Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 101: Bird attack

"That should be an elf?" Jingyu said.

The word ‘Ye’ was used because he remembered a little elf with the size of a firefly and a pair of insect wings that he saw in the place where the elf priestess Galadriel lived.

"It's indeed an elf." Leticia affirmed his words, and said: "However, it is really rare that there is only one single activity at this size...Is it the'out of team'?"

Although the size of the figure does not always represent the strength of the strength, the one in front of it belongs to the category of small equal to weak. A certain group size has not been formed. Obviously, the North District, where the evil ghost Raksha is predominant, is obviously not safe enough.

"Really." Asuka didn't know what she was thinking, she seemed to be curious about the strange things, and moved closer to the elf to watch her.

As a result, this was noticed by the elf. The elf, who was indulging in the beautiful artwork with an innocent expression, suddenly turned around and was in line with the sight of the bird. Alas, like a child’s thin voice uttering a lovely sorrow, the elf flew away from the end of the bird.

Asuka immediately tossed the coke cake towards Jingyu and chased towards the elf.

"Flying bird!" Leticia called her without hearing a response.

Jingyu, who caught the coke cake, ‘oh’ understood what is true: “Sure enough, humans have a hunting instinct... Next time I have to talk to the black rabbit.”

"That's not the case, Master." Leticia couldn't help crying. "In short, please allow me to protect her."

"Go... what she wants to do without interference."

Leticia, who had won her approval, immediately delivered the croquette to him, releasing her black wings, and flew in the direction of the bird's departure.

Jingyu, holding three croquettes, looked at the croquettes...Although it was okay to eat them, there is no such interest now. He simply included the croquettes in the gift card.

"So, continue to work hard for the community to gather more wealth."

Speaking of passionate words that seem to be sweating, the males are eagerly searching for the next game to play.

"It's not the case at all. For you, all the games here are just the extent of moving your fingers."

Listening to the vomiting of the plump beauty behind it is also a fun that not everyone can enjoy.

At this time, Jingyu believed that there were two orbs that she used to save her life, which would allow her to use the absolute zero degree. Coupled with Leticia, there should be no accidents... But, Asuka When I returned to the branch of Eye of Summoning, I was injured.

The attack took place in a cave serving as an exhibition ground.

Asuka successfully chased the elf and enveloped her with food, and came here with her to enjoy the exhibits hosted by the communities. The two walked all the way to the big hole in the center of the exhibition venue and saw a red steel giant that was thirty feet high. Just thinking about how, when this size was moved in from a narrow entrance, thousands of mice poured out of the dark cave.

This number reached a terrible point for Asuka that she didn't want to face at all, and she ran away.

The same is true of the other tourists present, which caused congestion from the large empty hole to the originally narrow passageway.

Asuka took out the burgundy gift card, summoned the flying wings and equipped it, and flew over everyone's head. The flying wing has a higher speed than the mice, and it must be saved.

However, looking at the group of rats that had approached the end of the crowd, and the "people who are still pushing each other, but could not leave smoothly", she gritted her teeth and faced the group of rats.

"Go back to your own den."

In this way, the magnificent order was given to the rats.

The rats didn't stop moving. The swarming trend formed a huge wave. Once caught in it, save the dead bones... Asuka, who is ineffective, is anxious, but still has not left.

Take the sword of fire from the gift card. The effect of igniting the sword of flame, the fierce fire illuminates the cave.

With the animal's instinct to fear fire, this can always dispel the mice.

Asuka thought so...until seeing the mice throwing their flames at her without any care, they realized that the reason why Weiguang didn't work on the mice was because they were controlled by people.

The flame through the power of light has a powerful burning power. All the mice jumping from the front of the flame were burnt into coke, which did not cause any damage to the dazed bird. However, the remaining mice climbed to the top of the cave from the side and along the wall and then attacked the birds from the top of the cave.

Asuka flew the sword of flames, swept left and right, and killed the mice, trying to buy time for those who fled.

"Ah!" the elf on his shoulder screamed.

As the bird looked sideways at her, a black shadow flashed over the head of the elf who was lying on her shoulder in fear.

"Don't..." She looked at the ground again, "Sure enough, she can clearly attack the people in front of me, and my sword doesn't dare to go over there, but the mouse doesn't do this... Instead, it seems to be surrounded. I am the same here. ’

The conclusion is that the target of the mice is this child.

Although I understand this, is it feasible to fly away? Because I was still worried about the destruction of the rats when they moved from the crowd, Asuka did not do so... also because if anyone was hurt by the two of them, it would make her even more uneasy.

Her conscience does not allow that to happen.

So, she chose to stay and drag the mice.

In order to prevent the elf from being injured, she tucked the elf into her dress from the neckline.

Then take the last two orbs from the gift card, intending to use it when it is necessary or when the manipulating the mouse appears.

Asuka waved the sword of flames and wrestled with the mice. And take time out to the crowd, use the power to order, let the crowd form a unified pace, and evacuate efficiently.

Asuka followed them and moved forward step by step.

Her physical abilities are limited, and even if the Flame Sword blessed by Prestige is very strong, she still cannot completely block the attacks of the mice. The bare arms and calves were bitten by mice in many places. Even so, she did not have the idea of ​​running away or leaving the elves.

When Leticia arrived, she saw flying birds fighting so bravely.


The rear of the branch of Eye of Summon is like an open-air bath.

Asuka, who came back with bruises and blood stains, was forced to take a bath by the female clerk. After soaking in the pool water, the wound on the body has quickly healed... She lamented the greatness of the Great Community.

At this time, heavy and high-frequency footsteps were heard on the wooden floor of the dressing room outside the bath. Immediately, the sliding door was yanked open.

"Asuka, I heard you were injured, how are you?"

Facing such words of concern, Asuka made a violent drop of the tub floating on the water toward the other party's head.

"Don't just go into the women's bath, you bastard!"

At the same time, she also shouted at each other.

The tub was caught by the other party, unexpectedly, but reasonable. Noting the opponent holding the tub, the concerned eyes moved down from his face, and Asuka quickly hugged his chest and sat back under the water.

"Yeah, don't go out yet!"

She already had tears in her eyes, and she was really ashamed and angry, glaring at him.

"...Oh, seeing you as spirited, I'm relieved."

Only for the waist towel, there was a drop of water hanging on his black hair, and he could see that he was taking a bath just now. After saying that, he turned his head down, and the eyes looking at the bath in this situation gave Asuka a not-so-good hunch.

Fortunately, "cough... cough!" There were several female coughing coughs behind him, which finally emboldened the birds.

However, she was a little annoyed again and said: ‘If you are here, why let him in. ’



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