Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 11: Liaison Office

Jingyu, who had talked with Juzhicheng, even though she still lives in Tiantong's house, had a very tacit understanding with Juzhicheng. They appeared in one place at the same time as possible.

The three teenagers who disclosed information to Jingyu, as well as the suspected Tiantong Heguang involved in the attack, temporarily moved away from Tiantong's home on the grounds that the house was being renovated.

Jingyu naturally understands that this is the instruction of Ju Zhicheng. He is actually not interested in investigating the truth of the incident. In the future, Mu Keng knew that her father was killed. If she wanted to investigate or want revenge, Jingyu would do what she wanted... she could help her, but she didn't plan to do it for her.

This is what he considered from the perspective of training wood.

Mugen is only six years old, really six years old. However, after the attack, she grew more or less.

After the mother returned, she knew that her father was out of danger, and she began to pay attention to other things.

"Jingyu," she still sleeping in a room with Jingyu, even in the bath, after seeing Jingyu's body twice in the bath~ room, she finally couldn't help but ask curiously: "Why do you So strong?"

She had big lavender eyes and secretly looked at Jingyu's abdomen. She thought, ‘Isn’t that more than that? ’

Seeing her expression in her eyes, she grasped Jingyu in sevens and eights, but she couldn't cry or laugh. Reaching intimately, gently tapped her forehead. When the girl puckered her mouth and looked at him in spirit, he bent his arms and said:

"My strength comes from the fact that the cells that make up muscles have exceeded humans... well, do you understand?"

Only halfway through the words, the girl's big eyes flickered. He finally realized that it was too early for her. After the girl shook her head in disappointment, he stroked her pink tutu face:

"Now, how can I teach you to be stronger?"

All of a sudden, her eyes were flooded with beauty, creating a dazzling and lovely effect, which made Jingyu pleasing to the eye.

"Sure, you must teach me." She took his hand and used two "Ding" characters to emphasize.

In fact, these two days, from time to time, she would recall the things that night-the beloved father stood alone against the monster in front, but she couldn't help at all.

Perhaps, she is just a little girl, and it should be protected. However, watching her loved ones injured, still made her feel sad and fidgeted day after day.

But what should be done? She didn't know anything at all.

Jingyu's words at this time undoubtedly reminded her. She is so strong because she is not strong enough, then she will become strong. Strong enough to protect mom and dad like Jingyu, and... She secretly looked at Jingyu's face that was rated as cute at the bottom of her heart, and her heart beat like a deer bumped, inexplicably accelerated... and He.

From the second day on, Kendo, who was originally just a child of playing skills, became more serious in practicing. According to what Jingyu knows, the various martial arts of the Tiantong family have existed for nearly a hundred years, and there are no defects in themselves... As a basis, there is no problem with Mugen practicing this.

He also aimed at the fact that the wood is just an ordinary human, and her physical strength, function, and endurance are limited, setting the direction for her development-try to stand in the same position as the enemy.

It is very simple to do, after the enemy has entered the attack range, just cut it off neatly.

In addition, in order to increase the persistence of Mugen's battle and the level of the enemy, Jingyu also taught Mugen's "breathing method".

Whether this world can breed ‘internal force’, a force that can sublime martial arts, he doesn’t know yet... just give it a try.

What surprised Jingyu was that Mu Geng's body had an old disease like diabetes. After thinking about it, he intended to help Mugen treat this. So on this day, after she took the car to the dojo, she dialed a person's phone.

"Want to see me?" Muroto said jokingly on the phone: "In the beginning, when someone finished the test, didn't they seem to say something like'The plague who finally got out of trouble'?" "Uh..." Jingyu's mouth twitched, while whispering in the bottom of her heart, "Women really love to remember enmity", while trying to confuse and smile: "Is there such a thing? How do I? Can not remember."

Muroto horror laughed like a witch, but did not respond.

Unable, Jingyu added: "Actually, I am...some miss you."

He swears that his tone at this time can really show such sincere feelings.

Who knows, "Woo..." Muroto Hei trembles~ Shaking the goose bumps on his arm, appeared in his mind in the form of a sense of sight. There is even another irony, "I believe you, I will live in vain."

"Damn woman, just tell me, do you want to meet me?" Jingyu said angrily.

"Hum... finally showing his nature?" Muroto said with a smug tone of "I have seen you through", "Well, I haven't quarreled with someone for a while, I hope you can let me Be happy."

"Make you happy? Make you happy to remember me for a few more months." Jingyu sneered.

"If you can do it, try it." Muroto He also gave a disobedient attitude, "The place is still where you tested. When you arrive, remember to tell the doorman and call me. Otherwise, you can't get in. ."

‘If I want to go in, it won’t stop me. "Jingyu scorned his lips contemptuously, "Uh", and left a sentence of "I will be there in half an hour", and hung up the phone.

Later, he put on a children's clothing for outdoor activities and left the room.

When I opened the door, I could also hear the faint sound of knocking on the other side of the turning point tens of meters away-the hired construction team repaired the damaged two walls at the parent's room.

At the turning point, there were several guards who pulled a separation line to prevent construction workers from running around. Several maids were walking slowly in the horizontal corridor, holding sheets and other objects.

When Jingyu passed by them, besides nodding tribute, they were also curious about what he was going to do... Speaking of it, because he had rushed 30 tutors in a month, Jingyu was'queer' in their hearts. 'Synonym for the word.

Jingyu will naturally ignore them. He took the elevator down to the first floor and walked out of the palace-style building easily. After that, it was a clean avenue with a length of 100 meters. As I walked over, we could see gardeners on both sides of the avenue arranging flower gardens.

The guard at the end of the avenue seems to have discovered his intentions, and a 30-something greeted him early.

"Master, are you going out?" he asked carefully.

Jingyu nodded, "Open the door for me."

The guard gestured to his companion waiting by the door. He followed Jingyu himself, and said while walking: "Master, it is too chaotic outside now. You must not leave this residential area. If necessary, we will take you to do it."

"No need." Jingyu said lightly: "I will come back after the meeting."

The guard said nothing more.

The small iron door inlaid on the steel gate was opened with a squeak, and Jingyu walked out.

In front of it is a straight asphalt road with many maple trees planted beside it. It has been late autumn and the maple leaves have already turned red, which looks particularly beautiful. He walked among them, slowed down a bit, enjoying the rare leisure.

However, only a few minutes later, he understood what the guard said was ‘chaotic’. The high-end residential area on this side, like the outside, is like a separation line, forming two worlds... one side is heaven and the other is hell.



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