Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 29: Leticia's departure

Gilgamesh became famous in the first battle, and the overall strength of the double kings of the world was evaluated by a four-digit number and below.

This signifies that even if they can fight a small number of people, they are able to gain a foothold in five figures.

The migration from the seven-digit base to the five-digit base continued in the next month.

On this day, in the newly built royal palace in the five-figure base that imitated the Afang Palace, the maid chief Leticia was summoned by Jingyu and came to the terrace where you can see the ordinary residential area surrounding the royal palace.

She saw that it wasn't just Jingyu here... but also her companion Angel who admired her very much in the fight within the community.

This woman, who is also blonde, has a good figure that even the adult version of Leticia is ashamed of and well-familiar. What makes Leticia want to use it as an example is her elegant temperament as a maid and her superb ability to deal with everything.

All this made her think of the past, the maid who had served her.

Leticia was a pure-blooded vampire, and even a princess of the vampire family.

The maid is named Kara, who once said-

"Every good maid does not only need one or two tricks to kill. Even the final trump card hidden skills or forty-eight to one hundred and eighty moves should be prepared in advance to meet the general principles. And as long as it is the master’s request, it is not necessary. It is said that making tea parties, even cooking, cleaning, laundry, and other basic housework and care of the vegetable garden, assisting with all the dressing arrangements, plus smart strategy strategies, and other aspects are also well prepared, and can be perfectly handled from assassination to open pioneer, to be a real maid."

In this case.

Angel is the maid who can do this perfectly...Of course, it is his exclusive maid.

Even for Gilgamesh, the leader of the community, Angel will never claim to be a maid.

Only in the face of him is she a maid.

And, Angel also did a little of what was not shown above... she would be sleeping.

Heck, Leticia is now a maid, his maid. She is by nature serious and undoubtedly wants to be a perfect maid, but she feels ashamed that she can't do this.

Fortunately, her master was also very accommodating and did not mean to force her at all.

Today, why did the host call her to come?

A straight ribbon was tied to the straight blond hair. With the help of the ribbon effect, Leticia is a young girl around ten years old.

Her expression lacks change, but due to the excessively refined facial features, it will not affect the effect of Guanlan at all.

Her master has also admired it.

"Master, I'm here. Excuse me, please." She asked him in a tender and gentle voice.

The appearance of the owner is a handsome young man. It is said that it is more than two hundred years old and the appearance is absolutely invisible.

Angel was sitting at the tea house on the terrace, debugging a glass of drink that Retisia hadn't seen before... She secretly decided to learn from Angel after waiting. Now, her attention is still focused on the owner.

He turned his back to her, looking in the direction of the town.

"Although there is no one here, I believe that in a few years, it will be full." The master opened his mouth and smiled slightly, "Letice, you know? Recently submitted to join the double king of the world Application, screening alone, is enough for Monet’s assistants to be busy for a month."

"That's all credit to the queen and the master." Leticia said with a light smile.

For some reason, Leticia only calls him the master in the community... This gives the seemingly contradictory title in this sentence, as if she is his exclusive maid.

There was no one in the community who deliberately corrected and reminded her.

Leticia recalled the gift game a month ago. The master, queen, and angel, these three are too strong, and they are not at the same level as the others. The three of them alone are enough to make the community stand in the four-digit class.

However, what made her feel even more commendable was that the owner was not impulsive and did not rush to a higher level.

Moreover, the owner seems to have the intention to become a class dominator... This also let Reticia very much applaud.

She watched the great man, still thinking, what was he going to do for him.

The answer is completely beyond her expectation... even let her have a kind of complex emotions such as ‘ah, there is such a thing’, ‘how can I forget something’.

"They came to the door all at once, but it made us achieve our goal faster than planned. Leticia, remember the day I first met you a year ago, did I tell you?" He turned around. Facing her, smiling gently, and reminding her in a repeated manner, "We have a firm foothold in the five digits, and you can return to your original community."

He shrugged reluctantly, "Well, that is to say, you are free."

Leticia was still looking at him in surprise... She was not surprised by his words, of course she was a bit surprised, but she did not doubt that he would honor his promise.

She believed he would honor it, she was just surprised by the suddenness it came...not surprised by ‘She can be free’.

She looked at him blankly.

He couldn't help laughing, walked up to her, stretched out her blond hair, and smoothed it gently.

"In return for your loyalty to me, I allow you to take away the items and gifts that are currently in your gift card. Leticia, take care of yourself when you go back. I believe that with your help, Black Rabbit can also relax , The children of your community don’t have to be hungry anymore."

The status quo of that community is so heavy... Almost a black rabbit feeds more than 100 young children.

Although Leticia would like to help, she, in another community, does not allow herself to return the items of her community to the original community... She can share for the Black Rabbit only when she is on vacation. Just take care of the children physically.

Leticia finally recovered.

"Master..." She looked up at him and smiled gratefully. "You remembered wrong, it should be'wait for us to stand firm in the five digits, whether to stay or not, you are free to choose.'"

"Uh... is that true?" Jingyu looked down, "It doesn't seem to make much difference."

‘Of course there is a difference, I can choose to stay. 'Reticia almost blurted out.

However, she restrained herself.

The community with seven flags, which is panting, no flags, no name, no combatable members, and only more than a hundred young children, is exactly the endgame she and her companions need to clean up.

What they are doing for them is a former back, Black Rabbit... She can't let Black Rabbit bear it alone.

She knelt to Jingyu on one knee, "Master, Leticia chose to leave, but master, if Black Rabbit is unwilling to continue to operate, or if the community can develop normally and can find the old companions, please allow Lettie West Asia will come back to serve you again."

She is a vampire, he is a true ancestor...there are almost infinite lives.

She hoped he could wait for her.

However, she did not know how long it would take to realize it, so she lowered her head and felt ashamed not to look at him.

The contradiction of the little maid revealed no doubt at this moment that even Angel could not help being surprised. She thought to herself that Reticia had the qualities of being recruited into the Maid Guard.

Jingyu covered Leticia's small head with her big hands. "Do what you want. You need help. You can come back and find us...this is also your home."

Leticia stretched out her hands to hold the hand and kissed it gently, "Yes."

On this day, Leticia returned to the seven-digit community which is now ‘no_name’.



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