Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 28: Siege

Bai Yecha couldn't think of a result on the left and right, and felt that since he had created it unconsciously, he shouldn't question him in detail, otherwise he would care about him.

"You should focus on your eyes first. Come and find me later, I will help you understand how to control this'field'."

She has become a master of others and always has to fulfill her responsibilities.

I also want to continue to see what this world, which has not yet been completely shaped, will become.

When it is finalized, she will talk to him about the doubts in her heart according to its least, she thinks that he will not lie to her and his women, she believes that he should really not Would want to destroy the world.

When Bai Yecha initially entered, because she didn't know whether Jingyu was fighting or fearing to disturb him, she first concealed her figure.

Now, she allowed herself to show her tracks, so that the members of the community who were threatened by the army also saw her.

This time, it seemed to give the other party hope... although she didn't come here for this.

She hadn't really expressed her intentions yet, and some of the communities across the street called her first.

"Master Baiyecha, you came just right," said the man. "We want to know what's going on? How can we suddenly leave the game venue you arranged and be taken to such a place? Are there more such troops? And, we are forbidden to use the magic system gifts... he should not foul."

Even if the seven-digit and six-digit bases of the two kings of the world are combined, it is impossible to make up the number of people in front of them... not to mention that each one is still a deterrent soldier. In the event that the spells of the spell system cannot be used, they can only be defeated one by one.

But ‘they’ have a hundred thousand people. If there are less than one thousand people on one's own side, it means that each person must defeat more than one hundred people.

Even if it can bring down 100,000 people, there is the guy who summoned 100,000 people at a time and stared at him... In other words, did his strength really decrease? Many people are playing drums in their hearts.

These communities dared to provoke the twin kings of the world, because the twin kings of the world were too short to stand in the box court, and had not yet developed at all. Its main members are indeed very strong, but the gap between the main members and ordinary members is too large.

Overthrowing the main force means destroying this community.

The Sand Court is a big stage for games and a big stage for competition. Only the winner can get everything.

The four-digit space is limited. If you don’t want your resources to decrease, or if you want stronger people to squeeze yourself down, then suppress them while they haven’t grown up.

In fact, there is such a contradiction and gap between the upper community and the lower community.

The flag represents glory, and it is in four digits, and obviously will feel superior to the lower community.

Hak Ting has a system of "strategists" that encourages the development of lower-level communities, but this system was created hundreds of years ago by the vampires... Leticia is its actual founder.

The merits of the establishment of the class dominator make the vampire still respected as the Knight of the Boxing Court.

Prior to that, as Leticia said, the lower level of the box court often faced the harassment of the devil, and the collapse of the community was a common thing... this, but the community of four digits and above did not help.

Even now, those who actually act as class dominators rarely have a four-digit community.

For example, the Guild Alliance and ‘Salamandra’ in the Northern District are all five-figure communities.

Those who are above must have a broad mind.

However, there are too few people with broad minds...this is reality.

Bai Yecha's ears heard people in the distance say this, but the golden vertical pupil looked at Jingyu. When she saw that he was unmoved, she was quite applauded in her heart, thinking that he deserved to be the real king from the outside world.

Compared with him, the people here are not enough to see-the initial encounter with such a powerful offensive, I am afraid that he was completely stunned; before he had recovered from the dizziness, he was forced into this space again. Seeing that countless army... Bai Yecha believes that eight people across the city have lost their will to fight.

She sympathized with them. After walking a few steps forward and highlighting his position, he responded with a loud and majestic voice:

"Long Jingyu, who created the double kings of the world, has the ability to open new venues in the venue... This is the venue he built, which is his power. Using his own power in the game obviously does not violate the rules of the game. "

If you are mean, you can say, ‘That’s his power. You don’t want to stay here. You can use your own power to break the world, right? ’

Obviously no one can do it here...she is not generous with the lower class after all.

At the same time, she was also surprised. It was the first time in this middle class that someone who had constructed a new venue without using the organizer's authority.

'This kid is really strong. Even if his energy is reduced, he should stay in four digits now, even if the means is not ordinary four digit strong man can resist the enemy... stay below four digits for a long time, regardless of him It’s not a good thing to others. ’

Ha Ting City has set different number of digits area, in order to allow people or communities that meet different power segments to stay in the appropriate power segment. Otherwise, competition between them will be disproportionate.

Bai Yecha's remarks showed that Jingyu didn't foul, and put out the possibility that she would help those communities.

The main members of the communities looked at each other. Although surrender is the best choice now, there is really no option to make a surrender at this moment.

Bai Yacha is the host of the game, and he wants to stand on a fair stand. She can see the situation clearly, but cannot interfere with the participants' choices in the game. She only told Jingyu ‘I want to show the video of the battle here to the outside audience’ and see that’s. After Jingyu agreed, she left.

Back at the venue, Bai Yecha raised a new video ball and explained to the audience who were equally shocked after seeing the video content.

In the video ball, two camps that are obviously disproportionate, the ‘big one’ is like a fierce beast, and the ‘small one’ is like a cub... This is the confrontation.

Surprisingly, Jingyu did not command the army to attack, but sent a captain.

The confrontation continued... Black Rabbit had to first explain the fight on the other side.

A quarter of an hour later, the captain came back and told Jingyu that the battle outside was almost over. Jingyu waved his hand and released several powerful men across from him.

At this point, the other party is completely understood. Feelings he was detaining people here, letting the outside elites break them all.

If it drags on, I am afraid that he is also doing the same... they finally chose to withdraw from the game.

The world double kings won a complete victory.



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