Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 14: King offensive and defensive

Dozens of maids and guards came to the five-figure base, but Angel remained in the seven-figure temporarily.

One day later, all the communities in the outer door of 33586 received the letterhead from the class dominator Bai Yecha. The letterhead includes three parts.

The first part briefly tells the story of Tianyimen, the original regional governor, who gave up the outer door warrants...avoiding the fact that the outer door warrants were actually used by Tianting as a reward for overthrowing the demon king, and were presented to the double kings. Not mention this section.

In the second part, it was decided to hold a gift contest to select the right regional governor ten days later.

Attached to the competition manual is the third part.

"Gift game name: "King offensive and defensive battle"

Participants: A community that owns land within 33,586 outside gates and submits applications for participation to class dominators within ten days.

Game method: 1. Unlimited number of participants;

2. Select a member to report in advance, as the king, the king is defeated, and the participating party loses the game qualification;

3. Except for the king, if two thirds of the participants in the same participant are defeated, the participant is deemed to be disqualified from continuing the game;

4. The game venue is provided by Bai Yacha, a class dominator. Determine the venue owned by the participant by drawing lots, enter one day in advance, and arrange the venue in advance.

Special regulations: The venue has its own departure function. If the participant loses combat capability, automatically admits defeat, and surrenders, he will be sent away from the venue. In addition, the departure function will also be activated when the attacker's attack exceeds the participant's ability to withstand.

The total duration of the competition is one month.

Victory conditions: defeat all participants, or get approval from all participants, or the largest number of participants when the deadline comes.

Failing conditions: The king is defeated, or more than two-thirds of the participants are defeated, or they can no longer get the most knockouts when the deadline comes, or violate the above rules.

Oath: We will abide by the above rules and hold this gift contest in the name of glory, flag, and game sponsor.

"Eye of Summoning" seal! 』

In addition to these, only the letterhead obtained by the two kings of the world was accompanied by another letter.

In the letter, Bai Yecha explained the handling of the first part of the above-it was because the two kings of the world's two kings all agreed to hold a gift contest, so they did not conduct another consultation.

However, although it has not been announced, the 33,586 external warrants belong to the double kings of the world. In order to compensate for the ‘use it as a reward for a gift contest’, Bai Yecha additionally allowed the Shuangwang to randomly select an undeveloped land of 10,000 square kilometers within the five-digit range of the Eastern District.

Because there is an explanation of ‘let’s tell me after you’ve made your choice’, there is no time limit, Jingyu will put this down first... The main attention of the double kings of the world is focused on the gift competition to be carried out.

For this reason, Jingyu even called back Altria.

What surprised him was that the CC, who had been out for almost half a year, came back voluntarily... and came with her, and Sara Terdorek-this belongs to the Dragon Horned Lion League, Women who have had a relationship with Jingyu.

This is the third day after Bai Yacha announced that the gift contest will be held. I don’t know if the news spread, or Angel notified C.C., so that the Dragon Horned Eagle Lion League in the Southern District also knew. In short, the arrival of Sarah gave Jingyu a more generous possibility to arrange manpower.

Still in that palace, after instructing the maid to go down, Jingyu glanced at C.C. a little and looked at Sarah.

"Why, did your alliance think that my strength has decreased, and did you send you to try it?" He played with a joke.

Sarah smiled bitterly, "I can't see anything. You can be sure that even now, you must be stronger than me. In addition, even if you are not counted, the double kings of the world still have the power to make our alliance with them. Fighting power." She paused and solemnly said: "I'm here to see if we can help on behalf of our alliance."

Jingyu raised her eyebrows and said, ‘In the Dragon Horned Eagle Lion League, there seems to be a person with a strategic vision. Help us once and get back our bigger must be such an idea. ’

"I can ask you privately. Who in your alliance has proposed this?" he wondered: "There will be people who oppose it, short-sighted guys, no matter where they go, they will be there. "

Sarah laughed at the word ‘privately’, but she didn’t answer.

C.C. interjected: "Something embarrassing, you put it forward, just say it. The guys here will definitely be optimistic about you and will definitely give you more help in the future."

"Hello!" If she hadn't stood a few steps away from him, Jingyu would just want to grab her and knock her forehead, "Which community are you from?"

C.C. disagreed with his threatening expression, "I'm telling the truth."

Jingyu's teeth tickled, and she looked at Sarah in surprise here. He gave C.C. a "You're waiting for me, and I'll clean you up later", and said to Sarah:

"Really like she said?"

Sarah nodded.

Jingyu praised: "It really surprised me...if one day you become the manager of the Dragon Horned Eagle Lion League, or at least can control its development direction," he glared at CC, "I just like what she said Like that, give you better treatment as an ally..."

What kind of preferential treatment can impress the woman in front of him, in the case that he does not speak now, and when the world kings need it, he actively mobilizes the Dragon Horned Eagle Lion League to help?

Jingyu decided to spend the next time.

Before Sarah said, he continued the sentence with almost no interval: "I knocked down the four-digit demon king a year ago, you know? According to that standard, if the four-digit demon king appears, the system The Double Kings will not stand idly by with the Dragon Horned Eagle Lion League."

Sarah really changed her face this time. A glimmer of joy first flashed deep in her eyes, and then hesitantly asked:

"Can I know... did you give us the treatment?"

"Five-digit devil." Jingyu said with a smile.

Sarah couldn't help but come here, feeling a moment of luck...



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