Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 37: Water god

By the creek in the jungle, four people stood with a unicorn.

"That is to say," after listening to the black rabbit's quotation, Jingyu summed up: "The family of the water **** here is indeed holding a gift game that can get the water tree. However, this unicorn is also to get the water tree. Coming from South District deliberately... right?"

Now that he knows where to get the water tree, he is not in a hurry-even if many powerful gifts in the past were limited to use in the gift game, he has enough confidence to use the newly obtained gifts to his body and memory There are tricks in the area below and above four levels.

He questioned the unicorn euphemistically, "I find it a bit strange. It is said that Underwood in the Southern District has a huge water tree. Wouldn't it be more convenient to go there if you want to get water tree seedlings or gifts related to water? "

Since Jingyu speaks the Hing Ting lingua franca, it is used everywhere in the Hing Ting. Unicorns, although they cannot speak, have the wisdom to understand.

Jingyu was surprised to find that the long horse had an anthropomorphic expression of “bitter smile”.

Then, he listened to Black Rabbit's translation: "Your Excellency, although the water tree can produce water, it just absorbs the water in the air and then releases it incrementally. It cannot be out of nothing... You and some of you don't know, The Southern District is facing a drought. The total amount of water is decreasing. If you only get water trees from Underwood, it will only transfer the limited water from one area to another, and it will not be a real solution to our crisis. "

This means that the amount of existing water trees in the Southern District is fixed, and the amount of water that the existing water trees can increase is also fixed.

Only by adding water trees or similar water system gifts on the basis of existing water trees can the total water volume be increased.

Jingyu nodded clearly, thinking that'Underwood wouldn't sell the water tree under such circumstances', when he saw the black rabbit winking at him again and again...the direction of the wink was that Kasugabe Shining .

This girl, who has been silent for a long time compared to Asuka Asuka, is staring at his face in a distracted manner. The overly complicated psychological activities made it impossible to read her thoughts from the expression... Jingyu understood after contacting her gift.

‘So that’s why, is that why she has the gift of being able to communicate with animals? ’

She may be very contradictory in her heart at this moment, and she wants to help this unicorn, and does not want to embarrass Jingyu.

At the same time, there is a dilemma on the spot, I am afraid there is one...that is the black rabbit. She was absolutely reluctant to see the three new comrades summoned and buried the barrier on the first day of joining the community.

Bystander Qing, after seeing all the expressions on their three faces, Jiu Yuan Fei Bird couldn't help saying: "You can't get the water tree first, so as to complete your gift game, and then give the water tree to this... this Unicorn?"

She took care of Yao's emotions and used more polite words. In itself, she also looked at the unicorn, which is only a legendary creature in her impression.

And she would make such a proposal, because she thinks that Black Rabbit and Jingyu are very strong, so the community that owns them should not need such a ‘little thing’.

The black rabbit smiled bitterly.

Jingyu said to her poorly: "Flying birds, Yao, you still don't know the status of the Black Rabbit community... The community was attacked by the devil three years ago, and the names and flags and the community's talents were looted. Now The rest of the community is only Black Rabbit, Leticia and more than one hundred children. On the verge of survival, we have no room to give up the water tree..." He noticed that Asuka's face was surprised, and Yao's expression was both surprised and sad... he added:

"However, we do not have the right to deprive others of the qualification to participate in the gift game, and the other party is willing to generously tell us the truth... Since it is you who comes first, you will first challenge it. If you get the water tree first, I I hope you can wait a bit and see if I have anything similar for you to exchange with the water tree."

After reminded by the black rabbit, Jingyu thought that this is the end of the eight large rivers in the Hakting. Since the family of the water **** is inhabited, he must also be inhabited by the elves accompanying the water... In fact, when he used to listen to the sound of everything, Really felt it.

Yao's eyes lighted up again, looking at the unicorn expectantly.

This time, she couldn’t wait to translate the unicorn’s words, “If it’s a gift of the same effect, it’s not necessary to exchange...he said so!” Her tone seemed a little more cheerful...the tone of the conversation with the three before , The attitude is very different.

Black Rabbit immediately snapped her hands together, "It's great." She was heartily happy to avoid a peer crisis.

The corners of Asuka's lips also curled up faintly, and I secretly felt that Jingyu's handling of the matter was pretty.

The four people plus a unicorn and a three-hair cat walked together to the habitat of the water **** family known to the unicorn.

It was a small waterfall that was very close to the Trinity Falls. The river flows down from the waterfall, accumulates in a wide pool below, and then flows away through the wide river channel when it is full.

Standing on the shore, after the unicorn nodded to Jingyu, he first issued a challenge to the water **** family.

Soon, a huge film of water swelled in the center of the pool with arrogant laughter.

After the water film reached the limit of the water's tension, it was a white giant snake in front of the four people and one by one.

No one knows how long the giant snake's body is. The part of the snake that protrudes out of the water is more than thirty feet.

There is also a white snake body constantly rolling in the pool.

The snake's neck is tied with a knot symbolizing divinity, and there is a blue pointed corner on the right side of the head. A pair of golden vertical pupils looked at the unicorn and stared at Jingyu and others.

"It's so strange. The unicorn that was supposed to be in the southern district came to the eastern district and was still with Is that a noble of the court?"

"Yes!" Black Rabbit looked up at the giant snake... she was a bit selfish in the end, hoping Jingyu would also get the chance to complete the mission. Therefore, "I have seen Lord Zombie, Black Rabbit because I have a companion and I just want to challenge the gift game of Lord Zombie, so I came with this unicorn... We are not a community."

So quietly and specially emphasized.



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