Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 145: Jaina's battle

Azshara and Jaina's Lounge-

The queen stood beside a container the size of a bath tub. With her hands facing the inside of the container, she extracted the magic of the lake water for a long time.

Jaina, who had not previously lost her magic power, held her wand by her side and walked slightly uncomfortably as the battle outside the temple started.

Suddenly, Jingyu's voice sounded in her mind:

"Jaina, the upper elves have betrayed Azshara again and are going to your side. You stop them... Don't let Azshara know."

Jaina was shocked and angry again. She barely squeezed out a smile and said to the focused Azshara:

"I'm still going to help."

"Wait," Azshara stopped her. "No... if you have an accident, he will be sad."

"Then I'll do it if I don't have an accident." Jaina grunted her lower lip in dissatisfaction, thinking, "I'm indeed weaker than you, and I don't have to say that I will have an accident if I go down."

She turned and left the room.

Azshara hesitated for a moment, worried that she wanted to follow along, and wanted to restore some magic power to help the battle behind... Fortunately, Jingyu contacted her in time, he told her with a sound of nature. Will pay attention to Jaina.

Azshara thought of Jingyu's powerful spiritual power, and believed that she really returned to absorb energy.

After Jaina walked out of the room, Jingyu continued to use the sound of Teana to say to her: "I have left a ray of mental power on your side. I want to talk to me and I will know when I say it."

"Oh." Jaina responded, stunned: "Jingyu, can I block them?"

Although the upper elves are much weaker than Azshara, they are also relying on the Well of Eternity to improve their magic.

Jaina has a very high talent as a mage, but she is only 19 years old after all, and time limits her ability.

One more thing, there can be only one upper elf who attacks.

She would worry that it is normal for her to fight.

"I think if I were in your equipment, I would be able to, it would be enough to stop them from disturbing Azshara in the short term," Jingyu said.

In the time he spoke, the Doom guards approached him, and considering that Azshara’s palace guards were loyal and could not let them all die here... he launched the domineering domineering.

The ripple spreading from the heart of the eyebrow covered the temple of Luna in an instant, rushed towards the palace, and tended to spread farther away.

Jingyu looked at the three battlefields, and after a moment of hesitation more than a moment, he suddenly stopped to domineering on their edge.

‘No, that distance should be done carefully. ’ A part of Doom Guard once felt Jingyu’s overlord color and supported it. At this time, when most of them were stuck in the air because of the shock, they looked at him with shocking eyes, and a small number of doom guards were still approaching quickly.

Jingyu's eyes narrowed, revealing the red light of the killing. Behind a pair of bat wings spread out, with the double power of shaving and flying, he disappeared in place. When it reappeared, each hand grabbed a doom-guard head.

Two corpses of the Doom Guard fell into the air.

Jingyu's mental strength felt Jaina's reaction in the hallway of the highest temple of the Moon God... He had just overcame Jaina and Azshara. This reflects her response to his voice content.

I saw that she grumbled her mouth in disappointment: "What can you win, I can only stop them in a short period of time. Not fair! You know their number and know where to ambush them best, of course. You can win."

"If I said that I can win without ambush?" Jingyu Chuanyin said. He'watched' Jaina standing blankly, and then encouraged her with a smile, "Would you like to give it a try? Just summon the water element at your present position, and they should be able to maintain the protection of the two water elements before they come. Summon out After the second water element, you are ready for the most powerful range attack magic you can use now, and wait for them to appear...After they appear, use the ring I gave you!"

Jaina did it dubiously. When she prepared the third magic, she saw that the upper elves appeared on the corner in front of them...they were surprised when they saw her and the water element summoned by her.

'It's now! ’She grasped the fighter well and applied it skillfully.

She hid behind the water element, so that the elves could not see her.

Then, the ring on the ring finger of the left hand shimmered, called the blinking skill, and she moved from the place to the back of the elves instantly. When the elves came back to raise their staff to cast a spell in her original direction, she applied magic to them from behind.

‘Frost Nova! After silently reciting the name of the arcane, the ice rose and exploded at the feet of the elves. All elves suffer the damage caused by the impact, and the cracked skin and equipment are covered with frost.

Under the control of Jaina, the water element approached the elves with impaired speed, and launched an attack at a distance.

Jaina began to condense new spells... Only the last two elves knew she was here by the fluctuation of magic because they knew there were no other elves behind. The elves in front still think that she is behind the water element, and their staff fights back against the water element.

"She is here!" one of the two elves shouted.

Jaina smiled and summoned a third water element when one of the preceding water elements was broken.

She then hid behind the water element again... Under the influence of the front, the two elves immediately shouted to the elves who turned around: "She is over there!" They pointed to the two previously summoned The one left in the middle.

'snowstorm! ‘Jaina used a second magic on the elves where she was hiding now.

The ice flakes fell from the upper part of the corridor, and the movement was blocked by the slow elves who could only cast magic barriers.

Their attacks did not stop. Some elves even used magic similar to Frost Nova, and some used lightning strikes and fireballs... The second water element was broken faster.

But there was obviously no Jaina over there.

After stunned for a while, the elves turned back angrily and attacked the third element of water against them with a wand, and began to cast new spells.

The flashing cooldown is three seconds, and it has already arrived. Jaina appears behind the elves. When they broke the third water element, she launched a new Frost Nova... The three elves were killed under this magic.



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