Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 138: War Conference, promulgation of wartime military law

The location of the meeting was chosen in Elune's temple.

Jingyu and Jaina watched the elves' worship of the moon god-hosted by the high-ranking priestess Dijana, the queen Azshara sincerely confessed to the moon god, and prayed that the moon **** could protect the elves from victory.

After they completed these, Jingyu was invited to the first. Azshara is on his left, Dijana is on his right, and everyone is facing him.

Jingyu said: "The first point is about Azshara's throne. She said that in order to compensate for her sins, she will resign from the Queen's post... I want to make a suggestion for everyone to decide whether to adopt it yourself."

"Jingyu, I..." Azshara wanted to stop him from saying something for himself, although she was very grateful to him.

Jingyu shook her head with a smile and said, "My Queen, you have to take care of the feelings of the subjects. They don't want you to resign from the position of Queen. You can't let them carry this kind of shaking emotion. Go on the battlefield? I suggest that you continue to retain the title of the queen and only delegate power to the subjects. It is up to them to choose those who have both ability and virtue to assist you and work together for the long-term stability of the elven kingdom."

The nobles represented by Kurtalos, distinguished from the upper elves, and the civilians of the elves, the respect for the queen has not changed. When the elves in the temple heard Jingyu say this, they could not help but nod their heads. Their minds are almost the same, except for Azshara, they do not recognize that other elves can be their king.

Azshara was unbelievable and excited about their approval. She pursed her lips and was speechless.

After Jingyu succeeded in inspiring all the elves to like him, he began to arrange the battle situation. He spoke of the arms and characteristics of the Burning Legion he saw. In response to these arms, what kind of tactics and arms should your own respond to.

Jingyu's arms, Jingyu learned from Nasa.

Using his freezing ability, he built a model map of the capital and its surroundings on the ground of the temple, and arranged the troops in between, saying little by little to the elves present... From where the burning legion attacked, what was the strength At that time, what kind of troops and personnel should be deployed there.

He also particularly emphasized the possibility of individual combat. A few troops led by powerful enemy demons or a single guerrilla strategy, it is impossible for oneself to send large troops to face up. Therefore, powerful people such as Azshara, Tyrande, Maiev, Shadow Song, and Kurtalos must be individually organized into their own combat squads in order to target the battlefield at any time.

He directly used the concepts in his mind and called them heroic units.

"Hero units do not participate in ordinary offensive and defensive warfare. Azshara, send me the upper elves, I want them to send signals to command the overall situation." Jingyu said.

When the elves kept nodding, he talked about the key point, "Of course such a tactic can lead us to victory, but the loss of troops is inevitable... After my rough estimate, I think there will be two thirds The above combat strength cannot survive."

Hissing, breathing cold air after another. But all the elves already knew the power of the Burning Legion... Hellfire summoned from heaven alone has kept everyone'busy' for a long time. That is not the main arm of the Burning Legion.

They either sighed or grieved, and Azshara even blamed herself.

In this mood, Jingyu threw a bait.

"Of course, there are ways to avoid such a situation, but I don't know if you are willing to perform faithfully."

Tyrande gave him a white glance, Jaina couldn't help crying, and other elves cast a grudged look on his salesmen.

Jingyu said after hanging their appetite:

"Now the situation is that there are some elves among us who can compete with each other's higher demons, such as Azshara...None of the demons currently entering here can win her. However, there are few such elves and the enemies are powerful There are many demons. To deal with such demons, you can only siege with most troops, and the loss is here.

To avoid losses, you need more hero units that can fight against the powerful demons of the other party. That is to create a omnibearing situation of soldiers against soldiers and generals, and even in turn, our soldiers will fight against each other's soldiers and soldiers... casualties will naturally decrease indefinitely. "

The elves looked at each other, and an elf general raised his hand and asked:

"But, how do you increase the number of hero units?"

"Looking for an ally," Jingyu said: "There are five guardian dragons in this world. They each lead an army composed of dragons. This is one of them; there is also the forest demigod who teaches elf druid spells. I believe There must be other demigods, and their strength is certainly not weak; the other is the pandaren and tauren..."

He said that he saw some unhappy faces on the faces of some elves. They include the nobleman Kurtalos, the queen's personal lady Fascist, the high-ranking priestess Maiev Shadowsong, and other elven generals.

Only a few elves, such as the chief high priestess Dijana and the ordinary priestess Tyrande, showed their approval.

Jaina is very young and her strength is limited. In this meeting, she is almost just an audience. Seeing the performance of most elves, she couldn't help pinching cold sweat... for them! She felt that such an attitude was enough to make Jingyu thinking about them angry.

He was terrible when he was angry.

Sure enough, she soon saw that the relaxed and casual expression on Jingyu's face had converged, and that cool color made the air cool.

"You are not qualified to be the rulers of the world!" He did not hesitate to accuse them, raised his chin, and showed domineering, "Democracy is simply stupid to promote here, then, as Azshara requested, by I have full authority to do this..."

He looked at each elf with a high-pressure eye, and the murderous and awe-inspiring gesture made the proud elves also mutter.

"Now, I have promulgated wartime military laws... Article 1, defiance of our army commanders, beheading the public; article 2, pass the enemy betrayers, kill; article 3, fear the enemy without war, kill; article 4, detract from military aircraft Or, kill... The above four items will be enforced from this moment. Appoint Maiev Shadowsong as the general of the criminal army, giving the right to select personnel to organize the criminal army. Maiev, if you think you can’t effectively implement the four appeals, you can refuse to accept it now. The appointment of the general of the criminal army."

"Rejection is considered to be against your military order?" Maiev's expression was covered by the helmet when he asked, and it was hard to see how it was, but the tone sounded calm.

"No, the military order only contains the combat part against the Burning Legion." Jingyu said.

He was a little disappointed, thinking that she was very likely to refuse.

Maiev said: "Then I accept the appointment."



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