one's body into life energy, through that hand, into the body of Violet--

‘Have she washed her hands after touching the body? ’

He was thinking about such a non-tuneable thing.

Muroto was a little confused at first. The brain is full of magical knowledge and chaos.

Then, she felt something warm passed from the boy, making her groan comfortably~ chanting something. For a moment, she even wondered whether she was having **** with others... As a genius scientist who is proficient in various academics, although she had not experienced it, she knew the physiological and psychological appearance of this ‘behaviour’ from research.

She felt that even if it was **** ~ orgasm, I was afraid that it would not be so.

Therefore, she blushed unconsciously, and when her eyes looked in his direction, she couldn't help but sigh with joy and resentment.

This has been going on for a while. When she suddenly sobered up, she could not help but stood up from the chair.

"You little bastard!" She couldn't help but whispered, even pulling her hand back.

However, that hand was finally covered by her with her other hand, pressed against the beating heart.

"What do you call someone for no reason?" Jingyu felt baffled. After looking at her up and down, she nodded in satisfaction, "You look like this, but I finally found some feminine."

Viola soon noticed that his clothes were in good condition. He was only six years old again. Didn’t she laugh at him a few days ago, the ‘function’ is incomplete?

Seeing him now, she looked away awkwardly.

"No, nothing."

Such a perfunctory sentence, but unable to expel, the vague figure in his mind.



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