Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 36: Comforted

The last second was still in full swing, so simple... reconciled?

Black Rabbit looked amazed at the side, and said, ‘It’s worthy of being said by Master Bai Yacha to be a man who has had relationships with thousands of women. This method of turning a hand over a cloud and a hand over a rain when treating a woman is really too clever. ’

And this man is staring at her again... Black Rabbit instantly hoped that he was just kidding like Master Bai Yacha.

The birds flew happily, and the cheerful laughter of silver bells seemed to have completely learned to control. She hovered a few ten meters ahead and waved to them, urging them to keep up.

The three of them all exerted their inferior foot strength... Among them, Jingyu and Black Rabbit just matched the pace of Kasugabe Yao.

The black rabbit is a rabbit family, habitually jumping on its legs. However, due to her beautiful appearance, Moon Rabbit's race is also known as the noble race of the Nobles of the Habitat, with good temperament. Between her actions, a unique beauty was revealed.

Compared with her, she is also a young girl, and the seemingly quiet Kasugabe shines, and she is a bit wild during the running.

In Jingyu's judgment, ‘It looks like imitating animals! ’

The distant birds followed them, and they were surprised by their speed, ‘aside from the black rabbit and not mentioning him, I didn’t expect Miss Yao’s physical fitness to be so good...he didn’t make a mistake. ’

She knew she could never be as agile as Kasugabe. If there is no wings behind, I am afraid I can only drag the three of them with her step by step.

Although she didn't speak, she realized that she had ignored the rudeness he just said.

The four people left the lake and entered the jungle, the terrain was more complicated. No one seems to come at all, and there is no decent path.

At this moment, the black rabbit said: "Mr. Jingyu, I suddenly remembered that there is a family of water gods in this area. If the prize is a water tree, maybe it is a sponsor related to water... the family of water gods and water Fine, we can find them first and ask."

"This is a good idea, then let's first find out where the family of Water God is." Jingyu nodded.

The frequency of breathing has begun to accelerate as the distance moved increases, and I was surprised to hear them speak smoothly.

‘It’s amazing, I’ve done my best, but they are more relaxed...Is this the Sand Chamber? ’

Yao's hand unconsciously touched the pendant on his neck. Since she got it, her body is getting better and better, even in the times she lives in, she rarely can be compared with her.

Summoning is a gift given to those who are talented, and this is the reason.

Shining in the world where she lives has reached the limit... she can't become stronger there.

But it is different here.

There are Eudemons that her world does not have.

Yao looks forward to making friends with them.

She just thought of this, and saw the black rabbit and Jingyu leading the way to stop... Jingyu also smiled and said, "I really want something, I am lucky."

After standing beside them with doubt, Yao understood what was going on.

Not far away, there is a horse with a smooth blue-white fur. The important thing is that the horse's forehead has a spiral horn.

"Unicorn?" Yao, who called out the name, looked at the black rabbit for confirmation.

"Yes!" Black Rabbit first affirmed, but puzzled and said: "But, the "one-horn" guild should be in the Southern District, how can it appear here? Mr. Jingyu, I think it is still... uh, Miss Yao?"

Before she finished speaking, Jian Yao ran towards the unicorn.

The unicorn walking in the forest heard the sound of Yao running and turned back alertly.

In order to prevent Yaoyao, Black Rabbit flickered and jumped from Jingyu to Yaoyao in an instant.

"Please don't get me wrong, my companion is not malicious!" she said to the unicorn.

The unicorn seemed to say something... Jingyu naturally couldn't understand. The same situation of flying birds admired and said beside him:

"The Habitat's rabbit is really amazing."

That's more than five times faster than when I ran... The speed of running has been envied by Asuka, not to mention this.

"The black rabbit's moon rabbit race is the family of the founder of the box court. I believe that the black rabbit is also among the best. In terms of force, ordinary gods and Buddhas must stand by." Jingyu looked at her, "said Up, Yao’s gift contains the ability to communicate with animals and imitate the characteristics of animals... Asuka, what is your gift?"

Asuka is also watching him, thinking, ‘Whether he is more than an ordinary **** Buddha’? He heard the words and felt a helpless stroke of his forehead.

"You person..."

Remember the relationship between the two? Her name was called out at once, and it was so smooth.

If it wasn't Fei Niao who didn't want to say his gift, I'm afraid he wouldn't notice that he called her name, and he already answered casually.

"Don't you like to be called that way by me?" Jingyu smiled unscrupulously. "Then I can call you'Miss.'"

Asuka's lips twitched at him convulsively, and he said, "Follow him." Of course, his mouth would not really give him such a big permission.

"Want to ask my gift, why didn't you say it first?" she asked rhetorically.

"This is really awkward for me." Jingyu shrugged helplessly. "Because the previous gift is not intended to be used, you don't need to tell you. It's the one shown on the gift card."

He lifted the gift card to her.

Asuka flew close to him, looking at his gift card up close for the first time.

I saw the first row of text above: Unknown!

She looked at him in surprise, "Although the gift card can show the gift, it may not necessarily be able to identify the gift. You want to know my gift, wait for it to be identified, and come to exchange with me again. "

"You say this because you don't know another name for the Enchi card." Jingyu said: "It's also called Laplace's piece of paper, and it's the tip of omniscience. But..."

He pinched his chin and thought, "After all, you and Yao are summoned with me. Presumably, there is a super high-level gift that does not lose to this gift that I hold... if it can't be identified. , It’s fun."

He was originally a self-talk; Asuka heard that he called the gift he possessed to be a super-high-level gift, originally wanted to satire him a sentence of "really arrogant"... but because he made her and Kasuga Department shine The gift made an equivalent analogy, and froze for a moment.

From coming to this world to now, because she knows that he is stronger than herself and Yao, she has been invisibly suppressed by his edge, and she has a confidence from the inside out.

‘Why, I’m not worse than this guy. ’

She was happy...not at all noticing that she was happy because of the value of his ability.

Black Rabbit, Yao and Unicorn didn't know what they were talking about. Both girls looked to Jingyu.

Seeing this, "Let's go." Jingyu said to Asuka.

He walks, the birds fly, and advance together side by side...



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