However, on the way home today, Kuang San always felt that something was wrong. Just after turning a familiar street, the surroundings suddenly became eerily quiet.


  Kuang San was startled and suspected that she had gone to the wrong place. She couldn't help but take a few steps back and turned away from the street, only to find that the surroundings were still silent after she ran out.

  But suddenly she stopped because she found an unknown monster in front of her.

  It was a creature like a black shadow solidified into a human shape, and its body exuded a hazy aura, and sometimes it made a sound of screaming or roaring.


  Kuang San's heart tensed, no matter what, she was still just a girl going to school. Because of her family's favor, she had experienced very few things, and she had never seen such strange things.


  Kuangsan subconsciously wanted to escape, but found that his hands and feet were not obeying his commands, and after a few steps back in a panic, he sat down on the ground with a soft click.

  And as if she heard Kurumi's exclamation, the monster also moved towards her, and at the same time made a sound of joy or madness.


  Kuang San was shivering with fright, thinking that the monster was going to eat her. In fact, if she were more courageous and looked at the monster carefully, she would find that the monster was shaking all over, as if she was suppressing something.

  The monster came to her actually wanting to ask her for help, but the girl who was scared of the monster's ugly appearance and lost her ability to think naturally didn't know all this.


  Out of nowhere, a magical beam of light that can only be seen on TV killed the monster, and Kuang San was stunned.

  Have you seen the legendary god?

  At the same time, a beautiful girl about her age came to her.

  "Are you OK?"

  The girl's voice is very pleasant, and the girl's appearance also gives Kuang San a very novel feeling, with beautiful facial features, long silver hair, and wearing a beautiful dress with a halo halo, it looks like something from a novel or TV. Like a goddess or an angel.

  "Thank you, thank you for saving me..."

  As the eldest lady with a good family education, Kuang San thanked him with a trembling tone for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

  Then she learned that the monster just now was an existence called an elves and wanted to destroy the world.

  And the beautiful girl in front of her said that her name was Takamiya Mio, and she was the messenger of justice who destroyed the evil spirits.

  "Um... Kurumi, do you want to have the same power as me to save the world with me?"

  After learning that she accidentally entered this strange place, the beautiful girl suddenly said to Kurumi.

  "……save the world?"

  Hearing such words, Kurumi suddenly froze, she couldn't help thinking of the various sufferings she had seen over the years, and then subconsciously wanted to help them.

  It's just that my ability is limited and I can't do more.

  If you have that ability too...

  Kurumi suddenly became excited, and nodded involuntarily.

  "it is good!"

Chapter 43 We Are All Messengers of Justice

  "Ah hoo!"

  A monster whose figure was blurred by gray-black aura roared and rushed towards a beautiful girl with a long straight black.

  But this black long straight beautiful girl did not feel panic, she had seen this kind of monster many times recently, she took a deep breath skillfully, and let out a coquettish voice.

  "Shenwei Spiritual Dress Three!"

  Suddenly, her image in the student uniform changed. The eyes under the bangs were originally red, but the one on the left turned into a golden clock-like eye, and that eye even had hour, minute, and second hands, like a real clock. The same tick tock rotation, but this time it was blocked by a medical goggles.

  Her student uniform was also replaced by a black and white gothic loli dress.

  The girl is the Kabbalah tree of life that obtained the origin of the world, which is the third of the ten special abilities possessed by the ten elements. Tokisaki Kurumi, who controls the power of time.

  "Emperor Keke - Seven Bullets!"

  After Tokisaki Kurumi completed her transformation, she decided to use her magical ability, and summoned her exclusive angel - the angel of time [Emperor Keke].

  A huge golden clock more than twice her height suddenly appeared behind her.

  At the same time, the hands on the clock point to the number representing seven.

  A black glow appeared from the needle and injected into the two ancient pistols she was holding.

  Seven Bullets - The time of the hit target is still.


  Two gunshots rang out, and the monster that swooped in on the opposite side was immediately stopped.

  And Tokisaki Kurumi quickly seized the opportunity and fired a bullet from the pistol.

  "Clap clap clap!"

  After a burst of gunfire, the monster roared unwillingly and fell to the ground.


  Tokisaki Kurumi sighed lightly, and finally got another one.

