Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 116: Trial resolution (Part 2)

Speaking to Jingyu, Pestle frowned and asked:

"Since this method can be used, why do you stubbornly do not want to start the game again in a month?"

She did not doubt that Jingyu could last a month, but this guy could ignore the wind of death.

Jingyu spread his hands together, "It's boring to stay alone for a month in the face of a pile of ice sculptures. Even if it is to find a familiar person to freeze and unfreeze, I know only a few people in our community here. People...... Well, you just take a step back and advance the time of the game. Correspondingly, we will compensate appropriately on our side."

"For example?" Pestle said: "If I win, I can win all of you... Do you think you can come up with something enough to impress me?"

Jingyu pointed at Black Rabbit casually, "Where is she?" Before Waiter answered, she turned to Black Rabbit and asked, "Black Rabbit, you are indeed due to being the referee of the "Duel of the Creators", It was determined that it was not allowed to participate in the gift contest within 15 days... Excluded from the games held by Pestle?"

Black Rabbit is being suddenly "pointed" and thinking, "Will it be possible that Mr. Jingyu wants to use others as a bet and ask the Black Dead Spot Demon King to change the conditions"... Based on the sacrifice spirit of the Moon Rabbit race, she quickly dropped It was decided,'If people can really lay the foundation for everyone's victory, then do it'.

When I was asked about the referee's restrictions again, I didn't get a quick answer.

"Hey?" Even so slightly surprised, and then quickly said: "Well, yes, people are not in the current game...unless, the organizer can allow..."

"I really misunderstood Mr. Jingyu". While casting Jingyu's apologetic gaze that made Jingyu feel strange, he looked at Peste with expectation.

"Ten days!" Pestle moved. "Advance the game to the start of ten days. It can't be advanced anymore."

"Wait... wait a minute, Master, you can't give the permission of the'Harding Aristocrat' to join the war!" La Ting hurriedly advised Peste.

If we compare the combat power of the two sides, our own is somewhat inadequate... The method of embedding the Black Death in advance is to consume the opponent's combat power before resuming the war. However, due to Jingyu's freezing, this seems to be impossible. Unable to consume the opponent's combat power, there are great factors of instability for one's own side.

The game has not necessarily won, how can we add more enemies?

And it is still a stronger moon rabbit than ordinary gods and Buddhas.

"Because I really want rabbits." Peste responded to La Ting with such a willful reason.

This made La Ting and Weser show helpless expressions.

However, Pester's self-confidence and self-confidence are not really unfounded.

"In addition, I have to add one more thing on the condition of ten days... It is not allowed to use the freezing ability to freeze participants."

"If I add this one, I will ask to advance the game to three days." Jingyu ‘bargained’.

"Can't do it!" Peste directly denied.

At this point in the negotiation, there was a brief stagnation... The two people who negotiated on behalf of the two looked at each other tit-for-tat, and seemed unwilling to take another step back.

"Then you don't need to continue talking! Just follow the one-month implementation, and I agree to use the frozen method to avoid the Black Death." Mandela said.

In fact, he is a bit uncomfortable with Jingyu's excuse that "it will be boring to wait for a month alone". He thinks that Jingyu is such a play, how can he compromise with the Demon King for such irrelevant reasons? Like him, I don’t know that Jingyu actually can’t use the freezing ability in the game. Sandora and Jin En will also ask Jingyu that if the game is mentioned in three Within a few days, I would not be confused by using the frozen participant's resolution... If the game could not be completed quickly, would someone die because of the delay?

Only the Black Rabbit is squeezing a sweat now... suffering from being unable to explain the situation to these three people.

Jingyu showed a troubled expression after that sentence. It seems to be saying, ‘it’s not for you to stay alone for a month, of course you can say that’.

"Wait a minute!" he said to Peste, who was "glaring at Mandela, intending to return to the same level of fierce words", and then looked at Mandela:

"I don't want to use my brain, do I have to say it straight? I was frozen on the 29th and only had a thawing recovery time on the 1st. How much combat power can be recovered is unknown."

The implication is naturally to express that ice can prevent the early onset of the Black Death, but it is risky. Therefore, I don't want to really exercise the ice.

What Mandela said is also a great figure of Salamandra... he was a master in the era of the former leader, that is, his father as the leader; the current leader is his sister, and he plays roles like staff and assistant …When was it called “brainless” in person?

In particular, he was still a teenager who looked younger than him, and this teenager was born from noname with no glory.

He was so blue and purple on his cheeks that he couldn't be angry.

Jingyu didn't be afraid of the way he gritted his teeth and said, "Shut up, listen," and then faced Pestle.

"Well, there is no way for you to know... I will take another step back. How about the game after a week?"

Pestre was also surprised by the scene in which Jingyu scolded Mandela. Hearing Jingyu's words, she said with a smile:

"...No way!"

"Did you say that? Have you thought about thawing one day in advance does not ensure how much combat power is restored, but two or three days in advance... or even one week in advance? Thawing the game one month later, I Participants can be unfrozen a week in advance.

Putting aside the frozen time, wouldn't this bring everything back to the above-mentioned proposal to start the game after a week? If you postpone for a month, the situation may not benefit you? The extra three weeks are just a waste of time for no reason. "

In the end, this made Pester pondered.

Jingyu gave her another blow: "I already know the method of sealing Bai Yecha. I also know that the real piper of Hamel is between La Ting and Weser... again. Give me a month to think, is it okay?"

The three of Pesset also showed the incredible expression of "what is your brain made of," just like the black rabbits and others who heard Jingyu explaining the rules before.

They stared at him... Later, La Ting and Weser exchanged glances quietly again, and whispered Peste.

Pestle seemed to finally make up her mind, "haven't you asked your name and community?" she said to Jingyu.

"Long Jingyu, the noname under the leadership of this King Russell belongs here." Jing Yu, who expected her to agree, patted Jin En's shoulder and smiled.

"I remember... tell you, I will make you my possession." She rolled up a black wind to cover the three people... When the black wind disappeared, they were gone.

On the table of the conference table, there was a contract document that added the time for reopening the competition, forbidding Jingyu to freeze participants, and allowing Black Rabbit to participate.



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