Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 142: Spiritual upper limit and energy recovery

"The Burning Legion is about to attack? Have they already launched the teleportation array?" she was shocked.

The magic is cast underground, when it is perceived from above, the magic has been cast and the green fire cloud quickly spreads.

"Oops, it's that kind of fire giant again!" Jaina saw it from a distance when hellfire first came down.

At that time, Azshara had already led people to fight the Burning Legion underground. Therefore, she now only knew that there was terrible magic gathered there, but did not know what it was. Upon hearing the words "Fire Giant", her complexion also changed.

Looking in three directions, "No, if you let them fall, it would cause inestimable damage to the defensive position."

"But we don't have enough wizards to defend, and it's too late to cast a defense now." Jaina was also anxious, "Damn, I didn't expect to be able to summon again."

She thought it was over.

"Isn't it the Master's words?" Azshara said.

She agitated the magic of her whole body, and at all costs destroyed them before hellfire landed on the ground.

"Jingyu, I'll ask you again to help me eliminate the evil energy."

This is the expression, and she has to draw magic from the Well of Eternity as a supplement.

Before Jingyu first helped her eliminate the evil energy, her magic power had almost reached the limit of this body. Every day, if you don’t cast enough large magic, the expanding magic will make her feel that her body is gradually torn.

To this end, she has developed a lot of large magic... She also has time to develop.

Azshara immediately thought that to avoid the damage of Hellfire to ground positions, in addition to destroying them directly in the air, they could also change the trajectory of their landing. She began to prepare two large-scale magic that she felt worked. The latter effect of the magic was delayed and used for prevention only.

But at this moment, "Master", with the voice of Daier in Jingyu's mind, everything around him froze--

Azshara’s magic stopped at the boiling peak; the expression on Jaina’s face was full of tension, and she crossed her hands in prayer, hoping that Azshara would succeed; even the rumbling voice in the sky stopped halfway Already; a tree on the ground, the branches and leaves stopped in the swing...

Daier appeared as a red flowing dress and smiled slightly at him.

Jingyu looked around. At this moment, he could move alone. If he walked down the underground palace alone, he could wipe out the enemy without any effort.

Daier shook her head humorously, "That's not okay..." She said, "I'm here not to stop the time, but to accelerate the master's time indefinitely... This is already for not coming here with the power to replace the system. The greatest support from the owner."

Jingyu still clasped his arms. "Then I think it's too boring to replace the system. I came here clearly to protect a plane, but it doesn't support me."

"It's not like this." Daier smiled bitterly: "Does the host still remember that my body was a virtual thing? The world currently under management provides energy and replaces the system to operate many functions. If these Function to help the planes that don’t provide energy to them, it will be very unfair to those planes that provide energy. Of course, if this plane is really facing a crisis of extinction, the replacement system will temporarily mobilize energy without reservation."

In general, she believes that Jingyu will not let this happen.

In addition, in order to use such ‘power’ at any time, more planes must be managed to obtain more energy margin. These, she never had to tell Jingyu. After Jingyu nodded her approval, she talked about the purpose of coming this time.

"The master's energy reached the limit in total just at that time."

"Huh?" Jingyu froze. "But I feel that my energy has increased every minute and every second."

"This is a special case." Daier said: "The replacement system puts it bluntly just for the owner. It does not predict the future of the owner first, and then make arrangements for this future. But when the owner needs it, just Give the host support to the situation. In this case, there will be a situation where some actions of the host will make the original settings of the system contradict..."

"That is to say, my energy has not been brought in, but can it continue to grow so much?" Jingyu smiled with interest.

Daier nodded. She is a helper who was born entirely with Jingyu's preferences and personality. To a certain extent, she can speculate on Jingyu's ideas...She knows how her master is thinking about how to use that part of energy. He must not intend to recover that part of the energy because of the special situation she said.

Imagine putting that part of energy into the body of any of his women will instantly create a four-digit extreme strongman, greatly increasing the overall strength of his forces.

She thought he would do it.

But this time, Jingyu's thinking was different.

"Daier, you said that if my energy continues to increase and far exceeds the limit, I will recover that part of energy, what will happen?" Jingyu asked her.

"This..." Daier was taken aback.

She thinks that instead of the information stored in the system, the final energy form of the superior power owner can be equal to or even exceed the total energy of the entire plane. Obviously, it is far from this limit.

The limit is simply to replace the energy provided by the system.

However, Jingyu's question obviously also replaced the situation that the system did not predict, and there was no answer in her knowledge.

She urgently communicated with the other half of the system. The two concluded that Jingyu would make corrections to the so-called'limit' before the energy of the two places was fused.

"That's all right." Jingyu smiled with satisfaction.

Daier burst into tears and laughed at him, thinking, "Don't you force me and another to follow you?"

She didn't care, but the other she didn't know what to think.

In short, she put this first, and then just said: "Because the first energy reaches the "limit", so that the master can accept the second energy... But here is an option, the master can choose to increase the spirit first The upper limit, or increase the energy recovery rate first."

The increase of the upper limit of the Lingge can determine the maximum energy usage of Jingyu at one time.

With his total energy, planets like Earth can be easily destroyed. However, his strongest blow is not enough to destroy the entire earth, he needs to continue to attack.

After raising the upper limit of the Lingge, he can be allowed to do such a thing as destroying the earth with one blow.

If you put it in the box world and make two more obvious comparisons, take the same four-digit strong as an example-when the energy is the same, the higher the linguistic power is because the more power can be liberated at one time, the combat power will be stronger; the energy is not At the same time, those with lower energies can win the battle if they have a higher Lingge.

When Jingyu listened to Daier's explanation here, considering the status quo, she was so moved to increase the upper limit of the Lingge.

However, after all, he was not a fledgling kid, and decided to make a decision after listening to Dai Er's explanation of the increased energy recovery rate.

Daier paused a little before narrating. There was a bit of hesitation in her heart. She suggested Jingyu to choose the latter first, and then narrated... In this way, if Jingyu predominates, the possibility of choosing the latter will be higher.

But, after all, she contained her own thoughts.

‘It’s up to the master to decide everything. I was born to assist the master. I cannot influence the judgment of the master with my own subjectivity. ’



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