Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 139: Decoy Battle 1

This undoubtedly surprised Jingyu.

He glanced at the silver eyes of the female elf, thinking, she was expressing to the elves, isn't the fear of him that I accept his appointment?

This is very effective and wise!

Because it would give the elves a signal that the military sentence executed by her would not show any signs of abuse.

Even if the military law is strict, as long as the elves still value their own glory, they will not be punished by military law.

The elves were relieved... The horror atmosphere created by Jingyu was slightly relieved.

This is Maiwei's credit.

Jingyu gave her a high degree of appreciation in her heart, thinking that she would definitely be more faithful to the implementation of military law than she thought.

"Mavi, I will give you another special right... If I abuse the above four military laws or make major strategic mistakes, you can announce the release of my command authority and even position me as an enemy of Kadore."

This is to express his impartiality, that is, everyone is equal before the military law.

Also announced a kind of self-confidence: my command will never be wrong, you can trust me as much as you can!

It also hides the meaning: since my command is not wrong, then you must obey and implement it.

It didn't matter how much the elves could hear. After Maiev responded, he began to appoint other commanders.

"I call myself a marshal, so--

Kurtalos Crow Crown, I appointed you as deputy marshal, as the first commander under me, responsible for the actual command during the time when I was away. You can select several deputies individually, as long as they are not allowed to drag you off the military law. The air force Hippogryph also handed over to you.

Tyrande, you will temporarily lead the rank of general...Sister Elune will send back the Moonlight Guard as soon as possible, and distribute two thousand rangers to this unit. The chiefs are selected by you, and let them be stationed in your defensive position now. The rest of the ranger and the female hunter force who are not good at street fighting moved outside the city and continued to patrol to prevent the spread of demons.

Priestess Dijana, please arrange enough priests to come to the front to heal the soldiers' injuries. You will be responsible for leading and protecting these priests. You can tell me how many troops you need, and I will allocate it to you.

The remaining officers and troops maintain the status quo. "

He finished speaking in one breath, and the elves looked at Azshara without any instructions. Not because they are waiting for Azshara's instructions--

Kurtalos asked on behalf of everyone: "Your Majesty? What position do you let her hold?"

"I have already said that hero units do not participate in ordinary offensive and defensive warfare, and you also need to know yourself. And Azshara, she is our current trump card... Let her keep her spirit, physical strength and magic power at all times. Status. I will put her in a prominent position as a deterrent, the first stage of the offensive and defensive battle is in this temple."

This also announced that Azshara would stay in the shrine and be the location that the Burning Legion could detect the first time.

This is one of Jingyu's purposes for killing Malonos. Tell the commanders of the Burning Legion clearly that you don’t want to die if you don’t want to die.

In this way, there will be a predictable battle... he and Azshara are both bait.

So, if Azshara stays, he will do the same.

The elves who understood this were relieved that they were basically all die-hards of Azshara, and they had begun to swear and would not let the Burning Legion step into the temple.

But Jingyu poured cold water on them:

"The battle to defend the queen will start at any time. If you have no doubts, you should rush back to your defensive position as soon as possible and lead the troops to prepare... The Burning Legion will attack you here, and will first attack you to force you to rescue here. As for How to show weakness to lure the demons into the traps you arranged and greatly weaken their troops, don’t let me teach you by hand."

Kurtalos and other elves were shocked.

"We are all gone, who will protect the queen?" they asked, and voted ‘by yourself? ’S suspicion.

Jingyu said: "Before you come, I have summoned the upper elves who have betrayed the queen... Although the queen pardoned them, they did not get your understanding and trust. Then test once, if they swear to defend the queen, Will be your companion in the future. Otherwise..."

"Where else is there!" Kurtalos yelled in horror. "If they betrayed again, the Queen will not only face the Burning Legion, but also the wicked guys... disagree, I absolutely disagree. Strategy. Maiev, you talk too."

This guy seems to want Maiev to treat Jingyu's decision as a major mistake and to oust him.

Jingyu is angry and funny.

Maiev glanced at Kurtalos and asked calmly, "Why don't you wait for him to finish?"

"Uh..." Kurtalos-e, embarrassed under Jingyu's smiling eyes.

Jingyu teased him, and then pointed to Jaina who had been ignored for so long:

"My companion has regional teleportation magic. When it's dangerous, it's easy for me to resist it and teleport to one of your three positions with this magic."

Jaina, who thought she was too weak to help, was stunned. Jingyu could not use her ability like this. Seeing the elves looked over, she proudly raised her chest:

"If you don't believe me, I'll'show' now."

She immediately activated magic, the ice blue teleportation array lit up at her feet, and she disappeared after three seconds. Tens of seconds later, a team of elf soldiers was brought over by her magic...These elf soldiers were quite funny when they saw the queen, and changed from confused to shocked.

The generals were convinced of her abilities, and Jingyu had indeed blocked the Burning Legion underground. Even though they were still worried about the failure of the plan and hurt the queen, they still obeyed the plan and left the temple.

The only ones left are Jingyu, Azshara and Jaina, and the royal guard directly under Azshara... Nasa was recruited by Maiev as an adjutant.

Azshara instructed a guard to call in the upper elves. Their number is close to five hundred, only those rescued from the ground by Azshara... Without Azshara's instructions, Harves did not have the opportunity to incite all the upper elves to participate in the secret plan to build the portal.

Some other participants either died in the hands of the Burning Legion, were captured again, or were not underground at the time...the number of the last part is probably not much. Azshara said that he did not pursue their rebellion, and later he did not ask the rescued if he had any investigation.

To be honest, Jingyu is a little uneasy about this part of the concealers. The second article in the military law is specifically set up for this.


Time went back a little bit. In the underground space, Havis, who was transformed into the resurrection of the demon, returned to this world and went to meet the captured upper elves first.

He showed them how powerful the new power Sargeras gave him, and expressed his willingness to share this power with them. In addition, he also complained about what happened before-not that the Burning Legion betrayed the upper elves, but that the enemies sent by the queen controlled him and caused chaos.

"I will pray for the master to revive the poor guys who died in that chaos. However, this must be based on the master's ability to come to this world as soon as possible."

He said these to the imprisoned upper elves, bewitching them to abandon the guilt of the betrayal of the queen, and throw them into the arms of Sargeras, swearing full loyalty to Sargeras.

The upper elves were eager for power, and then heard him say that ‘the reason why your own good relationship with the Burning Legion was destroyed and almost died in the hands of the Burning Legion’ was the Queen’s advice, and they turned to hate the Queen.

Of these, none of the upper-level elves confused by power noticed what Havis did to them. He imposed a curse on them, which was the ability that Sargeras gave him... he released the negative emotions that the upper elves were usually suppressed by reason and conscience, and he let them indulge themselves.

The upper elves soon obeyed him, swearing allegiance to Sargeras, and willing to make their own contribution for Sargeras to come to this world. Harves' curse reached its commanding height, and the upper elves were all transformed into demons like him.

That's a new race named Sartre—Based on their original appearance, the calves turned into shaggy lamb legs, with the ladder, the hands became sharp razor-like claws with long heads Out of the horns.

Harves was satisfied that he had many men at once. He took them out of the prison, but saw the abyss lords and the dreadlords confronting each other by the frame of the "extinguished" teleportation array.

The emergence of the third group naturally attracted the attention of the abyss lords and dreadlords. They didn't take it seriously, and the Burning Legion who came here was headed by these two groups.

However, Harves obviously does not think so.



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