Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 80: Teacher's concerns

After Luos left the branch of the Summoning Eye, he immediately expelled the men who went to attack Noname at the time.

These people became unable to prove their identity, and faced the accusation of'theft of the five-digit community Perseus gift'. Luos made a request to Bai Yecha to severely punish the thieves and retrieve the equipment.

Bai Yecha knew what was going on. She didn't quite know what Luos meant. After letting these people hand over their equipment, they temporarily took over from noname. After that, she exposed Luos's ugly actions to the upper level of the summoning eye.

The Summoning Eye executive was therefore punishing Perseus for an indefinite ban on flying the Summoning Eye banner.

The handover of equipment took place after this, holding the white yak of these equipment in hand, asking Perseus for a symbolic ‘grab thief reward’ for Perseus for noname.

Five days after Jingyu and Asuka left the community, noname received a letter from the summoning eye. The letter was sent by Bai Yecha, and the content was also written in her tone. It mainly asked the leader Jin En to go to the branch of the Eye of Summoning.

Since the wording was fairly formal, but there was no mention of what to do, noname sent Black Rabbit to accompany Jin En to... By the way, Black Rabbit also wanted to ask Bai Yecha about Jingyu and Asuka.

The two came to the branch of the Eye of Summoning, and were led to Bai Yecha's room by the female clerk. They were sitting opposite Bai Yecha who was smoking a pipe... To be precise, the leader Jin Enzheng was sitting against Bai Yecha, and the black rabbit was sitting. On his side.

Bai Yecha didn't mess with the black rabbit this time, and she had over-age seriousness on her tender face.

The atmosphere created made Jin En very nervous, worried about what would be super serious.

The black rabbit also felt a little stunned, "Master Baiyecha, you asked us to come... what's the matter?"

Bai Yecha nodded his head, slammed, and knocked the soot in the pipe towards the ashtray coated with red paint.

"There was a little thing that called you over, but I have other things I would like to ask about Jin En as the leader..."

Jin En straightened his waist immediately. "Please, please ask."

Bai Yecha smiled slightly, "Jin En, relax, I just understand, that kid... Did Long Jingyu do anything that forced you."

"Huh?" Jin En was surprised and puzzled by the content.

Also nervous, a black rabbit with a pair of rabbit ears stood up, and some understood it-Bai Yecha knew Jingyu's identity, and was concerned about whether Jingyu would occupy the community that belonged to Jin En and Black Rabbit. Turn noname into a prop that he messed with himself.

Black Rabbit didn't think Jingyu would do this. When Jin En looked at himself, he reminded him:

"Master Kim Eun, just answer the truth."

Jin En solemnly said: "Mr. Jingyu is a very powerful person, whether it is power or wisdom, it is worth learning from me. I respect him! He is willing to guide me and teach me how to contribute to the community as a leader, let I am very grateful."

'That is to say, there is no coercion, then...' Bai Yecha said again: "I heard that you have announced that you are willing to take over all evil-related disputes, including the devil, this matter... Jin En, as the leader, you Did you agree from the bottom of your heart?"

"Yes, we want to recapture the name and banner from the devil. In the current situation where the community has no name and banner, I think this is the best way." Jin En said seriously.

Bai Yecha responded to Jin En’s answer with a sharp eye, "You should be aware of the risks? Such rumors will not only attract the devil, but also make evil people like Luos target you... "

"Conversely, it will also allow those who want to defeat the devil and those who want to resist those evil people to gather with us as the banner!" Jin En stared at Bai Yecha directly, "Master Bai Yecha, I'm ready. . The ultimate opponent is always the Demon King, and to face the Demon King, you must hold the momentum of unsuccessfulness and become a benevolent!"

The battle with the devil is so dangerous! If you only want to live a safe life, don’t aim at the devil at the beginning, don’t mention anything to regain the name and banner... Isn’t it good to dissolve the noname and rebuild the new community?

Black Rabbit didn't do it.

Jin En is the leader of noname.

Bai Yecha understood the determination of the two people in front of her. She thought to herself, ‘I can rest assured that the kid will stay in this community now. In the future, even if someone else finds this and raises a question, I will be able to justify him. ’

She smiled at Jin En, "Now that you have considered so much, just as a class leader, I welcome more communities like you. Out of this consideration, I will help within my own responsibilities. You make recommendations. Maybe soon you will need to be dispatched...Be prepared anytime."

Jin En and the Black Rabbit glanced at each other, both nervous and possibly excited about facing the Demon King, but also excited... because facing the Devil King and winning, the community would move forward.

"Yes, we will be ready." Jin En answered.

Black Rabbit asked carefully: "Master Baiyecha, I would like to know, where did Mr. Jingyu and Miss Asuka come to the summoning eye that day, where did they go?"

They should not quit noname... she has been worried about this for the past five days. But thinking that Shirayuki still stayed in the noname, Leticia also said that it was impossible, so she didn't spread this worry to anyone other than her.

Now, this worry is reaching its limit, and she wants to know the answer too much.

Bai Yecha turned his head in surprise, "Black Rabbit, what are they going to do? Didn't tell you?"

The black rabbit blinked his big red eyes and shook his head.

Bai Yecha pressed her eyebrows with a headache. "That guy!" Clenched his teeth. "He is the one who told me that if I can't get a ransom from Perseus, I'll ask them as a class dominator' Reward for catching thieves. Well, one hundred gold coins, Jin En, you order a little."

She clapped her hands, and a gray leather bag with a beam fell down... Jin En quickly caught it, and it started sinking.

He stared blankly at the black rabbit.

Black Rabbit also approached, shaking her hand and opening the bag, which contained yellow gold orange coins that made her and Jin En feel dazzling.

"Black, black rabbit... Did our community start to get rich?"


The two looked at the incredible look of the pile of gold coins and made Bai Yecha shake her head silently... She had to cough to draw their attention.

"Well, I thought about it, but I still don't tell you specifically what he did. However, you can rest assured that the kid will not give up halfway." Bai Yecha assured them, she thought in her heart: how to say, That guy is also my apprentice, dare to run like this, I can't spare him.



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