Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 194: Fighting tactics

Ysera knew she might anger Jingyu by doing so. However, even if her hopes were slim, she still took the opportunity to pluck up the courage to plead with him for her fellow family.

‘Please forgive Nesario... He should never be like this, every dragon family knows he is not. ’

‘I should praise your kindness...if I am not in this state, I will agree with you, that he is indeed controlled by the ancient gods. It is a pity that I now clearly feel that he is still Nesario you know... It is his own choice to be what he is now, a choice with a clear mind. Jingyu replied.

The devil that humans finally try out obviously possesses some abilities that he has not yet understood, or that is due to the change brought by the spirituality to three digits after using this identity. In short, he felt some information he had not noticed before.

The Black Dragon King’s thinking was not confusing, and the whispers of the ancient gods in his mind were left behind by him.

He turned to think that Jingyu Ding was bluffing, and he should not be intimidated by the momentum he just released. In his hand, however, he held the strength accumulated by the entire Dragon Clan, and the Dragon Clan should be the strongest race on Kalimdor.

In order to increase his own momentum and lose his cowardice, he roared upward.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

The sound of the guardian dragon shattered the clouds in the sky, so that the moon hidden in the clouds revealed its beautiful appearance.

The guardian dragon did not look at the moon. When the moonlight spilled onto his black body, the golden light, more dazzling than the moonlight or even the sunlight, came from the tip of his black claws.

This golden light made Ysera, who was shocked by Jingyu's statement, scold.


She really doubted that Nesario, who was so calm and did not know how to measure the situation, would not be controlled. But she also knew that once the black dragon first attacked, there was no room for her to stop.

She wanted to know how Jingyu would respond and counterattack, and looked at him... She found that he did not avoid the golden light, but stretched out a hand flatly, blocking it with a fleshy palm.

God! Although it was not the full strength of the dragon's soul, the same attack easily penetrated her wings. You should know that in addition to the inherently strong body, dragons generally also use spells as much as possible to protect their bodies, not to mention the dragons they guard.

But her wings were penetrated.

The wound was painful.

Relative to Ysera's shock, Jingyu frowned.

Is that the attack of the dragon soul? He glanced at his hand and thought deeply that it was not true... He wanted to avoid it at first, only to resist it when he felt he should be able to take it.

Of course, if his state is complete, even if he does not depend on the identity of the devil, he can block it. The key is that his state is not complete. In this state, he easily blocked the attacks made by weapons made by the dragons and the whole clan.

It is inevitable that there will be doubts.

He thought about it like electricity in his mind... He looked at Ysera, she really said that she did not inject her power into the dragon soul. Heilong should not have, Jingyu did not feel that he became weak. Following this line of thought, Jingyu quietly looked at the other three guardian dragons.

He found that they were indeed weaker than they had seen before.

In other words, in addition to the energy of ordinary dragons, this dragon's soul only has three heads to protect the dragon's energy?

It should be as strong as the dragon soul he knew.

However, he still felt that it was too weak.

These thoughts passed away in an instant. The second attack of the Dragon Soul is accompanied by the "impossible" roar of the Black Dragon King, carrying a stronger force than any previous attack.

For his own purpose, Jingyu appears to be the illusion of ‘successful resistance first and then a step back’... He still thinks he can resist completely.

The Black Dragon King smirked with pride, as if he saw the hope to increase his power to attack.

Every subsequent blow, on the surface, Jingyu's resistance was more difficult. He even seems to approach the Black Dragon King with a quick move in order to quickly end the battle. Each time he appears, he will be repelled a little, and once disappeared, he will be close to the Black Dragon King. On the whole, he still has the advantage, making the Dragons think his battle is incredible.

All dragons are attracted by the offensive and defensive warfare in the sky... because this is the key to determining the future destiny of the dragon and the victory or defeat of Azeroth to the Burning Legion. The Black Dragon King triumphed, the Dragon Clan would be lost, and Azeroth might be destroyed; Jingyu won, but if the Dragon Soul was destroyed, the Dragon Clan would be no longer brilliant, and the subsequent battle against the Devil would be extremely difficult.

Only when Jingyu wins and successfully saves the dragon's soul, the dragon tribe can return to its original state.

Therefore, the Dragon Clan is more nervous than Jingyu about the outcome of the battle.

When they saw that Jingyu had a chance to kill Nesario, but they feared that they would hurt the dragon's soul, they all thanked him. When Nesario despicably called on the Black Dragon Army to siege Jingyu, I really wished to cheer for Jingyu and scolded Nesario for losing the dragon's face.

Their dignity prevents them from expecting Jingyu to keep the dragon's soul under such circumstances. If a voice can be screamed, they will surely persuade him to fight without fear, on the premise of winning.

At this moment, the Dragon Clan even stood on Jingyu's side.

They were impressed by his strength and his loyalty to his allies.

At this time, Jingyu displayed his all-round domineering domineering power. This naturally consumes a lot of energy, but let him stun all the soldiers of the Black Dragon Legion. A few of the black dragons that were propped up were also quickly knocked down by him.

The situation in the air made him face to face with the Black Dragon King again.

"Now, let us end the fight." He said to the Black Dragon King.

When he was about to attack the Black Dragon King, a huge claw suddenly appeared behind him and penetrated through his body... The master of the claw, the blue dragon king's huge body appeared behind him.

Ysera looked in shock next to the guardian dragons on the ground. The Blue Dragon King is indeed gone, and the other guardian dragons apparently did not expect this to happen, stunned by the results in the air.



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