  Before acquiring this ability, she always thought that the world she knew was just the ordinary world, and even if there were wars and diseases, she still felt that it was only a matter of people.

  And only after she got the power of her new "good friend" Takamiya Mio did she realize that there were such terrifying monsters lurking in the world.

  Those monsters don't know where they came from, but they have all kinds of magical abilities, and their destructive power is amazing.

  If they were allowed to wreak havoc, I don't know how many extra people would die.

  Fortunately, I have myself and Takamiya Mio together to destroy monsters and save the world.

  Looking at the dead monster, Tokisaki Kurumi showed a relieved smile.

  Recently, she has killed a lot of such monsters. Some of them are mediocre and can only be solved with a pistol that can fire spiritual power, while some also need to use the special bullets of their own angels to help solve them.

  You must know that although your angels are powerful, they need to consume time. Although most of the bullets consume a small amount of time, this is all your own time.

  Once the time runs out, he will die.

  But Kuangsan is not afraid. Since she is pure and kind, she has chosen to be the savior to save the world, so she is ready to pay the price of her life.

  Kuang San, who had dealt with another monster, was very satisfied, and he finally had the ability to help everyone.

  With great power comes great responsibility.

  And she is now such a powerful person with great responsibility.

  Seeing the monster that destroyed the world fall down in his hands, Tokisaki Kurumi felt that his life had been sublimated.

  It seems that the whole body is filled with the glory called Noble...


  The monster that died suddenly was blown to pieces, and where it disappeared, a prismatic crystal-like thing radiated light.

  The color of the crystal looks very cloudy, as if the light that does not emit is not pure enough.

  A small hand as white as jade suddenly picked up the crystal, and then the crystal disappeared from her hand.

  "I'm sorry for what happened to you, and at the same time thank you for your hard work... Still need to continue refining..."

  The owner of the little hand was a beautiful silver-haired girl in a gorgeous spiritual outfit. She murmured in a voice that only she could hear, then turned to look at Tokisaki Kurumi.

  "Very good, Kurumi, you have become more and more proficient at mastering power recently."

  Tokisaki Kurumi also showed a happy smile for his good friend Takamiya Mio's compliment.

  "Thank you... I will definitely continue to work hard!"

  She felt that she did not live up to Mio's trust. From the beginning, she would be frightened by monsters and her hands and feet would become weak, and then she could shoot slowly. Now she can solve these monsters with special abilities by herself.

  Every time the monster dies, Mio destroys it and takes the crystal from its body.

  Kurumi also felt a little strange, the kind of ability he obtained seemed to be the same thing as that kind of crystal.

  It's just that the color she obtained is purer. Although she suffered a little when she obtained that ability, she felt that it was worth it when she was able to destroy monsters.

  However, Mio said that that kind of monster has strange abilities because she didn't know where to get it, and she had to put it away to avoid danger from being picked up by others.

  Kurumi didn't feel that something was wrong, after all, he and Mio were both messengers of justice to safeguard the world...


  "What are you stunned for? Luo Yuan!"

  A girl with an extremely cute appearance suddenly stretched out her hand and shook it in front of a boy who was in a daze.

  "I was just thinking about something..."

  The boy named Luo Yuan stretched out his hand and took the girl into his arms, then leaned down and kissed her lips fiercely.

  "I'm still eating... um..."

  The girl's other hand was holding a half-eaten ice cream. After being kissed for a long time, she felt that the ice cream would melt before she was released.

  "stupid stupid stupid!"

  The girl who was finally liberated suddenly blushed and cursed, and then let Luo Yuan continue to deal with the ice cream. Anyway, the two of them have done everything, and being intimate by him is also a habit.

  "Are you used to being here? Shana!"

  After Luo Yuan bullied the girl, he finally distracted a little.

  He has also been paying close attention to what Tokisaki Kurumi and Takamiya Mio did just now.

  It's been a few years since he cheated and got away.

  He is not in the Neon Country now, but in the Xiangjiang of the Celestial Dynasty.

  The Neon Kingdom is currently the territory of Mio Chonggong, and the future ten elves are basically people from the Neon Kingdom, and it is the Tohka that is directly transformed from the crystals of the tenth essence.

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