Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 144: Decoy Battle 3

Even if the troops were supplemented to some extent, the hellfires summoned by the Eredar wizards did not break through the guardian enchantment of Azshara... However, the hellfires did not extinguish due to such collisions, they stood at the location He rose from all directions to the intact position.

"It's awful! It's impossible to create chaos for them. We lose a lot of our troops." In the underground palace, the image was reflected here by the detective of the demon, and the abyss lords and the dreadlords surrounded the crystal ball. Watching... Azgalo, who succeeded Mannoroth as the leader of the abyss lords, said bitterly.

"Maybe..." The dreadlords didn't think so, Marganis said: "Maybe this is an unexpected joy... Because the man and the elf queen are too close here, we can't go out to avoid Repeat the mistakes of Mannoroth. But now, their power is greatly depleted. If we can take advantage of them to get rid of them, wouldn’t it be our world outside?"

"Huh?" Azgalo and the abyss lords looked at each other, and they all made a lot of sense. The only thing that made them hesitate, "But don't you say that the man has a power to stun large soldiers? The number is impossible. Works."

Perhaps they can go together with those who will not be stunned. Obviously, they will not take this risk.

The dreadlords think so too.

"It's such a powerful force that he can't use it all the time! Azgalo, it's not a pity of strength now. Besides, being stunned is not dead, we have no loss. If we can use this to make him consume more energy It will also be good for killing him. Don’t you want to avenge your original boss Mannoroth? Don’t hesitate if you want to!” Varimathras said.

"And, we can use something else..." Marganis smiled slyly. "The self-righteous arrogant villain may help us achieve our goals more easily."


After the **** fire, a large number of demons of the Burning Legion poured out in the royal palace... not only that, but some of the originally ground positions collapsed, and some demons rushed out.

They rushed to the defensive position surrounding the palace in a triangle.

The palace was built according to the Well of Eternity, and the Temple of Luna is also on the lakeside of the Well of Eternity. On the side of the Well of Eternity, there is no position due to the existence of a wide lake.

The remaining forces of the Moon God Temple are also used to monitor the demons in the palace from this direction.

It is located next to the palace and is almost built next door. However, it takes ten minutes to walk from one place to another... The palace is one kilometer away from the Luna Temple.

After preventing the direct attack of Hellfire, Azshara put away the magic in time. The consumption is huge, plus Jingyu lost half of her strength to her, and the residue in her body is still less than one-tenth of the usual.

Jaina helped her back to the lounge to absorb the water of the Well of Eternity to replenish the magic loss, while Jingyu remained on the terrace. At a glance, he learned the true intentions of the demon from the total strength of the demon attacking the three positions.

To be honest, the demons are longer than him, don't look at live longer, they are also tenderer in leading the battle.

The battle of the battle depends on martial arts, and on a smart plan... The contest of the smart plan is also the application of psychology.

Knowing what the other party is thinking, you can make a targeted arrangement, measure the success or failure of them, and make a solid progress.

And this is actually not the highest state.

Let the other party think according to their expectations!

Jingyu is doing this now, and he feels successful. He even guessed how the enemy would use the short time of'attacking three positions, forcing them to have no time to rescue here'-he thought they would come to contact the upper elves in this shrine and prompt the upper elves to rebel.

He didn't know how to do it, and he didn't use strong mental power to ‘look’ to avoid hitting the grass.

He was just thinking about when he should shoot.

These thoughts were abandoned by him after a while. ‘I am still... directly prompting them to betrayal. He doesn’t usually do this, and hesitates a little.

Azshara did forgive these upper elves, but this does not mean that the sins of these upper elves have disappeared, nor that they are credible now.

If they resist the temptation, Jingyu feels that he will really treat them fairly.

He condensed a magic force in his palm, and let this magic force turn into a black bat and flew into the temple.

Soon, the bat looked at the right time and occupied the consciousness of a higher-level upper elf.

The upper-level elf soon'acted'. He contacted the other upper elves and told them that because of the same position, they must always hug together to survive.

This means that after any upper elf finds out, he must tell the other upper elves.

Jingyu thought that he would receive the news soon, and the demons began to contact them. But until the new demon army emerged from the ground and attacked the temple, such a situation did not appear.

Do the enemies really give up using the upper elves who can be said to be almost all the defenders here?

He didn't believe it.

The battle still requires command. During Azshara’s magic replenishment, Jingyu also took over her guard and assigned them to the upper elves... and created,'The highest level has aside from Azshara and Jaina, who have the magic replenishment. Apart from half of his energy, there is no other guard' situation.

By the way, after receiving the ‘Earth Energy’, Jingyu begins to replenish energy while consuming it.

One thousandth of every second, half of it, he can recover automatically in up to 9 minutes.

Now half the time has passed. He only covered the energy recovery in his own way, but the outsider felt that the upper part of the defense was only him with half the energy.

Therefore, the palace flew dozens of doom guards that were much stronger than the average demon guard.

They hovered around the temple of Luna, as if waiting to attack.

Jingyu smiled secretly, with a dignified expression on his face, thinking: ‘Is this to distract me? So, let's start below. ’

As expected, the upper-level sprite under control quickly passed back the message—the content of the message surprised him a little.

‘I didn’t expect Harves to be resurrected and turned into a demon by Sargeras. ’

Due to the curse of Harves, the upper elves that became'Sart' are the demons themselves. Jingyu did not find them mixed in the Demon Legion...they had the opportunity to come into contact with the upper elves guarding the temple.

The upper elves here quickly shook, and none of the upper elves under his control advanced.

Although the battle continued, it was the upper elves who joined forces with demons to encircle the queen's guard.

After the guard was entangled, in order to prevent the accident here from being noticed by three people in the upper space, the ten strongest elves of the upper level immediately ran to the upper space, trying to capture the queen.

At the same time, the doomsday guards in the sky attacked Jingyu.



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