Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 81: Majesty serious (above)

Mentioning Jingyu's reminder, to clear Graeier, it is mainly to take out the only eyes and teeth shared by the three of them from the heads of their three... This, using the invisible helmet and flying wings, the bird easily did it .

The remaining question is how to defeat Kraken.

Although the sea monster is not as huge as the bird imagined, all eight tentacles are extended, which is enough to cover a 150-meter square. Standing next to it, it was just a bird with a normal human body shape, too small.

This is the same reason that ants try to challenge human beings. It will feel itchy and painful if bitten by an ant. There is no human being who will die... unless it is a special poisonous ant.

It is a pity that Asuka did not overturn Kraken's toxicity.

Endure being teased and trying to order him to ‘strangle himself’, it was unintentional.

After being ineffective, Asuka blushed first.

Then she took out the sword of flames, intending to rely on the flames attached to the sword to burn the octopus like a tiger.

The flames did work, and the invisible bird could easily insert the sword anywhere in the octopus without being seen. Fire the special effect of the fire, burn the sword body and penetrate into the surrounding area.

As long as this continues, I believe that it won't take long to completely burn the octopus with a limited size.

However, unexpectedly, the birds were once again in a bitter battle... This octopus can regenerate, and the speed of regeneration is not weaker than the speed of the birds destruction.

As the bird burns a large area, when the flame sword is pulled out, the octopus flesh will fill the hole. Its eight tentacles will wave back and forth, forcing the birds to fly without stopping, not staying in one place for too long.

The situation becomes, unless the flying bird can burn the half of the octopus in one breath, otherwise it will not kill the octopus.

She has a high risk of flying even if she takes a slow flight, and the concentration for evasion is missing, even if she is hit by octopus tentacles on the spot.

Obviously, the longer it is dragged, the more unfavorable to Asuka.

Seeing this, Jingyu, who was standing by the wall with his arms at the corner of the cave, stopped this gift game-the method used was very simple, and the big octopus was stunned with a punch... The organizer fainted and the game naturally paused.

Seeing this scene of flying birds, don't mention how unwilling to be. She hovered in the air, staring at Jingyu with a complex expression, and at a time did not know what to say to express her dissatisfaction with his sudden intervention.

"Asuka, come down, I have something to tell you." Jingyu waved to her.

Asuka didn't move. "Just talk, I can hear it."

It's not so much that he doesn't want to follow his instructions or further suggestions, it's better to be a little temperament.

She grunted.

The following remarks prove to Asuka that the guy is her nemesis.

"It's okay to say this at a distance, but can I continue to look at your underwear?"

He said so casually, the expression on his face was so pure, it seemed that'I don't want to look at it again and you must let me see'... In response to him, the shy and angry bird turned the sword of flame towards him Threw it out.

"Why do not you go to hell!"

Along with this, there was such a shy roar that echoed throughout the underground space.

What a pity... Jingyu stood on the spot without hiding, watching the sword inserted five meters away from him.

He held his forehead with a smile, "Well, how to say..."

"No need to say..."

The throwing person also froze for the throwing with misaligned head. Afterwards, he felt ashamed and vomited himself violently.

"Ah, yes, the quasi-head is like a child, not at all the warrior who challenged the sea monster...or rather, Griai who was broken by such a person is really pitiful. Anyway, I never have The meaning of showing mercy to you!"

She flew down from the air and stood next to the sword, posing a dangerous posture of ‘dare to say anything, and I will personally send the sword to your body’.

"You don't need to talk about that part anymore." Jingyu smiled and walked to her, "Give me the sword."

"What do you want it to do?" Asuka didn't move, but asked doubtfully.

the reason is simple. The big octopus, which occupies an area of ​​150 meters, can't stand his punch, what use is a sword.

"Come and see." Jingyu bent over and pulled out the sword, motioned to her to follow her, and walked to the tentacle of the fainted octopus, stabbing the sword in.

Red light emerged from the sword, burning the octopus's flesh and emitting the aroma of roasted octopus. The half-foot octopus meat around the sword body was eroded by heat to become black, and it took about one second.

Then, the regeneration of the octopus started, and the original color was restored at a faster rate. The creeping meat even tends to swallow with the sword, spreading to the sword.

"Sure enough." Jingyu pulled out his sword effortlessly, turned around, and looked at Flying Bird with a surprised look.

Flying bird was uncomfortable by him, but he kept his arms under high pressure and asked in this posture: "What is it?"

Jingyu raised the sword in front of her, "I can exert the power of this sword, which is what you saw, burned the tentacles of the octopus into a large pit. But you, you can burn more than three in a flash Mi Fangfang, coverage and power have been improved... Asuka, that must be the effect of your gift on it. It’s really amazing."

"Hey..." I didn't expect to be stunned by Asuka. If you look carefully, she finds that he is very serious and recalls that voice also contains sincerity... All these are enough to tell her that he truly admires the gifts she has.

Realizing this, Asuka became angry with him and became a little embarrassed. To conceal this, half is sincere, she grumbled awkwardly:

"What's the use of'great', even an octopus can't be beaten."

It can't be compared with you at all, isn't it... this is where she cares most.

However, Jingyu shook his head, "You can't beat Kraken because the output power of this sword is limited, which limits your gift play, but not because your gift is bad. If you change a big gift to you , I have to doubt that if I am not careful, I might get a loss from you, a novice."

Everything was said to the point that even Asuka seemed to accept his sincere compliments honestly.

However, "it's a fact that you can't win an octopus in front of you... This can only be left for you." Asuka said helplessly.

"It's fair to have two monsters one by one." Jingyu asked Flying Bird to put away the sword of flames. "Flying Bird, before the octopus wakes up, let's continue to talk about your gifts."

Knowing that it was about whether he could continue to grow stronger, Asuka nodded.

Jingyu said: "I originally heard Black Rabbit and Leticia say that Weiguang is a gift that can control gifts. I still feel a little strange. Because no matter how I think, this level of ability is not enough to be able to hold with me. The specifications of some of the gifts are on the same level...but now it’s a bit of an eyebrow. But I think it’s too early to make a conclusion. Asuka, let’s continue to hone as you think and find the way it really should be used. "

"I hope I can use it more to know what I can do. However, there is no gift in our community workshop that I can use." Asuka brightened the wine-red gift card, "Here Although the Sword of Flame can be used, don’t you say that it has reached the limit?"

"So, this..." Jingyu smiled and drew a semicircle in front of him with his hand. Suddenly, on the trajectory of his hand, a row of crystal ice beads appeared along the arc.

Following the original trajectory, he caught almost all the ice beads in his hand, leaving only one still floating. The rest sprinkled casually towards the lake.

The ice beads collide with the lake surface and break up, freezing the lake surface into a thin layer... This thin layer of ice can't even withstand the impact of the burst of ice beads, and then breaks up again.

Jingyu pinched the remaining one and said to Asuka: "It's wrapped in freezing air at 0 degrees Celsius. You throw it out and order'freeze'...until you pass the gift and reduce the freezing temperature to absolute Zero degrees, I can provide you with similar ice beads."

He pointed to the waterhole and motioned for the bird to try it.

Asuka threw the ice beads out and shouted: "Freeze!"

Then, there appeared a freezing area larger than the entire ice beads thrown by Jingyu.

Asuka watched this really work and couldn't help but cheer. Just when she looked at him and wanted to ask him to get more ice beads for her to try, she found Jingyu looking at the ice surface with a blank expression.



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