Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 185: King of the Forest, Luna Reincarnation

The presence of the king of the forest and the demigod Cenarius attracted Jingyu's attention. Although he would love to pay attention to the twin brothers, as the supreme commander of the coalition, he can distinguish who is more important than others... Although the Brothers of Stormwind is more than a thousand years older than Tyrande, among elves, they still Only belongs to young people.

Cenarius had the upper body like a male night elf, and the lower body had the appearance of a stag. Four sturdy deer hooves supported his towering body more than three meters high, and the huge and prominent antlers on his head made him look even more powerful.

His eyeballs are golden, and his long hair like green moss dangles to his shoulders. The lower jaw has a beard of the same color...his hair and beard have leaves and twigs, showing his harmony with nature... he is a user of druid spells.

The two elves beside him also have a height of more than two meters, which makes them unremarkable compared to him.

Of the two brothers, Malfurion was a disciple of Cenarius, and a pair of very small antlers were born on his head, like a bud that had just emerged from the soil; Illidan had a The magic energy of the upper elf is similar... He obviously has drawn the power of the well of eternity, and is plagued by evil energy.

They all have a tough guy's face, I believe that more mature will have a manlike taste.

What needs to be explained here is that Jingyu's face looks very beautiful. He didn't threaten others with his appearance, but the spirit of his body. As long as he has the heart, no one will dare to despise his existence.

Cenarius led the brothers to the roadside. When Jingyu came over, he even bent down and knelt down to him. And bowed his head to show respect:

"Me, Cenarius, in the name of the demigod of the forest, I beg to join you."

This made Avenna, Azshara, Dijana, Kurtalos, Tauren Chieftain, etc. who followed Jingyu here all stunned.

Jingyu also urged the Mount Moonsaber to run a few steps and came to his side, bent over and stretched his arms to help him... He thought he could not do that for Cenarius, and he was very much for this awe-inspiring demigod. Have a good opinion.

"King of the Forest, please hurry up." He said, looking at Cenarius as he stood up, staring at Cenarius, and frankly said: "In return for your kneeling, I will promise not to let The Burning Legion crossed the line of defense arranged around Mount Hyjal, and will not let the evil fire hurt the grass and trees here."

Cenarius' golden eyes flashed in surprise, and then he nodded with a smile, and began to introduce his disciples and Illidan to the crowd, and... also introduced a female elf who was standing after the three of them. .

This is a dazzling beauty even in Jingyu's eyes. She is not more than Queen Azshara who is reputed to be the most beautiful in this world, but she has a kind of pitifulness that can inspire the protection of men.

Her long curly silver hair was **** in a tall ponytail. The forehead and the upper part of the forehead have similar moon-shaped crystal headdresses. Every move was elegant and decent, and she could be seen noble. It's just that none of the elves who followed Jingyu knew her.

When Cenarius introduced her, she stepped forward to express her greetings to Jingyu.

"Hello," she said with a light smile: "It's... first meeting, you can call me Phoebe."

This is the most obvious reminder. Although Jingyu has a lot of speculations about her identity, she can't help but be surprised by the name... didn't you say let me call you Elune? He asked her with such eyes, feeling the twitch of his lower lip silently.

Her reply immediately sounded in her head.

‘Because at that time, I hadn’t thought that I would enter this know why I came. ’ Jingyu nodded secretly. It seems that the prayers of Avenna and Tyrande had worked. The goddess felt that if she didn’t come by herself, she felt a little worried. but--

‘This isn’t your real body... did you use the possessive method? Haven't you never entered before? ’

He thought she should be worried about something.

‘Relax, the method I use is read from your consciousness. As long as I don’t use more than the power of any priestess, I am an ordinary female elf who believes in Elune. ’

Phoebe's words made Jingyu stunned... He frowned, thinking, she was really welcome. He knows the so-called ‘reading consciousness’, I am afraid that she saw his superficial consciousness when she entered his dream... When dreaming, they tend to be more active.

And he knows exactly which part of consciousness. The most typical ones are Athena and Saito. If Saori does not use Athena's little universe, she is just an ordinary human girl.

Luna is imitating them.

Both Jingyu and Elune have very strong spiritual power, and there are many exchanges, but the time taken is extremely short.

After Jingyu introduced herself, Jingyu came to her by riding a Moonsaber and extended her hand to her with a mischievous smile:

"If it's usual, I should be a gentleman and give my mount directly to you. However, now we are in a hurry, we can't be late in the meeting with the can ride with me."

Phoebe's silver eyes circulated to the female elves behind him, talking.

This is to indicate that I clearly can be with them.

But she still put her hands in his hands. When he was forced to take the mount and hugged his waist from the back, she still communicated with him mentally:

"I want to remind you that if you do'bad things' to this body, I will have to disappear from your front."

"You're so eager." Jingyu said with a smile.

"Well, even when I was sleeping, I was thinking about how to get the man who got the goddess, I can only be more attentive." Phoebe said.

At the same time, she also explained that she did not intend to see his consciousness, making Jingyu's little dissatisfaction disappear.

Instead, "Uh..." is embarrassing.

He pretended not to respond without hearing, and took the opportunity to end the conversation. After Malfurion and Illidan each mounted an elven mount, he invited Cenarius to move side by side...Allied forces traveled through the jungle with great speed.



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