Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 32: Unexpected development

In the apartment building of Jingyu's new home, Xunzi is taking his daughter Mu Guan to take a bath.

"Mom, okay." Soaked in the bathtub, Mugen's black straight hair was choked with a simple bun. The delicate skin like white porcelain is slightly red due to the immersion of hot water, but it is even more delicate and charming. "The show of Jingyu is about to start."

The trainer next to her closed her eyes and rested her mind, "I said, you have to count to one hundred to go out. You just counted to 20?" She suddenly opened her eyes and smiled. "Let's delay for a while, but It really can't catch up."

Mu was even more anxious. "People, they have continued counting... In my heart, it's already 30, no, 40."

She paused, her swaying eyes were like restless animals, watching her mother's reaction nervously. After seeing her mother not objecting, she boldly added a few more figures, "Here, this is a few more times. So yes, 45, 46..."

Xunzi shook his head and laughed at the bottom of his heart, ‘This kid...’

Mu finally counted a hundred. Wrab stood up from the bathtub, Xun Zi was afraid of her falling, and quickly pulled her.

When Mu Gan turned his face and cast it on her, ‘Mom, you shouldn’t talk, don’t count,’ she couldn’t help but squeeze her little nose.

"Dry the water and dry it well."

She covered her lower chest with one hand, and stood up with Mugen.

Mu Geng's sight was instantly attracted by the snow-white hemisphere that bounced past his own eyes. When Xunzi took the towel and wiped her body, she couldn't help but touch it with her hand... that startled Xunzi.

"Mom, when will people have this? Soft, good."

I don't quite understand what it is. Mu even thought that it would make her look very beautiful after being embedded in her.

Xun Zi's face was slightly red. After calming down, he rubbed Mugen's head with a smile.

"In another four years, it should almost be there."

"Really?" Mu even couldn't help expecting.

Xun Zi nodded her nose, "Hurry up and get dressed, this time is really about to start."

"Oh," Mu Geng thought of it again, "Mom should remind people earlier."

With the help of her mother, she put on her pajamas and trot out in slippers. Holding the remote control to turn on the TV, he plunged into the sofa and hugged the teddy bear.

At present, the limited number of television stations all broadcast the same program. Therefore, as soon as Mu Geng turned on the TV, he saw the headline of the interview, and the hostess and Jingyu who sat underneath...the latter, together, had a red eye on their legs baby.

Mu saw the baby's eyes more nervously.

The trainer who came out with her was even quieter.

On the TV station scene, Xiang Zi was introducing them... Jingyu raised the baby's right hand and waved it friendly towards the camera.

The formal interview started.

"Can I call you... Jingyu?" Xiang Zi asked politely.

"of course."

"So Jingyu, you look today, not as nervous as it was the day before yesterday's press conference." Xiang Zi's leg was elegantly stacked on the other leg. Holding a few pieces of prepared information in his hand, "Can you tell me, what is the reason?"

Jingyu's eyes, from the left to the right of the studio, said in a childish voice: "Today, there are no more than 100 people here, who are staring at us with impolite huntsmanship."

He is very expressive. People can't help but think that he only cares about no one in front of him, but he didn't expect to be watched by more people at this moment... and it just fits his age of six.

Xiangzi has had brief contact with Jingyu. He was frustrated when he met, and he touched his chest. Then, in the ten minutes that led him to here, he wanted to touch ~ touch Jingyu's character...but she failed.

This made her more convinced that this child is not ordinary. When Jingyu arrived at the scene and discussed the interview process with the people in the studio, she took the time to talk to Tadajima...when did Tadoji know Jingyu and how was it then? Happening.

Although Tadada didn't say everything, Xiangzi still knew that Jingyu is a child who can walk freely in the chaotic Tokyo area.

With these impressions, when she faced Jingyu, she was psychologically serious.

"I heard that you have become Dr. Muroto's assistant. Excuse me, what kind of research do you usually participate in her?"

"This..." Jingyu expressed hesitation, then asked Xiangzi in turn with a naive expression: "Isn't today's interview to be broadcast to the world? Can I reveal the contents of the doctor's research? The doctor gave an explanation. I can’t just say anything."

Xiang Zi froze, glancing at the camera awkwardly, and smiled reluctantly.

"Okay, let's not talk about this... Actually, if you are invited today, I mainly want to ask you something about you and the child in your arms."

She paused for a moment, "Did you watch the interview here last night?" After seeing Jingyu nodded, she was overjoyed and asked again: "So, what do you think of what everyone said? Especially It’s the lady who dismisses the view that red-eyed babies are human."

When asked, the headset she put on her ears immediately came to question the director.

"How can you ask a child, so sharp questions?"

However, when Xiangzi glanced at the camera through the glass window behind the camera, his eyes were firm.

In fact, for Jingyu, this problem is also in the middle of the mind.

"You just said, I'm helping Dr. Muroto." He pointed to his head. "I'm still very smart here, so I know some... things that I shouldn't know at my age. "

He looked at the camera and his childish face appeared taunting beyond his age.

"What is the difference between gastrointestinal animals eating humans and people eating pigs, cows and sheep? It's just that we have changed from hunters to prey. Why can people enjoy meat with peace of mind, but can't accept being meat? We hate the intestines When thinking about animals, have you ever thought that they will be hated by livestock such as pigs, cattle and sheep?"

Xiang Zi was dumbfounded; the director of the TV station had an impulse to cut off the broadcast in this moment; the Holy Son in the holy dwelling, his thin eyebrows stirred; countless humans on earth...was also surprised. Smiled.



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