Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 117: Something went wrong

As soon as the three of the Demon King left, Sandora hurriedly asked Jingyu: "Mr. Jingyu, have you really cracked most of the content of the game?"

Or is it just bluffing?

Judging from the attitude of the devil, Sandora is more inclined to crack it. However, common sense is a bit unbelievable that someone will see so much in such a short time.

"Yes!" The answer was Black Rabbit, she said in a proud tone: "Mr. Jingyu did crack the two that were told to the devil... There are even some that were not mentioned just now. People guessed that it was for Avoid the situation of'squeezing the devil into the wall after saying it all.'"

"...Really, really amazing." Sandora sincerely admired, and then said: "So, can you please tell us all?"

"Let you "report" the matter to our little leader. After knowing it, please ask you as a class dominator to convene representatives of other communities to explain the situation."

Jingyu stood up, nodded briefly, and walked to the door.

"Ah, people also go to see if there is anything that needs help..." Black Rabbit followed him.

Jingyu opened the VIP room door. After walking out of the door, a Salamandra guard stood on each side of the door frame.

Then came, "Master!" Bai Xueji shouted from a few meters away.

She walked over quickly.

Jingyu saw anxiety on her face and asked, "Did something happen?"

"There are two things, which are not very good." Shirayuki said: "Master, shortly after you came here for a meeting, the birds disappeared for a long time. Now, Kasugabu Yao seems to be sick, but he fainted. "

"Why...Miss Yao doesn't matter? Did you go to Miss Asuka?" asked the tightly-secured Black Rabbit, ignoring the identity of the Snow White Snake God, and approached Snow White's shoulder holding Snow White's shoulder.

Bai Xueji squeezed her shoulder sorely, pushed her away, and replied: "Kasugabe Yao is taken care of by Lily, I only know that she has a high fever; Leticia went to find the distant bird, probably not found it yet. ."

Jingyu motioned to her to take the two of them to Yaoyao first. On the way, she asked, "What's going on?"

"It's gone, it's gone, what's going on?" Bai Xueji didn't grasp the key to his question, and she turned her head puzzledly and said casually.

Jingyu frowned unpleasantly, but still patiently said: "I mean how did she disappear, did anyone see where she finally appeared, and when did this "last"... tell me. "

"This..." Shirayuki expressed embarrassment. "We don't know when she disappeared, she was no longer there when she was aware of it. Nobody around knew where she went, and no one heard her say that she wanted to go away."

Because all the participants are concentrated in the hall. Because of the large number of injured people, even Yao Yao was helping to bandage the wounded one moment before falling down...Letitias, too. When they dispersed their help, they suddenly noticed that the bird was gone.

After talking so much, the three of them returned to the hall. Seeing Shirayuki still leading them deep in the hall... Jingyu stopped.

"Don't tell me, Yao is still here?"

"The wounded people of other communities are also here. We are noname and it is impossible for Salamandra to take special care of them." Bai Xueji sighed. "Who cares about him so much!" Jingyu drank.

Without suppressing the volume, many people in the hall looked over curiously or unpleasantly... Then, he stared back one by one.

The strong spirit made Shirayuki who was only obedient to his face, but also a sigh of heart...a little afraid to echo.

"Black Rabbit, go and tell Sandora, let Salamandra prepare a single room for Yao. And, if she doesn't arrange, I'll grab it myself! Don't say I won't give her face at that time!" Jingyu snorted, himself 'Found' Yao's location and walked there.

Black Rabbit knew that Jingyu would dare to say so. Furthermore, she is not against companions getting single rooms...whether it is rest or recuperation, that is the best.

"People, people go here."

She returned to the VIP room as quickly as possible.

Besides, Jingyu came to the place where Yao and Lily were.

I saw that Yao was lying on a mattress-like thing that was enough for single use. Her face was flushed, but it was not a pleasant red; sweat continued on her forehead, and her breathing was a little quick; her mouth was half open, and there was dry skin on her thin lips.

A tub was placed beside Lily. She put the white towel into the wooden basin and wet it. After wringing it dry, she wiped the forehead to cool down.

"Lily." Jingyu shouted that she might be scared by her sudden appearance.

Lily turned her head back, "Master Jingyu..." After she called, tears burst into her eyes, "Yao...Yao Master, she..."

"It'll be fine." Jingyu smiled and rubbed the top of her head, crouched down and touched Yao Yao's forehead... compared with his body temperature, Yao's body temperature was at least two degrees higher... the typical is I have a fever.

Jingyu withdrew her hand, but did not really think so.

He frowned, ‘shouldn’t... Isn’t the black death buried by Pestel not today but earlier? ’

If this is the case, it is necessary to do something earlier. For example, look for all participants with similar symptoms, and then gather them together and isolate them from others... otherwise, the infection can only be further expanded.

Jingyu breathed out and bent down to hug Yaoheng.

Lily is unclear, "Master Jingyu?"

"I took Yao to the single room prepared for her... Lily will come together." Jingyu smiled at her.

The three left the hall, and after a while, the black rabbit returned. Along with her, there is also a Salamandra warrior. Led by him, Yao was placed in this operational headquarters, which should be a single bedroom that can only be used by members of Salamandra.

After the soldier left, Jingyu told Black Rabbit the real situation.

"Black Rabbit, I think Yao's disease... is the Black Death."



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