Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 193: Devil

To be sure, the replacement of the system for Jingyu's identity as the ultimate human trial is not for letting humans kill Jingyu.

Bai Yecha was also one of the final human trials... ‘Once was’, which means she is not now, but she is still alive.

This made Jingyu see the hope that the final trial of humans does not mean that there must be a fall between humans and the devil. The Demon King triumphs over mankind, and the human triumphs over the Devil King... not like this. It is optional in this process.

The decision-making power is in the hands of the trial initiator, the'Magic King.'

When Jingyu saw the fallen Titan Sargeras, he unconsciously positioned Sargeras as an enemy who did not share the sky, as he proved it. Before that, he had already decided on the final trial he had given to human beings, and had set rewards for those who succeeded in the trial.

"Humans, as long as you don't give up your efforts when facing difficulties, I will guarantee your continuity."

Also in the face of Sargeras, Jingyu knew that the so-called ‘human’ can be more than just a humanoid with the same appearance as him. All races that he tried with this devil's contract can be counted as ‘human’.

Jingyu has given the night elves the qualification to participate in the trial. If the night elves gave up struggling against the Burning Legion, he would ignore the night elves' help and let the Burning Legion destroy them.

Now, the elves are obviously preparing for the war and making sacrifices to defend their homeland...they have all the priestess of the Elune Sisters, the elf queen Azshara, and a few upper loyal to her Elves, more elf troops, nobles...they are now a family worthy of his help.

Attention, it is help, not protection.

It is the Devil himself who must give the race the final trial.

Manager, has not been impressed.

In order to continue the consideration of the trial of the elf family, Jingyu believes that this guardian dragon bewitched by the ancient **** should not be allowed to go. Moreover, he has another purpose...Before this goal is achieved, the Black Dragon King must be forced into the realm of life and death.

As a demon king, even if the Black Dragon King holds a weapon that accumulates the strength of the entire Dragon Clan, he also has the determination to overcome it.

Moreover, he did not position the Black Dragon King as an enemy who did not share the sky.

The Black Dragon King is unworthy.


At first, Nesario was out of the consideration of his siblings, but for the black dragons he attacked, he just stretched his claws to open them. But a few times later, when he found that he had not used the Dragon Soul to aim at Ysera at all, he was finally desperate to despair.

"For whatever reason, if you dare to resist me, you have to die!"

He aimed the dragon's soul at Ysera, ignoring the black dragons blocking them, and emitted golden light.

The golden light swept across the black dragon, and they were evaporated to ashes and disappeared without even squeaking.

Ysera did not expect Nesario to be so ruthless, unable to escape, and the left wing was destroyed by gold light. When she issued a painful cry, barely stabilizing the falling trend, she already knew that she was not powerful enough to avoid the next blow. But she won't sit still, volley prepares her strongest attack spell, prepares to resist the bombardment.

Suddenly, an unprecedented tyrannical force erupted, forming a hurricane-like impact. Unprepared, the Black Dragon King and Ysera were forced to traverse a large distance... They were terrified by their hearts, and they looked at the place where the power came out.

Ysera and Nesario stared at Longan incredulously for an instant.

The man standing in the void should be imprisoned by the gray energy of time, but now, he and everything around him have returned to their original colors. The gray time energy is being wrapped into a ball by a ball of black and red energy, and the ball is picked at his fingertips. He glanced at the ball with great interest, and opened his mouth to swallow it.

Then, he looked to this side, showing a smile.

The Black Dragon King couldn't help but shudder, and instinctively lifted the dragon's soul between him and him. Because he unconsciously felt that only then could he be safer.

And the inexplicable cold that came to his body inexplicably made his hyperactive brain calm down a lot.

"What the **** are you doing?"

He asked him hysterically, trying to understand why he suddenly became so powerful that it made him stunned.

Obviously, Jingyu has no reason to tell him the answer. He just gave him two options.

"Looking at the face of the alliance, hand over the dragon's soul and accept the punishment of the dragon clan. Otherwise, the guardian of the earth will become a memory that no one will remember after today."

Green Dragon can be sure that this is not a threat. From the strength she feels, she thinks he has the ability to implement this.

So even if she had just suffered the fatal danger imposed by Nesario on her, she still persuaded him as far as possible in the past sentiment, "Our friend, listen to him, we will listen to your excuse , Give you the most fair disposal."

The word "disposal?" seemed to anger the Black Dragon King who was dreaming of spring and autumn again, and his anger made him crazy again. He took the dragon soul into his arms, "You are all here to **** my dragon soul, I will never give it to you, it is mine, it is mine!"

He roared loudly, but in front of Jingyu's power threat, it seemed both crazy and violent.

The contrast of power is so obvious...Afar, who is also surprised by the change in Jingyu's power, thinks so-in the face of this power, Archimonde will also be afraid.

"Nesario, you..." Ysera was really anxious and angry. She both worried that Jingyu would kill him, and those of his past friends didn't know why he became like this; and worried that the battle would destroy the dragon's soul... Losing it, the dragon clan would be in vain. ,

She looked at Nesario and finally looked at Jingyu again, hesitating whether to ask him to be merciful or not. Because just a few minutes ago, she was still blaming him for insulting the bronze dragon as a reptile.

However, Jingyu responded to her unexpectedly.

‘Relax, I’ll save the dragon’s soul... Seeing that you finally saw me in danger, and mobilized my strength. ’

This utterance made Ysera blush and ashamed, although Green Dragon's face did not reveal it.



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