The most painful thing for her was that after her brother and Mio went out that day, she went so far as to beat her brother to death.



  After being wounded by Takamiya Mio, no, it should be Mana who was injured by the original spirit and was taken to the DEM company for treatment.

  Then she learned that her brother didn't seem to be easy, and even the two beautiful sisters had a close relationship with her brother.

  But there's no point in being jealous anymore...

  Because of my brother, my favorite Oni-chan has died.

  Perhaps it was because of the same illness and mutual pity, she was taken care of by the sisters Aileen and Karen, and Mana had accepted them.

  After accepting them, she also learned an important piece of information, that is, she can obtain her power by capturing the primal elves, and then she can use it to resurrect her brother.

  So she is now staying at DEM with her two sisters, who are going to use the display device to capture the elf and seize her power to resurrect her brother...

  Recently, Mana has been working hard to become stronger, and has begun to adapt to the display device.

  It turned out that she was very adaptable, and her physical abilities were getting stronger every day.

  Later, I heard from the two sisters that it seems that after having a close relationship with my brother, they will become stronger.

  Could it be that my brother expected him to die that day, so he asked himself to do shameful things for him to strengthen himself?

  The two sisters also said that my brother is very powerful, and she also knows that her Ouni sauce is the most powerful!

  However, even such a powerful brother will die...

  In a deep sleep, Shina unconsciously shed tears again.

  Then she had a dream, in which she appeared at the door of the ordinary residential building of Chonggong's house.

  "Huh? How did I get here?"

  Chong Gongzhen looked at the intact house with some doubts. She remembered that the house was tattered and tattered when countless people rushed in on the day she was kidnapped.

  The puzzled girl unconsciously stepped forward two steps and pushed open the door. Just standing at the entrance, she saw the boy sitting on the sofa at a glance.

  "O, O'Neill sauce?"

  Zhenna called out hesitantly, her tone trembling.

  "Long time no see, really!"

  The elder brother turned his head and greeted Zhenna with a smile, his tone was still so gentle and doting.

  "How are you doing recently?"

  "Oni sauce!"

  Mana finally couldn't help it, exclaimed with joy and rushed over without even changing her shoes, and threw herself into his arms.

  "O-ni-chan, I miss you so much!"

  Zhenna shouted in a greasy tone in her brother's arms. She remembered that her brother liked to hear her call him that way.

  "I miss you too... Mana, my cutest sister!"

  Luo Yuan hugged Zhenna and whispered softly, but there was still an unseen guilt deep in his eyes.

  "Euni sauce..."

  Holding her brother whom she hadn't seen for a long time, she was so moved that she no longer cared about their brother and sister status, she took the initiative to kiss her brother's lips, and her little tongue flexibly entangled with her brother.

  She misses her brother so much, so much that he continues to dote on her like this, so that he will cook all kinds of delicious food for her every day.

  So she kissed very hard, and hugged her brother very hard, as if to integrate herself and her brother.

  But kissing and kissing, she burst into tears unconsciously.

  Isn't brother already... dead?

  "What an idiot sister..."

  Luo Yuan let go of his sister's lips, and kissed away her tears very distressedly.


  The girl who had been suppressed for a long time finally couldn't help crying in the arms of her favorite brother.

  In reality, Chong Gongzhen was unconsciously bursting into tears.


  After the girl finally vented, Luo Yuan continued to wipe her tears, comforting her while wiping.

  "Brother isn't dead, really."

  "Wu~ Really, really? Ernie-chan!"

  The girl who was still sobbing and sobbing suddenly stopped and looked at her brother seriously.

  "Where are you right now then?"

  "Yes...but it will be a long time before we meet again."


  "You'll know when you meet."

  Luo Yuan put his sister aside and got up quickly, then walked out of the house.

  "So really...don't be too sad, just do whatever you want, and be happy!"

  "Wait a minute, Ernie-chan..."

  Mana quickly chased out, but she just watched her brother standing at the door and smiled at her before disappearing.

