Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 29: Take advantage of

Muroto's most annoying thing was being interrupted at the end of the experiment. Now, she feels that she should add one more:

After being interrupted, listen to politicians ugly in front of them.

A few minutes ago, Jingyu put the slice into the sample holder of the electron microscope. Violet immediately wanted to observe it. Who knows, there should be a ‘Do not disturb during the experiment’ sign, the laboratory door was still knocked.

Violet rebuked, of course, unhappy, and let them roll as far as the door.

As a result, the answer was not the weak coward, but the middle-aged man in front of him. At that time, the other party's arrogant attitude and blunt tone emphasized the importance of the conversation to her-what is related to the future of the country and the interests of the people. It seems that if heir does not go out to talk to him, he becomes an unpatriotic person.

‘I see, most of him thinks his time is precious, he doesn’t want to wait more than a minute. ’

This is what Koo thought about the official after sitting here.

At the same time, for the official tossing and turning, it is not difficult to hear his intentions from the ancient sayings.

She just wants her not to rush to tell people in other countries about the formula of the medicine, and to try to delay the progress of the research in other countries before working out the medicine that really works. If possible, it is also necessary to probe the attitude of other countries towards red-eye babies and not to tell them the important strategic significance of red-eye babies.

‘Does he think that scientists must be attached to the state and politics? 'Villain disdains in the bottom of my heart.

That boring content will only lead to her absent-mindedness.

The official chief said for a while, no matter whether it was expressly implied, he didn't see the response of Violet, and was finally dissatisfied. He pointed out clearly:

"Dr. Muroto, don't you care about the future of the country?"

Violet had to answer this question head-on, but she sneered with sarcasm: "Is the future of the country on the basis of'holding the lives of children and playing tricks'?"

Such straightforward words make the official face look ugly. He snorted and defended:

"The red-eyed babies of other countries are the enemies of the future, and they are kind to the enemies."

Violet looked straight at the official long eyes, and used his right hand to eat and the middle **** to look like a pistol, reaching his temple.

"Then you might as well shoot me now, and save me the leak of the recipe."

"You!" The official stood up with a long face, "It's hard to support a woman and a villain, you are simply unreasonable."

"Ahra, you said a word, but scolded both of us in." Violet gave him a thumbs up.

The official long face flushed. He snorted and said arrogant words.

"In short, this is an order. As long as you are a national of this country, you must obey."

Violet's face gloomy. Although she felt a little sorry for Jingyu, she had decided secretly in her heart that she would no longer study that kind of medicine.

‘Let them dream of hegemony, go to hell. ’She groaned in the bottom of her heart. At this time, Jingyu, who had been taking care of the baby on the side, somehow came behind her. Patted her on the shoulder and handed the appointment letter of Sheng Tianzi to Violet.

Originally thinking that he was teasing her at this juncture, and he was a little angry. But she understood his intention in the next second. He grinned badly like a witch, and stood up from the couch in the meeting room. Under the inexplicable eyes of the official, he pushed the appointment letter forward.

"Are you carrying a pig's head?" She cursed unkindly: "Dare you even give orders to me, the most responsible person... or say, do you think that authority is overriding Lord Sheng Tianzi?"

If you don't want to be considered as having a tendency towards the back, you should admit that you have a pig brain.

Violet is really very vicious.

The official face was white and red. In the end, it was his men who hurriedly claimed that they would meet with XYZ before pulling the stale official to leave the room.

"Be yourself!" Vio gave them such a comment. Turning over the appointment letter, I looked at it myself, "Something like power really works at some point."

Even if she has the title of "Japan's strongest mind" and the four sages, it is not as effective as this piece of paper.

And the most ironic thing is that she usually looks down on the high power.

Violet smiled self-deprecatingly, and threw the appointment letter to Jingyu again, "The obstruction is gone, and the experiment continues."

The three returned to the laboratory and hung the "Do Not Disturb" sign again.

Jingyu put the lovely sixteen nights in the crib and teased her a little... He had intended to make her fall asleep, and then went to see the results of the Viola. However, Violet called him quickly.

"Hey, come over and see... Am I blinded, or am I dreaming?"

As soon as Jingyu turned his head, he saw through Pansy's shoulder and saw a black sphere on the screen of about 40 inches-two crossed black circles slowly rotated. Whenever they overlap, a mysterious red rune flashes inside the ring.

Inside the spherical space enclosed by them, there is a black mist, which is not at all the material imagined by Violet.

"This..." She froze at the screen and stared at Jingyu. "How do you do it?"

I don't know what to do at all, this is how she feels now.

"Cough," Jingyu looked away and said irresponsibly: "Think about it, isn't it your job? Don't care about its difficulty, life is always full of challenges."

Violet was smirked. Turning his body completely to his side, he copied his arms with a smile: "Even if you want me to study, you must always find some information for me?" What is this rune, and this form of power? "What's going on" and the like, at least let me have a reference... It's not impossible to be out of nothing, but it's very time-consuming."

This is actually because of Jingyu's unscrupulous attitude, which is giving him a problem in the reverse direction.

However, "it turns out to be this way." Jingyu touched his chin, an expression of identity that suddenly dawned on him, ‘Really, after letting her grasp the knowledge of science and magic at the same time, it should be more effective to study it. ’

He made up his mind and said, "Well, I will write down all the information I know as soon as possible..."

Shocked Pansy, I really don't know how to answer him at this time.



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