Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 33: Cursed Son

"There must be no!"

The boy's dark double pupils, with the photographer's skills, feature in front of people all over the world. The deep light, like the most attractive black pearl, is mysterious and bright.

"Jing, Jingyu."

Xiangzi called him softly. Want to remind him, the audience in front of the TV, no one wants to hear this.

Responding to her, Jingyu's indifferent eyes. At that moment, Xiang Zi understood...Here, this is the boy's stage, there is no room for her to interfere at all... She is only one of many listeners.

"A lot of people must have started cursing." Jingyu's eyes looked at the camera again, disgusted: "What is'you're crazy compared to the gastrointestinal animal compared to people'," even a child can't say that Forgive','Are you treating humans as fools','Which side are you standing on','You should not be the incarnation of gastrointestinal animals, so you will have mercy on that kind of monster baby'..."

People who are really clamoring in the world are all stunned. Obviously it may be thousands of miles away, why is there always a bad feeling that he is being watched and seen through?

"No matter how dissatisfied you are with me, how do you compare the behavior of humans with gastrointestinal animals?"

Jingyu questioned them, and then he answered.

"Humans eat other creatures, and gastrointestinal animals also eat other creatures; in the history of human development, ignoring the survival of other species has caused the extinction of countless species... The gastrointestinal animals also only care about their appetite, which forces us to force humans. On the verge of extinction; humans have destroyed the environment, and gastroenteritis viruses have brought about turmoil..."

He looked up inexplicably, and his eyes became distant, "I was thinking, what is it that makes humans think of themselves as the master of this planet and thinks this planet belongs to humans?"

His head was still slightly raised, his eyes had moved down, and he was "staring" at everyone again...contemptuously.

"Isn't it just human self-righteousness?"

In the end, people around the world are not directly facing Jingyu. Although aware of the terrible eyes, he could not feel his courage as divine.

In this way, the vast majority of people were trembling with anger again; officials in the holy dwelling were even afraid that this would affect the image of Japan, hoping that Sheng Tianzi would order to stop broadcasting... Only a small part expressed their identity and contemplation.

"The appearance of gastrointestinal animals is an opportunity. Humans should recall their true identity. Didn't history, archaeology, and biology tell you? In the distant ancient times, the ancestors of humans millions of years ago , How do you fight against the beasts that are stronger than yourself?"

When Sheng Tianzi was also hesitant, she heard Jingyu say this. With a profound political acumen, although she still cannot grasp the whole intention of Jingyu, she understands that Jingyu is by no means a cynical person.

She pressed down the opinions of the senior officials.

"They don't have guns or even decent swords. Every hunt is very likely to face great casualties. It even appears that one was careless and was killed by all of them. It is in this one, compared to today. Under the harsh circumstances of nothing, humans have inherited millions of years.

So why now? We have aircraft cannons and advanced technology, but we still have to live so trembling? Can't we compare to ancient apes?

No, we just forgot that we are also a creature in the food chain, and we forgot that we may have enemies from outside the same class... planes, cannons, firearms, all these weapons, aren't they used to deal with and slaughter us Is it similar? How to win other creatures with murderous weapons?

Don’t forget, we are human beings that evolved from great apes...other creatures will also evolve. "

Jingyu raises the red-eyed baby on her thigh so she can enter the lens.

"But now we have the opportunity to evolve again! The gastrointestinal virus can quickly erode humans and make them humanized. But these children have persevered... this is the evolution of humans! Evolutionary denial, saying that they are not descendants of humans, aren't they also denying the possibility of humans?" He is by no means affirmed that the carrying of gastrointestinal viruses in babies and the ability to acquire gastrointestinal animals is an evolution...this is wrong.

What he really wants to say is that human beings can resist the erosion of gastroenteritis virus to a certain extent, and this is the real beginning of new evolution.

Most of the ordinary people do not understand it now. And only a small part, eyes brightened. More scholars are suddenly enlightened.

Now, the media has not been cut off. I believe that soon, new analysis of these words will be passed on to the public through newspapers, news, and the Internet in a way that the public can understand.

Jingyu, he is making this beginning.

Denied humanity first, then raised the possibility of humanity. Then, it is to praise humanity.

After the "Interview" began, a few minutes passed before he looked at Xiangzi again.

This beautiful woman has suffered some blows... Now is not the time to comfort her.

"Miss Yinwu, tell me, what do you think is the difference between humans and gastrointestinal animals?"

"Hey?" Xiang Zi froze for a moment, seeing that the camera's lens had been turned, her heart tightened. The moist and brightly colored lips kept moving, repeating his questions, but the brain was blank.

At this moment, Xiangzi really wanted to cry. Being watched by people all over the world, he looked like a pale fool.

However, Jingyu assisted her well.

"Everyone in front of the TV can also think about it. If you get the answer, don't worry about telling others. Use your brains, it's no harm to humans."

‘Use your brain? "Xianzi caught the prompt, "I know, it's wisdom!"

"Correct!" Jingyu smiled appreciatively at her, and blushed ashamedly.

"It's wisdom!" Jingyu turned to the camera again. "Even if the gastrointestinal animals have the ability to command the gastrointestinal legion, but they don't have the wisdom to make and use tools... This is unique to humans and is also human Self-proclaimed the root of all creatures."

Without looking at it, he can also know that people in the world have a confident and proud expression on their faces. At this moment, it is also time for him to truly meet the'enemy'.

"But now, there are some people who are blinded by hatred and give up the wisdom of being proud of humanity."

His words pointedly pointed out: "Did you forget? AIDS, did not kill people by eating in this way, but how many people were killed? Those newborns who have been carrying this virus from birth are also monsters, not humans. Of course it is impossible! So, if you can accept this situation, why can't you accept these red-eyed children? They are just sick and are waiting for our cure and love!"

He caressed lovingly with his hands~ stroking the baby's cute cheeks, causing a giggle for sixteen nights. Such a pure, naive mind that is not contaminated with the world, touches people whose emotions have been influenced several times, and is in a difficult period of self-control.

"These children are by no means monsters. They are humans' incarnation of gastrointestinal animals, a symbol of human beings blowing trumpets against gastrointestinal animals...I firmly believe that one day, humans will be able to defeat gastrointestinal animals!"

This is the last word of Jingyu's exclusive interview. And on this day, the red-eyed babies have a unified name-

Cursed Son!



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