Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 37: Be a goddess

Go to be a goddess...Go to be a goddess...

I thought I would arrange for myself to fight the task of the large monster... I didn't expect it to be like this. Akashia chewed that sentence several times, and finally with a pair of small hands, covered her mouth that she would open.


Under the watchful eyes of the women, her face quickly turned red.

"Jing, Jingyu, don't... don't make such a joke in front of everyone."

‘It’s still so cute. Jingyu's reaction to her panic had long been expected. It is better to say that he is just to create this effect and ease the stiff air in the lower hall.

However, when all the women looked over with either censure or perplexity, he quickly coughed.

"No kidding!"

He emphasized: "The appearance of gastrointestinal animals puts people into a doomsday crisis. In the face of monsters that are difficult to eliminate with guns, people will think, is it a monster that ran out of hell?"

It can be said that human beings who have been devastated by gastrointestinal animals have a weak heart. As long as someone can stand up and bring it down in a way that is as gorgeous as a fantasy... Saying that he is a **** is here to protect you... Someone will surely believe it.

But what Jingyu needs is not this, but after this.

"I need you to build a great image like faith in people's minds with the red-eye model of Zhenzu."

Jingyu said with some understanding to Akashia: "How about letting yourself be a goddess? As long as it can benefit countless children who will appear after this, and grow up healthily... isn't it good? "

Akasha is a kind woman in her own right, plus she has had children and mothers.

Leaving aside the girl, she is a real wife... It seems like she can't help but sigh and relax her shoulder strength. Staring at Jingyu with a gentle, water-like look, and shaking clear eyes.

"There is no way to get you, only this time."

He responded so shyly.

‘Hey... I’ll find a real female **** to help when I encounter a similar situation next time. Jingyu smiled evilly at the bottom of his heart, and nodded in satisfaction with Akashia. Turning to look at Isabella and the rest of the maids, he said:

"Your task is to play the role of God's Envoy. Those with no red eyes, wear red contact lenses when acting. I need you to fight the gastrointestinal animals to create such an effect: those babies who have red eyes when they are born, It will be treated as an alternate messenger, respected like a saint."

"Observe!" The maids kneeled on one knee respectfully.

Jingyu hasn't said anything yet. If you encounter intervention, meet someone who wants to obstruct his plan, kill him without pardon.

This is the general idea. The rest can only wait for them to enter, and then give back to him if they encounter problems.

Jingyu thought it over again, and felt that there was no problem. He handed over the details and specific implementation to Dai Er and returned to the world of ‘black bullets’.

Sixteen nights still sleeping soundly. I occasionally grabbed it or kicked it, attracting Jingyu's smile.

‘It will definitely make you grow up well. ’ He kissed the baby forehead gently, got up and picked up the hard-shell notebook purchased by Xun Zi, and sat down at the desk.

According to the purpose of the use of inhibitory drugs, that is, to eliminate the harm of gastrointestinal animal viruses to children and retain the parts that can enable them to obtain powerful power... Jingyu wrote down some magical theories of Xingyue World. Especially involved is the magician's existing research on the dead and vampires, and how the magician transforms himself into a dead.

His physical ability is strong. What ordinary people need to write down in a few hours, he can finish it in a minute. In this way, he wrote until the middle of the night... Except on the way, he helped to change the diaper once every sixteen nights and fed her a bottle of milk.

On the table, the notebook on the left is higher and higher. When Jingyu's hand touched to the right again and touched the empty space, he realized that...Trainer bought it once, and ten notebooks with a thickness of two hundred pages were filled.

Drop the pen, turn off the lamp, and stretch out. Jingyu walked back to bed, ‘this should be able to show her a few days. ’

His idea at this time was overthrown the next afternoon.

"Are you only so much?" The right eye was covered by the messy front bangs, and the exposed left eye was clearly filled with hunger and thirst, and an expression of dissatisfaction was deeply stabbed to some extent. The self-esteem of Jingyu men.

Contact Xunzi early and ask her to buy as many notebooks as possible. Jingyu, who returned home again, put in a new magic note to write after eating. Waiting for the midnight, to make sure that Xun Zi and Mu Geng were asleep, and he would not wake up for a short time after sixteen nights, he returned to the replacement hall.

Here, it has changed a little bit compared to yesterday. Counting the holographic image of the center instead of the map, plus a few tables covered with drawings, it became a small combat command center.

What six girls, such as Maru, draw on different drawings. Next to each person, there are also computers and books for them to check and record.

Akathia and the maids are gone.

After seeing Jingyu, Daier greeted her and explained: "I helped Akashia determine the order. She has taken Isabella with them to implement your plan. As for the rest, it is Because the location of the base has been chosen."

She led Jingyu to the holographic image and pointed at it.

"Huh? Isn't this Cabentalia?" Jingyu called out its place name all at once, all because it was the same position as Zaft's first military base on the earth when he was in the seed world. When he later became the speaker, he had been there many times.

"Just Cabentalia," Maru was attracted by his voice and asked with a smile: "What do you think?"

"Well, it's very visionary." Jingyu exclaimed: "Oceania, the land is sparsely populated, and the resources are quite rich. There is no strong country, and it is far from the strong countries such as the United States, China, Russia, Britain, France, Germany...especially It is this Australia. Nearly half of the population lives in two big cities. I think people in other places have no time to take refuge, and most of them are going to die..."

He really felt that this position was well chosen. After they entered the world, Maru could immediately grab a local Australian official. When Australia recovered from the war and noticed that their base existed, it pushed the official out.

I believe that as long as the Australian government is granted several benefits, such as the provision of metal and some high-end technology that does not hinder, it will allow the Australian government to recognize the legalization of this base.

Afterwards, when the United States, Russia, and other major powers realize its anomaly, even if it does not rely on the combat effectiveness of the Maid Guard, the base should be able to gain a foothold.

With it, Jingyu can extract huge military power when needed.

After listening to his analysis, Maru and several other women all smiled bitterly.

"You think too far, we have not yet finalized the original base model."

"No hurry, there is another ten years." Jingyu also smiled.

This is the truth. After all, this base is just a preventive measure.



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