  As soon as she rushed out the door, she felt dark in front of her eyes, and when she opened her eyes hard, she found herself awake.

  The entrance is a bedroom with a European style that is already familiar.

  The girl felt that her cheeks were wet, and she couldn't help but feel that there were tears.

  "Is that really just... a dream?"

  At the same time, in the other two bedrooms, two beautiful girls with blond waist-length hair and similar appearances, but with some differences in temperament, also opened their tearful eyes...

Chapter 42 The Gentle and Kind Tokisaki Kurumi III

  Seventeen-year-old Tokisaki Kurumi is an eldest young lady, with straight black hair and a delicate and beautiful appearance, ranking first in the school's popularity index among boys.

  She was born in a wealthy family, and her parents loved her in every possible way.

  In such a living environment, Kuang San did not develop the arrogant character of most young ladies, on the contrary, she was very gentle and kind.

  Yes, seventeen-year-old Tokisaki Kurumi is still a girl with the Yamato Nadeko character of the neon tradition.

  Her gentleness and kindness is not only aimed at the people around her, she has kindness towards the whole world and hopes that everyone can be happy.

  The speed of information dissemination in this era is very fast, and every day she can directly witness the misfortune of others from television, newspapers and magazines and her eyes.

  Some people died innocently in the war; some were born sick and could not live for long; some suffered from hunger and cold; some were discriminated against for no reason;

  She is not happy because of the good life of her family, and she is sad to see the misfortune of the world.

  So she will take the initiative to lend a hand to help others when she encounters such a situation.

  It can be said that she is full of sense of justice at this time, and it can also be said that she is naive and naive. After all, as long as people live, most people will experience all kinds of hardships, and she can't save them at all.

  But she still maintains such kindness, which is her purest heart.

  One afternoon after school, Tokisaki Kurumi and her best friend Sanda Sawa were walking home together against the orange sunset.

  Sanda Sawa is a simple girl with maroon-colored braided hair.

  "Sahara, let me ask you..."

  The two were immersed in the scenery reflected by the beautiful sunset, when Kurumi suddenly looked at his friend.

  "What's the matter? Mad San."

  "Are you all right tomorrow? I'm here to play with you."

  It is normal for girls with good relationships to visit each other, and Sawa is a rare good friend with similar temperaments to Kurumi.

  "Okay, alright... ah, don't you want to touch my chestnuts again?"

  Shahe tilted her head slightly, the girl with two braids hanging from her chest looked at her friend with a slight wink and a narrow face.

  Chestnut is an American shorthair cat she raised in her house. She is not afraid that strangers will act coquetry to others. She is very cute, and Kuang San often comes to play with him.

  "That's not the case, I just want to go to school with you..."

  Perhaps it was because her thoughts were exposed, Kuang San felt a little embarrassed, she was just a simple girl who had not experienced much of the world, and had the feelings of a girl at this age.

  "Okay, okay, let's just pretend..."

  Sawa, who knows the character of her good friend very well, doesn't argue, and she also likes Kurumi very much. Kurumi didn't become domineering because of the gap between the two families, so the two get along very well.

  "...But, Kurumi, you like cats so much, why don't you keep one of your own?"

  She wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but she just couldn't find the right opportunity.

  "Because my mom is allergic to cats."

  Kuang San frowned slightly, and was also a little sad. Because of her temperament, she rarely had something she liked, but she had to give it up for her family.

  "Oh...that's right, then I'll raise another one when I live alone."

  Hearing the comfort of his good friend, Kurumi involuntarily became clearer.

  After the two agreed on a time to visit tomorrow, the good friend walked to the house happily.

  Kurumi also continued to go home with her longing for the future, but looking at the beautiful sunset, she did not feel the pure beauty in her heart like other girls, but a series of negative associations came from it.

  As if it were the twilight of life, the winter of seasons, the end of things, and so on.

  Now Tokisaki Kurumi is really a sentimental girl...

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