Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 102: The devil is attacking?

Asuka blamed them.

She was directly rushed into the bath by the female clerk who was afraid that she would stain the store, and she didn't know... Leticia, who came back with her at the same time, embraced the fact that she was injured by her own careless fault. Psychologically, go to Jingyu who confessed to her to protect Asuka.

Jingyu rushed over as soon as she heard it.

At this time, behind Jingyu's light back, all the noname females, including Leticia, except Asuka, were standing, plus a white yak.

Because of the influence of shyness and anger, the black rabbit's long hair became cherry-colored. She also wrapped a bath towel, hiding shy Lily behind her.

The authentic commentary on the white rabbit, who is as rich and beautiful as Black Rabbit and Bai Xueji, was originally full of light... in front of the women, she was not embarrassed. But after Jingyu broke in, her forehead jumped out of the blue tendon, and she inevitably found a bath towel around her.

And if Jingyu broke in, Bai Xueji would protest Bai Yecha's squinting eyes.

Among them, Yao Yao's expression was relatively calm, but she stared at Jingyu's light back with her cold eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the female lineup exerted a powerful and unified power...In fact, they are indeed more powerful than Jingyu who is alone...They successfully drove the shameless him out of the female bath.

He did not give up the original purpose of breaking into the women's bath.

Standing outside the sliding door of the isolation corridor and the dressing room, he said to the inside: "Flying bird, remember to come to me first after soaking. I have something to ask you."

Just because his body might be seen by him, he was so ashamed that he didn't want to see him and Asuka talking to him for a while, and he heard the sound of seriousness in this voice. After hesitating, it was finally the default.

However, when she actually came out of the bath, it was more than half an hour later... In the female lineup, except for Leticia and Lily, all of them were bathed. Because of Bai Yecha's intervention, she didn't have to face Jingyu alone.

In the guest room of the Eye of Summoning, Bai Yecha sat on the main end of the long table, looking at Jingyu opposite:

"So, what did you just want to talk about with Asuka?"

"I want to confirm the details of the attack... After all, we have a big premise, the demon king is attacking. Now that the festival has passed half, the possibility of the demon king appearing at any time is more than doubled from the first day."

Asuka had thought that Jingyu would ask for details of the attack, but did not expect that he would associate it with the attack of the demon king. Therefore, she retorted in a slightly anxious voice:

"Wait, wait a minute, there can be no connection. How could this child be the target of the Demon King? She is not a member of Salamandra or the Summoning Eye...belongs, it is a community called Rattenfanger."

The refutation did not have the expected effect. Instead, the refuked person narrowed his eyes.


"What, what?"

Asuka couldn't help but feel a little ill.

Jingyu touched her chin for a moment and thought, "Let’s scratch... This elf is out of the group, that is, he left the group, and there is no group to find her; Leticia said, before she answers you, listen There was a strange flute near the exhibition ground; you said to Leticia, the mice are not affected by your gift...right?" "Well... well." Asuka nodded hesitantly. She could not deny that even after he enumerated in this strange way, even she was shaken.

"You know, Rattenfanger in German, means mousetrap?" Jingyu asked again.

Although Asuka shook her head, she said: "Since it's a mousetrap, it can explain why this child was chased by mice."

The relationship between the mousetrap and the mouse is clearly an enemy...she wants to express it this way.

Jingyu smiled at her childish performance, "It seems literally true, but in the Green fairy tale, the mousetrap refers to the person who can manipulate the mouse..."

Very contradictory!

After this sentence, he wanted to say these four words again.

However, two of the people who were listening quietly intervened in a hurry.

"Are you saying...Grimms_Fairytales?"

"Wait, what's going on? Tell me more carefully, kid."

The former is Black Rabbit, and the latter is Bai Yecha... Their performance made Jingyu stunned. Seeing his reaction, Bai Yecha seemed to understand something and said:

"You don't know, hundreds of years ago, there was a community of demon kings called Grimm_grimoire (fantasy magic guide book group) in the Chamber. It was led by a summoner with a wizard and summoned from a total of 200 magic books. The demons made up... that magic book is called Grimms_Fairytales.

"Have there been, that is, has it been destroyed?"

"Yes... but you say now that Rattenfanger is actually from that magic book, why did you say that?" Bai Yecha asked seriously.

"Yes, this child's community cannot be related to the devil." Asuka said.

She would never believe that the innocent elf would be a member of the evil party.

Jingyu smiled, "I didn’t say she was a bad party? But, that name was indeed mentioned in the Grimm fairy tale... more precisely, in the piper of Hamel. Bai Yecha, I didn’t expect that Green’s fairy tale had anything to do with the devil. What I wanted to say... Or, what I care more about was that I had seen the piper’s stained glass in many places within the scope of the festival. I was thinking Is there such a possibility?"

"What's possible?" Bai Yecha was anxious for him to speak out without asking, and immediately asked when he stopped.

"Will the Demon King have been mixed into the festival, not as a participant, but as the party hosting the exhibits?"

In this way, it completely avoided two of the three prohibitions set by Bai Yacha using its own organizer permissions.

Bai Yecha couldn't help but shouted at the bottom of his heart and agreed with Jingyu's story. However, the first article of prohibition made her relax immediately.

"If it's already there, then it's no big deal."



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