Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 159: One win to win the heart

The female tauren'Basi' was satisfied after observing Jingyu's expression. She introduced to Jingyu: "This is the Chief's son Baker. Bloodhoof... I told him your purpose, and he agreed. Take us to see his father. However, he has a condition."

She gave Baker the word.

"I hope to see my father is a true warrior worthy of respect." Baker solemnly said.

"In other words, do you want to compete with me?" Jing Yu said with a smile.

"Yes... I am the strongest among my tribe except my father. If you win me, I will do my best to help you persuade my father to send soldiers to participate in your war." Baker said.

"I want to correct you a little bit. This war is not just a matter of the elves. The burning legion is coveted by the whole world. After the failure of the elves, they will definitely start against those of you who love peace in this world...but , I’ll show you what I’m asking for, and I’m a powerful person worth following.”

Jingyu raised his hand and gestured to the side. He walked out for 20 meters.

Baker asked his companion to take his usual weapon-it was a huge wooden pile about the same height as his body. The loud noise from the tauren when it rested on the ground and the vibrations that were transmitted to the feet of the elves made the elves understand its heavyness.

However, Baker easily picked it up and carried it on his shoulder. He walked out of a distance and walked across from Jingyu.

"You can start at any time." Jingyu said.

"Okay!" Baker was unkind. He clasped the stake with both hands and posed as he was about to charge.

Jingyu's hand was raised, approaching the saber handle behind.

Ai Wenna did not doubt that Jingyu could win, but she worried that Jingyu would kill Baker with a knife, or cut off the totem pole in Baker's hands... In her view, this was not enough to achieve what he said and showed The image of a "powerful person worth following".

Baker began to attack at this time. A shining aura appeared at his feet, and the gesture of raising the totem pole to the sky roared the Rangers. The braided muscles burst suddenly with force, as if the entire body was bigger, giving the Rangers the illusion that the body could not shoot through arrows.

Baker came to Jingyu and waved the totem pole mercilessly and crashed to death.

Seeing this scene, even if the elves had confidence in Jingyu, they could not help but lift their hearts to their throats and held their breath.

Jingyu was still in that posture, and the totem pole hadn't approached him yet, and the wind was blowing his hair. At this time, he was going to pull the knife, or everyone thought he would pull the knife down.

Baker didn't stop attacking when he saw this...because he thought it was an insult to him.

He was angry at the contest. Harder and more violent, shouting loudly.

"Drink ah-!"


What the totem pole hit, it made a loud deafening noise. The wind erupted from the impact, blowing the grass above the knees on the grassland, blowing the long hair of the female elves.

However, the silver eyes of the elves did not blink.

The scene that appeared before my eyes was beyond imagination! Come to think of it carefully, even if anyone has heard of Jingyu's extraordinary combat effectiveness, few have really seen him fight. Not to mention his attitude of fighting empty-handed.

He caught it with a pair of fleshy palms, which was like an attack from a mountain. Under that totem pole, his body appeared so small. However, he just caught it with such a body.

The most surprising thing is that Baker and his dozen companions. In the tauren world, there is no such thing as a pair of flesh palms that can take over the blow just now. Not even Baker’s father, the contemporary Tauren chieftain, and the most powerful warrior, Horn. Bloodhoof... The man, who is half the body shorter than the Tauren, has surpassed the Tauren in strength and endurance. Too.

On the basis of not believing this fact, Baker pressed the totem pole desperately. His large nostrils spewed out a scorching breath, and there was a wheezing sound that only large beasts could hear... The totem poles were motionless.

"This time it's more power!" Jingyu said under the totem pole.

He pushed upwards, and the totem pole lifted Baker back a few steps. Baker saw his face when he held his body, still so indifferent, without any joy of victory or despise of his opponent... Baker's face turned back a little bit hot. He was still surprised, but changed his eyes to Jingyu with respect.

"If necessary, let's compare the combat skills again." Jingyu said: "I am looking forward to the Tauren's war trampling."

"...No need." Baker sighed and tossed the totem pole on the ground, putting away the aura under his feet. "No one tauren can win you, but the most remarkable thing about you is that you are not proud of it... I will keep my promise. Even if my father is not willing to send soldiers to participate in the war you said, I will follow you."

"Your father will be willing, I believe I can persuade him." Jing Yu said with a smile.

He motioned for Baker to walk back to everyone with himself. Dijana couldn't stand the male tauren's overly exposed wild body, so he took only two "resistant" elf rangers and followed Baker's hunting squad back to their tribal settlement.

On the way, Jingyu asked Baker about the situation of the Tauren tribe, and roughly knew how many soldiers they could send to the battlefield. Because Baker had promised Jingyu to help with all his efforts, he told Jingyu an incident that Jingyu didn't know about.

"Actually, recently, our shaman mage also caught some bad signs. They said that a disaster is about to come, so that my father is ready to respond. But what is the specifics, they don’t know... my father I am worried about this."

This is undoubtedly good news for Jingyu.

When a group of people saw the settlement of Tauren, the sky was already dark blue. Many braziers light up the settlement, and Jingyu sees that there are many tents in the simple fence circle, and the tall male tauren walk back and forth on the road in the middle of the seems a bit anxious.

The situation is clearly wrong.

Baker and his tauren partners, who were familiar with the settlement, also discovered this.

After obtaining Jingyu's consent, they took them to the settlement together.



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