Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 30: Go to TV

Jingyu is holding a writing pad with cardboard, which depicts the red mysterious rune on the active factor.

At this time, "Speaking of the interview last night, did you read it?" Muroto, sitting in front of the big screen, carefully manipulating the electron microscope and adjusting the angle of the active factor, seemed to inadvertently ask.

"Ah, that one?"

Jingyu's mechanical pencil paused, and a picture appeared in his mind.

That was an interview with TV TOKYO. At the time, the guests invited to the scene included government officials, soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces, medical scientists, sociologists, bald vice presidents of religious associations, women who lost all their loved ones in the gastroenterological war, and the city of Tokyo where their loved ones were not killed native.

It can be said that throughout the Tokyo area, people who have direct or indirect contact with red-eye babies are called to the scene.

The content of the discussion is naturally very simple, that is, what you think about red-eyed babies.

The woman whose loved one was dead, still haggard now, denies the existence of red-eyed babies from beginning to end. She was also sent out of the studio early because she was so emotional that she frequently cursed loudly to prevent other guests from speaking.

The soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces were actually killed by relatives. He was stronger than ordinary people, and accepted the content mentioned in the press conference. However, he is not optimistic about the prediction of the future fighting ability of red-eyed babies written and sent to the Internet by Jingyu... Or, he believes that it is a military matter to defend the country and expel gastrointestinal animals.

"Women and children are better to stay at home."

His words drew criticism from the Tokyo native, "If your Self-Defense Forces have the ability, how can our country lose so much? How can our countrymen die so much? Actually, isn't the war lost?" "

The soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces were asked to speak in silence, suffocated with blush, and still didn't know how to refute.

Instead, government officials said at this time: "That is our ignorance of gastrointestinal animals. But don't we now have giant stone monuments? In the future, we will conduct more in-depth research on gastrointestinal animals... Humans will definitely be able to overcome That monster!"

Tokyo natives are a little afraid of officials, so they dare not refute his words. However, due to the impact of the gastroenterological war, it is also true that the family life is difficult... He desperately wants to return to the life before the war, he said:

"If the babies have grown up, as Dr. Muroto said, is it not possible to beat the gastrointestinal animals faster? We don't have to wait for the Self-Defense Force to fight slowly with one shot. "

Officials affirmed this, and made the Self-Defense Forces feel helpless.

The last two, medical scientists and sociologists, are undoubtedly calmer. The former is more worried that Dr. Muroto and other scientists will eventually succeed. The latter, however, thinks of something farther away, which is what it means for the whole world to grow up and have superhuman powers with red-eye babies.

"Humans are jealous creatures." Sociologists said: "It was okay during the period of war and hardship, but once there is no threat from gastroenterology, the world is completely peaceful... What will ordinary humans think about it? How powerful are these people who even surpass the gastrointestinal animals?"

Just when he wanted to analyze this sharp issue more deeply, the hostess was reminded by the director, and quickly interrupted and entered the next topic stage: before the effective suppression drug was developed, the government’s protection of the public Measures, and the distance people want from red-eyed babies...

Jingyu's recall is only a moment. When he realized that Violet was looking at him, he smiled faintly: "Forgot to tell you, when I came... I called to TV TOKYO in your name, and you were sitting next to the TV tonight, waiting Look at the interview with me."

Suddenly, thoughtfully: "It is indeed time to doubt you."


The time was nearly 7 o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was dark, and basically no pedestrians were seen on the road.

"Come here today." There was a cigarette in the mouth of Mao Takada, and when he saw the ramen stall lit by the street, the greedy insects in his belly protested to him. Thinking that it was already off work, I could not help but succumb.

He dragged his tired body and walked over. With a towel on his head, when the boss in the white chef uniform looked over—

"A bowl of barbecued ramen."

He fart ~ sitting on one of the three small stools, the relaxed heavy body, made the small stool creak.

"Okay." The boss immediately smiled and began to open up for him. Soon after, a bowl of steaming ramen with scent escaping to Tadajima.

Looking at whether it is ramen, or material is much less than before the war. Tadojima was thinking in his heart that at such a moment, it would be enough to be able to eat on the street; while telling the boss, prepare two more bowls of the same.

The boss was really happy this time.

Tadajima took out the chopsticks from the bamboo tube, stirred it, and drank the noodle soup...the taste was not bad. What's more, when he got warm, he got a lot of fatigue from his stomach.

So he opened his mouth and snored all at once... bit off one-third of the ramen in the bowl.

'what? That’s...’ Through the faint light of the booth, I saw a small figure walking by. If you look closely, isn't it a child? More exaggeratedly, he carried a smaller one on his back.


Tadada spit out all the ramen in his mouth and stood up with a loud clatter. When the boss thought anxiously whether his ramen didn't match the appetite of this vicious guest, he had already seen Tadojima **** a bill from his arms and threw it on the table.

"Hello, wait!" Tadajima yelled at the child, chasing after him.


It was close to 7:30 in the afternoon, and it was already completely dark. Because of the lack of electricity in the Tokyo area, the street lights were not turned on. In this way, standing alone under the tall TV building, Yin Wuxiangzi naturally felt a little nervous when looking at the dark road.

If possible, as a weak woman, she really wanted to enter the hall with the light behind. However, the important guest tonight, but can add another glory to her hosting career... she must not be neglected.

There was a firm light in Xiang Zi's eyes. However, she had changed into the thin formal dress she wore when she was hosting the show. When the wind blew, she couldn't help but shudder. While leaning on the sleeves with slender hands, he drove away the chill and discomfort for the darkness; while looking back at the hall, he wondered if he would borrow clothes from the guard?

The start time of the program is 8 o'clock, which is in the form of live broadcast according to the guests' wishes. What is even more exciting for Xiangzi is that the Shengju came to contact and said that it was specially approved by Shengtianzi... It will use a few satellites to synchronize the live broadcast to more than 50 other countries in the world.

It can be said that in the hosting career of Xiangzi, this may be the only chance that she should not pay attention to.

For this reason, Xiangzi spent a whole day, even at dinner, thinking about what questions to ask tonight to make the exclusive interview wonderful. And she repeatedly asked that the guests be able to arrive half an hour early in order to do some current small exchanges with the guests.

In other words... Xiangzi looked at his watch, and the other party agreed to it. It should be there soon.

"Hold on again, you can, Xiangzi, Fight!"

She just shook her fist and made a gesture of cheering, she couldn't help but sneeze. Her nose cleared and she looked around awkwardly...huh, fortunately no one else.

Just when Xiangzi was going to use paper towels to dispose of that indecent thing... two red lights flashed suddenly on the street.

Xiangzi froze for a while, the gastrointestinal animal, the word suddenly jumped into her mind, making her stiff.

Then, "That's impossible." She denied it again.

Outside this Tokyo area, there are encircled by giant stone monuments. Moreover, it is still very close to the Tokyo area. Even if there is a small chance that the gastrointestinal animal can be blocked by the giant stone monument, it can't get here.

However, at the end of this thought, Xiangzi's heart was still a month ago, Tiantong's home was attacked by gastrointestinal animals. This made her spine cool, and couldn't help looking at the spot where she had just discovered the red light.

Hey, she took a breath of air, and this time saw clearly...



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