Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 13: Leadership

Jingyu stood up, his atmosphere turned to majesty, and he glanced at the cadres of the worldly kings who were present... Yes, he did not treat them as women and daughters at the moment, but of the same community Companions, subordinates.

"The queen is the leader of the community. She is looked down upon, which means that all of us in the community are looked down upon. There is a saying that the Lord humiliated the death... to tell everyone in the community that we will prepare for the next step Not to participate in a gift game, but to war! The Queen’s order is clear-defeat them!"

Regardless of their personality, the women nodded in unison.

"The light wing horse didn't bring it, and the queen's current state is not suitable for lending Vimona... Let me go back to the seven-digit base. By the way, I also want to check who leaked the news of the decline in the owner's strength. "Angel said," his eyes narrowed, revealing a chill, "Master, I want a right to deal with the betrayal."

"I allowed it." Jingyu agreed to come down.

Angel left the palace immediately...her movement speed is now the fastest here, and she has the power to act alone.

The rest of the people, Jingyu left Luo Leilaiya and Yang Chan, let go of two girls... Fina and Leiya ran to find Gilgamesh.

Leticia took over as the maidservant of the twin kings. She let a maid stay with Baidi for easy use, and took another maid who brought this new base to clean the room where everyone would rest.

Jingyu led Luo Leilaiya and Yang Chan, and walked out of the palace after Leticia.

"Xiaochan, you set a ban on this mountain as the center. I want this ban to have the effect of blocking prying eyes and space capabilities. It is better to have a certain defense...Can it be done?"

Yang Chan pondered: "Our Xian family already has the habit of setting up a ban in Dongfu, which is what we are good at. However, I am not sure whether it can prevent the space ability."

"It doesn't matter." Jingyu smiled and gestured inwards, "Bai Di is here... Do you remember how I just told her?"

Yang Chan's eyes lit up and nodded knowingly.

Jingyu reminded her again: "Bai Di is the person brought by Bai Yecha, you can believe it. So, if she wants to see your Baolian lantern, you can let her see... she won't take the opportunity. "

Yang Chan froze for a moment, and said: ‘Is it possible… Baidi will stay because of the Baolian lamp? Yes, the Po Lin Lan is a congenital spirit treasure, which can be used to enlighten the avenue, pin three corpses, and block disasters. The latter two are only valid for my holder, but the former one is not exclusive. ’

Only this can explain why Bai Di would like to stay here. Her status is never very clear, but Jingyu can think of... His pragmatic attitude towards the world makes Yang Chan admire.

‘Bai Dixiu doesn’t know how much he is higher than me. If I can attract her to the community with the Baolian lamp, it will be me who will get more benefits. ’

This is a rare opportunity.

Yang Chan made a decision in her heart... If Bai Di's self-respected identity is difficult to speak, she will take the initiative.

She bid farewell to Jingyu and went to arrange the ban first. After planning to arrange it, invite Bai Di to come to "evaluate". I believe this will open a "mouth".

She didn't know that Jingyu told her about it here, it was clearly to let Bai Di listen to it directly.

Bai Di was slandering him secretly.

Jingyu vaguely raised her lips, releasing a pair of bat wings behind her, and said to Lorella:

"There are some magic stones exchanged for spirit stones in my gift card. Let's arrange a circle around the base area."

He held out his hand.

Lorella glanced at the big hand and realized that he was going to take her with her. She said: "I can fly myself."

With the movement of the finger in her right hand, her body has a tendency to float... she is good at manipulating the wind, and flying is a trivial matter.

"You're welcome to me." Jingyu pulled her into her arms and hugged her later, without giving her the opportunity to resist. Batwing fluttered and took her to the sky.

Although Lorella was still expressionless, a touch of red glow appeared on the left and right cheeks. She was not refusing to contact him, but worried that this was actually a no-man's land, and he would take the opportunity to do more in-depth things.

But can you say she hates that?

Maybe it was just overwhelmed by the girl's restraint.

Regardless of whether or not they have done anything, set up a circle around every large base area at a distance. When it is really busy, it is already dark.

Going back to the grass and having dinner, Jingyu went to Gilgamesh's room... he didn't ask Mariana how he was doing, no matter what, he would not let Gilgamesh leave.

Who made Gilgamesh his queen.

Seeing the door concealed, he still knocked gently on the door. As he opened the door, he saw the bright red eyes...she leaned against the wall by the window, holding a glass of red wine, but her eyes looked at him.

Jingyu walked into the room and closed the door.

"I know all your arrangements, and the king is very happy," she said stiffly.

Jingyu smiled... This was glared by her, and finally she couldn't bear it and turned her head slightly blushing.

Jingyu came to her and hugged her waist, but she was restless and slammed him with her elbow.

Why did God make himself the unparalleled king, but arranged such a man to eat himself?

Even if she posed Wang Wei to him, she could not deter him. In front of him, she was like a little girl, spoiled by him... She was both resisting and shamefully discovering that she still had so much enjoyment.

Can't hate it!

Anger is also half-hanging.

When leaning on the strong chest, the violent brewing in the chest cavity can even calm down gradually.

Because he didn't want to distort his face in front of him.

Everything has become so natural that she has a sigh of ‘ah, this is a woman’.

He once told him that before being a woman, he was first a king. Now, I really want to completely put down the dignity of the king and become a woman.

Realizing this, I strongly wanted to resist. However, when his care came, she obeyed.

"Tonight, you will stay, right?" even asked him that way.

His response was also simple... embraced her sideways and walked towards...



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