Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 141: Use of mental power

Because even if the other party makes a mistake, treating them like this is still not within the scope of Azshara's acceptance.

She refrained from saying until now that she had given him a great face.

Jingyu didn't answer her, first asked the girl mage next to him, "Do you think so, Jaina?"

"This, I may have your own ideas." Jaina avoided his gaze, uncertain.

The definition given to them in his heart is'naive'.

Such a woman encountered some unknown in his life. The more women who have a lot of shining points and can attract everyone's attention, the easier they are to have this character.

But such a character can only explain that, apart from their own high cleanliness, they have not experienced any fraud.

He did not blame them for being pedantic, and he did not want to reverse their thoughts or deliberately let them experience fraud.

Of course, they will not change their own ideas like them.

He is a man who has the responsibility to stand at the forefront to resist all conspiracies and tricks, and to use them back.

"I just think that in such a situation, it would be best for them."

Jingyu said. In this passage, he added some elements that they can accept with reservation.

"Tell them directly that there is a high probability that they will die here in war, and they will be greatly shaken....Unless I make a strict order to force it, the number of people who are willing to stay in the war will never exceed 100. Azshara, they are You are pardoned, but as I said, it is not accepted by other elves. If they want to return to the elven society, they must join the battle voluntarily."

"Ah! I see..." Jaina said: "You told them differently than what you said. They all stayed, and everyone thought they were willing to stay after hearing the battle with high mortality. Come down. Even if they were dead, no, it was because they died here that everyone would forgively think that they died to protect the queen, right? At least, this can restore their reputation, right?"

She tried hard to explain to him, trying to understand his ideas in a good direction.

This intention made him slightly guilty.

He smiled slightly at her and nodded reluctantly.

In contrast, she is in a similar position to the upper elves, or she thinks she should be in that position-Azshara better understands what she wants in exchange for fighting this day.

She was grateful for his consideration and apologized for her questioning.

"Although I still don't agree with lying, if anyone regards it as despicable, let me bear it with you. Now, please tell me where I should go to attract the attention of the Burning Legion."

‘It’s okay if we only attract the Burning Legion by our attraction, and I’m afraid that the upper elves will tell them... I’ll always see through my previous challenges. 'Jingyu thought, if such a situation really happened, he could handle it with his own hands, and there was no need to let Azshara know that she would be saddened by it.

Unconsciously, he was attracted by her true personality charm and forgot that she was his pet.

"We don't need to do anything in particular. With the magic stock in our body, as long as we don't cover it up, the enemy will feel it." Jingyu smiled at her, "Let's help you remove the body before fighting them again. You can teach Jaina the way of drawing the energy of the Well of Eternity to enhance the magic power."

Azshara froze, glancing at Jaina, who seemed inexplicable. She thinks that the existence of a character who can eradicate evil energy is indeed a good way to quickly improve his strength.

Seeing him approaching himself, he knew he was going to **** blood. It was like an intimate movement sucking her neck, she could not help but hesitate and embarrassed. Without the queen's momentum and dignity just now, she took a step back like an ordinary shy girl.

"Here, here..." This is the solemn temple, and Jaina is still there.

"What do you want to do so much? I'm very serious." Jingyu said with a playful expression.

This second, he recovered some feeling that he had just forgotten.

Azshara was strapped to his shoulders with his big hands. When she thought he was going to bite up, it would be as painful as last time, but he sucked on Jaina... Ra suddenly widened his eyes and almost pushed him away.

Then he finally bit.

Azshara endured the peculiar feeling of the blood when he was away from the body. When all the evil energy was sucked away by him, a light came easily, causing her to loosen her tight shoulders. She almost wants to find a bed and go to sleep... Actually, it is indeed time for her usual sleep.

Jingyu let go of her, and her face was already red, but Azsara blinked her eyes ambiguously because her violet skin color wasn't quite visible... making Azshara shy and angry.

How could Jaina not see Aisara's awkward response? She has been teased by him since she was seventeen, but now she has two years of experience... At this time, she couldn't help but cough twice, reminding them to pay attention, she still here I am.

When Jingyu turned around, she deliberately raised her left hand and stroked the black ring with the fingers of her right hand, wiping it like any dust on it, and then smiled at him with a small white tooth.

"Let's do the right thing." Jingyu smiled bitterly.

Azshara instructed Jaina how to extract the energy of the Well of Eternity, and he arranged the defense of the temple.

Although Jingyu does not trust these betrayed elves, at least until they show signs of betrayal again, he will still use them as his own soldiers. He taught them how to coordinate attack and defense with several people, how to deal with the hellhound with the ability to absorb magic, and personally arranged magic arrays to increase various effects around the temple.

It was night, and he stood on a terrace facing the palace in the direction of the temple, recruited several bats, communicated with them through the ability of the true ancestor, and let them go to the underground palace to investigate. It was now covered by defensive magic, and he couldn't directly penetrate the sensed tentacles.

He felt that he really needed to strengthen his ability to perceive this aspect.

Just do it, Jingyu tries to diffuse the huge mental power that always converges out of the body...Although not all his energy is brought in, the mental power can not be reduced at all. Therefore, as his spiritual power swept away, the wizards of the upper elves were shocked and shocked.

Both Azshara and Jaina couldn't help making chest-holding movements, and quickly inspired their own spiritual power to surround their bodies to resist "peeping"... Usually they don't need this, and the magic emitted in the body is enough to shield any known Perception of the body. This also shows how strong Jingyu's spiritual power is.

After standing together and trying to extract the energy of the Well of Eternity, they looked at each other and stood up in agreement. A biting lips shamefully yelled at ‘that **** bastard’, and a heart shyly murmured, ‘I can’t stand him, hasn’t he shown it to him’?

But when they reached him, they froze for what they saw.

Jingyu leaned his arms on the fence of the terrace. He looked sideways at the palace not far away, and smiled faintly in the corner of his lips, the gesture was very charming.

Of course, it is not just this gesture that prevents two women who have seen the "big world" from speaking out, but that there is no trace of indecent in his expression. It's like happiness immersed in something, pure and clean. There is no slight association with the royal palace with broken palace walls and the city with smoke.

However, it brought a short period of tranquility to Azshara and Jaina.

The queen is worried about the future of the elves, and Jaina is thinking about improving her strength.

They just looked at him now.

Jingyu turned back and smiled slightly at them.

Jaina, who had recovered, asked him, "What are you... doing?"

Jingyu knows why they came, he said: "I'm trying to use my spiritual power, it's very interesting, just like my eyes suddenly reached a lot of places, I can see them all."

This is very different from listening to the sound of all things. The latter is more of a "listening" feeling.

Since that was the power obtained earlier, out of habit, Jingyu used to use mental power before to tend to'listen'.

But now he saw the movements of elven soldiers in quite remote places, and the funny reactions that they appeared when he was suddenly lowered by his mental strength.

It’s really fun to use ‘see’.

Jaina and Azshara could not blame him as plain as a child who found a toy. But in order to prevent his own mental power from consuming too much to block his "peeping", he had to remind him:

"You should be more secret! When using mental power, if it is found, it is considered a failure. Also, it is not allowed to perceive the female body in detail, it will cause female trouble."

They mage or priestess like Tyrande are okay. Ordinary elven women, like rangers and hunters, can't use spirit to block his detection... Jaina and Azshara are selfish Neither righteousness nor justice can let him be like this.

Jingyu withdrew his spiritual power and glanced at the sky. "Yeah, the battle will start immediately. Can I not distract the female soldiers as the main force."

Azshara froze and followed his eyes to find out his perception, and then discovered the magic that had condensed there.



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