Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 160: The plan of the superior

Before he ran, he heard a chaotic shout from the settlement. Some people are urging to move faster. Some people think that it is necessary to find out the situation first. Others think that it is necessary to get the chief's son back and decide what to do, because he is the second most powerful warrior of the tribe.

"What's going on?" Baker was worried. "If my father is here, there shouldn't be such a situation. Isn't it..."

Jingyu is several times clearer than his eyes and ears, and he hears more clearly and understands more. He unfolded the sound of listening to all things, which is the farthest way he can perceive at present.

"Baker, does your father use a big axe?" he asked.

"Yes... how do you know?" Baker was surprised.

Jingyu looked at Avenna without explanation. "In that direction, take us there." Although he can fly by himself, and he is enough. However, he felt it would be better to take Baker.

Avenna would like to say, don't you see that I am a tauren now? Under Jingyu's serious eyes, she was'lost'. Also because she is kind by nature.

"No way to take you!"

After this sentence, she walked away a few steps, her body began to rise and suddenly became a huge black crow.

Both Baker and Tauren froze.

As soon as the black crow shuddered, a dozen large slap feathers fell. Avenna said in the voice of her incarnation:

"There are so many of you on my back...everyone picks up one, and I wind you together with the wind."

Jingyu grabbed the hands of the two female elves without saying a word, and jumped onto Avenna's back. When the female elves thought that they were stepping on the back of the angel, they were all trembling, and they did not notice that Jingyu had embraced their smooth and delicate waist.

Tauren people don't know what to do. They are rough-looking and have personality like theirs. They are not the type that can quickly make up their minds...they all looked at Baker, the son of their leader, the captain of their hunting squad, the powerful warrior, and the future chief.

Baker looked back and forth between the colony and the black crow Avenna, and with a bite of his teeth, he picked up a feather.

"Listen to him, he knows where the chief is... let's go together."

He didn't trust Jingyu completely just for an hour or two. However, he believed that Jingyu came here to seek the help of the Tauren. If fraud is used here, this goal will never be achieved.

Therefore, he believes that Jingyu will not deceive him.

All tauren picked up the feathers...they felt the change when they picked up the feathers, and their bodies became very light, as if they could blow them up in one breath.

Avenna flapped the huge wings on her roof and rolled up a whirlwind as said, pulling them up like a bunch of tails. The tauren soldiers felt unreliable when their feet were off the ground, and they were frightened with sweat. Irving didn't care about this, and took them straight ahead.

The more she flew, the more she was shocked... The tauren could not feel how far she had flown, but she knew it herself.

Ten kilometers, no situation, twenty kilometers, still no.

After three minutes, she flew out fifty kilometers before capturing the ongoing battle in the wilderness three kilometers ahead with amazing eyesight-Tauren v. Centaur, the former at a disadvantage. ‘It’s amazing how his perception can get here! "She admired in her heart.

She flapped her wings again and advanced 500 meters.

"Father!" Baker saw the chief with a durable aura under his feet... The old tauren was still burly, fighting at the forefront with a big axe. He trampled on a war, leaving more than a dozen centaurs stunned. Then they moved to their sides, sending out a white shock wave that enveloped them all.

After the shock wave, the Centaurs were already in a state of half-crash. However, they still besieged the old chief fiercely.

The neighborhood is not just a tauren from the old chief. Hundreds of Tauren warriors are fighting very tenaciously, but have no choice but to lose more than one, and they are dispersed by the Centaur with a motive force... All the situations that have been broken have been formed. I believe that it will not be long before the possibility of the entire army being overwhelmed. Extremely high.

Baker was condescending to see the situation and was really anxious. "Send us down quickly." He shouted in the cry of the wind.

Ai Wenna did not pay attention to him, she was waiting for Jingyu's instructions, and believed that this highest command function gave the best strategy.

Jingyu pointed down with his finger, and said to Avenna who had circled above the battlefield:

"Send the tauren here... Baker, you must kill the centaur around you as quickly as possible. Then, gather all the soldiers nearby and keep your formation close to your father... I will let the ranger Shoot with bows and arrows to help you."

"Thank you!" Baker said.

Avena was already sending them down, so when the sound came, it was slightly off. Avenna herself was also down. When she reached a certain height, the two rangers followed Jingyu's instructions and began shooting Centaurs.

The Tauren descending from the sky undoubtedly caused a brief confusion in the entire battlefield... The limited brains of both sides of the battle were not enough to let them understand why the Tauren would fly.

Baker seized this fighter, issued a war trample, released a durable aura, and used his fighting strength only slightly weaker than his father, and quickly cleared a dozen centaurs with his partners... ensuring that several Tauren warriors converged with them.

They rushed in the direction of the chief and kept killing the centaur. The tauren of the team also increased and the momentum was huge.

In order to divide and surround the tauren, the centaur also dispersed themselves. At this time, I want to concentrate, and the Tauren who fight them are even more desperate to hold them back.

Centaurs still dominate in numbers, but the rhythm of the battlefield is gradually controlled by the Tauren.

However, Tauren warriors continue to fall in such battles... Centaurs have unusual fighting power, otherwise the Tauren chief will not be forced to the brink of war.

Seeing this, Avenna asked Jingyu in a puzzled way: "Why don't you go to help yourself? In that case, they will surely die fewer soldiers and be grateful to you... what you have to do It will be relatively easier."

"It's wrong to think in this way." Jingyu said: "I have rescued them all, and indeed I have shown great grace as you said. But, in this case, making a request is equivalent to mercy. The suspicion of En Yaoqiang will be considered despicable... even if the Tauren will send out fighters, they are not necessarily willing. In this case, they will leave when they think that the fighting is enough to return the grace."

He shook his head slightly, "This is not what I expected...I hope that the soldiers they send will be able to advance and retreat together with the elves on the battlefield.

Since Avenna is more humane, she has to understand it first than the two Rangers. She couldn't help admiring Jingyu's thoughtful thoughts, thinking that he was powerful, had a profound perception, and a clear judgment. It was indeed the best candidate as a conductor.

As the messenger of the goddess, she usually contacts the gods, demigods and immortals the most. She was more willing to be stationed beside him and accepted his jurisdiction.



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