Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 12: Deliberately

When attacked by gastrointestinal animals, Japan was on the verge of extinction. Now, with the megalithic monument standing there, after finally stabilizing, various infrastructures such as the disposal of refugees, food crisis, electricity, and even economic recovery are the many important issues before us.

In particular, the two major contradictions, the number of refugees exceeding the load and the fundamental shortage of food, put the Tokyo area into a rather helpless ration stage.

Can't people who have survived finally starve to death on this peaceful day?

It is in this way of thinking.

However, human beings are sad. Immediately after the enemy was lost, the greedy eyes were fixed on the same kind.

Why can they live in a good place, but we can't even eat enough?

Since I am capable, why do I have to allocate the same things as others?


I don't know what it means to be grateful. Firearms used for self-defense in wartime, at this time, became a prop of crime. The instability in the Tokyo area has reached the point where guards must be installed outside this high-end residential area.

A child like Jingyu was reminded many times by a kind guard when he passed the separation line-don't go out if not necessary, or at least find an adult with a gun.

But Jingyu just smiled and shook his head. He walked out of the line of carelessly, and immediately felt a lot of sight from the cast... those men who are here on a non-working day, looking for employment opportunities.

If the limited food is given away, it will only increase the number of lazy people. Infrastructure in the Tokyo area also needs to be restored, which requires workers. However, there are too many refugees and there is a serious surplus of labor.

If some people never work and always get food, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction with the other part of the work; on the contrary, if there is no more workers with the food received by the workers, it will also make the no workers dissatisfied.

In this way, the measures taken by the government are to allow these people to take turns complete the same job content, receive the same food share, and try to be as fair as possible.

In the days when it is not their turn, they can also make a living by themselves, and what Jingyu sees before them.

When the men saw him as a child, most of them looked back. A few people hesitated, while a few people concealed strange eyes... These, at a moment, were caught by Jingyu's eyes, causing him to sneer secretly.

Perhaps he was caused by his sudden appearance, and there was a brief silence on the street. After that, the men who had been together continued to chat. The content is nothing more than, ‘Where may there be a job, go together next time, or don’t forget to call me’ or something.

Jingyu walked past them casually, and soon two or three men followed.


"I am the only one, please spare me at least."

At the entrance of a shopping street, the young woman flinched and handed a handbag to a man.

There was a half-burnt paper cigarette in his mouth. Because he was too surprised, Mota Tadajima took a mouth and it fell off. It's a pity that he can't even go. In this extraordinary period, cigarettes are precious. Other pedestrians on the street shouted at the woman when they gave attention to this side.

"What are you doing? I'm not a gangster."

After the woman looked up at his face, she was clearly unbelief.

The appearance is indeed more fierce than the underworld, and the muscles on the face of Takada Moto twitch. After taking a few deep breaths, he reluctantly took out a criminal police card from his pocket that he did not intend to take out... but he was conducting a secret search to target a robbery and murder incident in the vicinity.

"Look, this is my police card." He whispered to the woman.

Who knows, after a glance, the woman's face is even more uneasy.

"I really only have this." Her face flushed for some reason. "I, I already have a husband and a child, no, it can't be like that...please don't embarrass me."

Tadajima was dumbfounded.

It's not that I haven't heard of it. There are rumors of police blackmailing citizens like the underworld, but I didn't expect to meet myself in this form.

After reluctantly stroking his forehead, he cursed at the bottom of his heart the guy who corrupted the reputation of the police, "Forget it, let's go." While pulling out a cigarette box from his arms, he took a nagging from inside. , Walked away from the shopping street.

Everyone here knew his face. Ask again, I'm afraid you will encounter the same thing.

Just when he wanted to light a cigarette, the lonely boy appeared twenty meters in front of him and walked into the alley. Then, three adult men, ten meters away, glanced around the alley and followed them in together.

"Cut!" Tadajima quickly caught the cigarette in his ear and ran in quickly. As soon as he saw the three men in front of him rushing towards the child, he immediately took out his revolver and scolded: "I am a policeman! Don't move while standing still, you scum, or I'll shoot."

Hitting his mind on a child is naturally a scum.

The three men were only four or five steps away from the boy in front. Tadama is a little nervous, and if anyone rushes to the child despite his warning, he will really shoot. Moreover, in order to avoid accidentally hurting the child, he will beat their upper body.

However, those three people did not move.

Jingyu, who walked in the front, turned his face and looked like a lack of interest. He looked at the brave man who claimed to be a police officer, but he was more fierce than the three men. He pressed the three men against the wall and searched, and he planned to walk past them.

"Isn't there a weapon?" The Zhuanghan policeman muttered to himself, and then kicked one of them fart ~ shares, threateningly said: "Go away, and then don't commit again, otherwise I will definitely make you look good."

The kicked man screamed, and his two bitter-faced companions were dumbfounded. After the strong men's policemen drank again, they woke up and said, "Don't dare anymore", and ran away together.

"Can you let them go like this?" Jingyu stopped and turned to ask him: "A criminal act without any punishment will not scare any are appeasing them."

As a ruler for a long time, Jingyu has become more severe to the people's violation of laws and disciplines to a certain extent...He himself is unconscious.

Tadajima originally thought that he would teach this little demon who dares to sway on the street, but he did not expect to be questioned first. Moreover, he was not surprised by his vicious face, which made him feel curious. He carefully looked at Jingyu and found that he didn't even fear that he was almost robbed.

‘Are you deliberately tempting? ’

Tadajima suddenly thought that a child like Jingyu ran into such an unmanned alley, which was too suspicious in itself.

"Your seems to be a crime." He pointed out tentatively to Jingyu, and was a little secretly worried. In the end, what does this child rely on and dare to seduce three adults?

Jingyu Yie narrowed his eyes slightly. Suddenly laughed, turned and walked out.

This makes Tada Island inexplicable. Later, in order to verify his conjecture, he set aside his original work content and quietly followed. And after passing only three streets, Jingyu backtracked to the back, causing a big embarrassment.



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