Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 186: Stormrage Brothers

Cenarius led the way, and the representatives of the Elven Coalition arrived at the top of Mount Hyjal before noon and found the hidden lake... The dragon hadn’t come yet. Jingyu asked everyone to eat some food they brought with them. Make lunch and allow them to walk around and enjoy the view.

Recently, these allied warriors have been busy in military affairs, or fighting with demons on the battlefield. Coming here, getting close to nature and liberating the body and mind in nature, these generals are extremely enjoying.

Both the tauren and the elves are races that love nature.

The tauren chief lay on the grass to bask in the sun, and the cow tail twirled around to drive him away from the harassment of insects; the accompanying elf soldiers took care of their best buddy Moonsaber in the shade, and they combed the Moonsaber The fur makes them sleepy and comfortable.

Dijana, Azshara, Kurtalos, etc., could hardly hide their curiosity about Cenarius. They came to him and talked to him... Earlier, the Tauren Chief had done the same.

Using Phoebe, who would never make Jingyu think of her true identity here, Elune sat on the reef by the lake, took off her shoes and stepped on her feet in the water.

Avenna, the messenger of the moon god, the crow demigod observed her all the way, and finally found her.

"Hello," she said hesitantly, "Excuse me, have I seen you?"

Jingyu felt amused when she heard her in the distance, he told her to tell Elune that he wanted to talk to him, who seemed to want to talk to him. Beckoned.

Elune returned to him, ‘tell her, and then let her know how you treat the goddess of her faith along the way... what do you think? ’

Jingyu glanced at her and smiled bitterly at her provocative gaze... The goddess waved her hand to create a barrier to cut off hearing. With the power she decided to show, it was impossible to resist Jingyu's spiritual penetration.

But he didn't do it for so long.

His attention was once again on Brother Fury. After the two brothers saluted him, he said:

"I heard Tyrande mentioning you earlier, knowing that you are all excellent..."

He looked at Malfurion, "Brother is good at druid spells," and then looked at Illidan, "Brother has a strong magic... I look forward to showing you your excellent side in the next war. ."

"I don't know what she said, but I think she exaggerated part of it. However, we will do our best to fight." Malfurion said modestly.

Illidan showed his desire to stop, and his brother stopped him with eyes.

Jingyu smiled and told him to speak.

Illidan said: "Is this true? Tyrande she..." The tone became difficult, "She fell in love with you?"

"I think it was not too long for her to determine this," Jingyu nodded.

He didn't need to tell the brothers what method he used to deal with Tyrande.

Importantly, Tyrande is his.

The color of pain flashed in Illidan's eyes, and Malfurion sighed silently... They all love Tyrande, but they can't blame others. They have never confessed for thousands of years.

After a little silence, "I hope she can be happy." Malfurion took Illidan's arm and planned to take him away.

Jingyu said: "Wait... Malfurion, let me be alone with your brother."

When the two brothers looked at him in confusion, he smiled, "This will be good for him... You have already seen it, he is suffering from magic energy."

Absorbed the energy of the Well of Eternity, some of them are like taking drugs. When this behavior is not continued, the magic addiction will occur; on the contrary, if it continues, the body will accumulate more and more evil energy, and it will eventually drive people crazy. .

Illidan is in such a dilemma, he just struggles with willpower. Jingyu feels that today will be a turning point for him... Knowing that Tyrande will not choose him, his willpower will become weaker than ever, and he will lose to the body Evil energy.

In order to fight in the future, Jingyu decided to give him a yoke.

After Malfurion hesitated, he released his brother's hand and solemnly said, "You can see that you are a man with a way... Illidan will give it to you. When you need me to do something, please don't worry. ."

He bowed to Jingyu and turned to leave.

Illidan remained silent.

After Malfurion walked away, Jingyu said: "I have a way to eliminate your magic addiction, your existing mana can be retained, as long as you no longer draw the energy of the Well of Eternity, there will be no hidden dangers. However, this is also Say, your way to arcane magic has come to an end..."

He saw Illidan's eyes light up and then dimmed. "It seems that you don't want to be silent here. You have ambitions that your brother does not have..."

Illidan was unwilling to be seen through, he protested: "I am ambitious and there is nothing wrong? Since I have the ability, why can't I find a place where I can show my ability? Someone will always know that I am more than Malfurion ..."

He suddenly realized that he had said too much and closed his mouth again. What he thinks in his mind is that even if he proves that he is better than his elder brother, the woman he likes will not look back... Such an idea makes him want to disappear from Jingyu immediately, and find a place where no one is good. Wait a while.

Jingyu has been watching him all the time, and the'young' Illidan can't hide his emotions.

However, Jingyu did not take this to heart. His previous words were interrupted by Illidan, followed by, ‘but, you don’t have the stamina of your brother. People who lack perseverance can never be truly successful. ’

Illidan did not hear, but also determined the limit of his future growth.

Now, Jingyu took out a dark gold card, which he wanted to get back from Jaina before coming.

Golden light flashed, a wristband appeared in front of him, and he threw it to Illidan.

"Take this on your wrist, it will slowly help you eliminate the evil energy accumulated in your body."

Illidan grabbed the wristband in his hands and looked back and forth. With his arcane accomplishments, he could only see its extraordinary structure but no specific principles... He knew that the people in front of him did not need to deceive him, Yi Yan put it on his left wrist.

Immediately, a coolness spread from his arm to his whole body, and the fire-like anxiety in his body was greatly reduced.

Unbelievably, he even felt that his mind was sober. Breathing the breath of forest plants, the smell of the lake, can make him feel happy.

He recovered a long-lost feeling, what he couldn't remember for a while.

The role of evil energy has not completely disappeared.

After a few breaths, another imperceptible chaos appeared in his golden eyes.

"As long as I wear it all the time, can I still become stronger?" he asked Jingyu, unable to conceal his inner desire.


Compared with love, it is his real pursuit.

"When the gem on the wristband turns black, you will come to me to help you purify the gem. If you want to become stronger, you have to exchange something with me. I will not help you for free... Do you understand? Jingyu smiled slightly.

Not far away, Elune looked at his face and said to her follower, Avenna:

"That person is sometimes more like a demon than a demon."



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