"Looks like it's here!"

  A group of people armed with various modern weapons and equipment suddenly surrounded the Chong Gong family.

  There are men and women in this group, and the people are mixed, there are typical Europeans and Asians.

  They surrounded the Chonggong family with water, and everyone focused their attention on the leading pair of beautiful girls.

  They are the second highest commander of this operation, the second founder of DEM company, Elaine Mira Mathers, Karen Nora Mathers.

  They are the two sisters, Elen Kalen, who have been hunting down the primordial elves. Most of these people are subordinates of the DEM company, and some of them are people sent by the Neon government to assist.


  With a nod from Karen, the wooden building was broken open by them from multiple directions, and the crowd swarmed in.

  "Who are you?"

  The girl who was staring at the TV in the room, Takamiya Zhenna, felt like she was watching TV when she saw the sudden influx of uninvited guests into the house.

  "Where is the primordial spirit?"

  Ailian Shi Shiran walked into the room, but her face suddenly changed, she looked at her sister with some doubts, and found that her face was also a little ugly.

  Because they all felt a kind of friendly atmosphere in the room, it was the atmosphere they had missed for a long time.

  "It's... Yuan's breath..."


  "Bang, bang!"


  Gunshots and explosions echoed through the chaotic streets.

  A pair of young men and women are dodging everywhere in the siege and attack of a group of people.

  To be precise, it should be a beautiful girl with a beautiful face and long silver hair who is grabbing a teenager and dodging quickly.

  There are still many people wearing what looks like exoskeleton armor in the air, and they are surrounded by them, and they have no escape.

  "Mio, why are they chasing us?"

  Luo Yuan's face was panicked and asked the girl who led him around a building.

  "They should have come to catch me..."

  The girl whose hair was a little messy bit her lip, her face was ugly, and then she looked at her lover apologetically.

  "I'm sorry, Yuan! It's me who caused you..."

  Luo Yuan suddenly pressed Mio's lips and stopped her next words.

  "What are you idiots saying, we are lovers, our dearest and most dear lovers."

  Luo Yuan's head was covered in sweat, but he still wore a doting smile.

  "No matter what happens, Mio and I will bear it together!"

  "Yuan... ah, be careful!"

  Mio was deeply moved, but at the same time his face changed, grabbing Luo Yuan and jumping, dangerously and dangerously, he would pass a bomb.

  Luo Yuan looked at the girl who was dodging with him, with deep apology deep in his eyes.

  Because it was all designed by him.

  Not long after they left home, they were spotted by the DEM company, who had been informed that they were searching all over Tokyo, and began to hunt them down.

Chapter 39 Who Killed Luo Yuan?

  The person wearing the display device in the sky has been locking the two of them, and by attacking, the direction of their escape is gradually entering their encirclement.

  Luo Yuan looked at Mio with an anxious face, and while feeling distressed, he further verified some of the guesses.

  Since the two were chased and attacked until now, as long as Mio becomes the blackened "Mio", the situation can be easily reversed.

  But Mio has always been the Mio that he is familiar with!

  In addition, I used my avatar to test Mio before, and it really triggered the blackened "Mio".

  That shows that the blackened "Mio" has long seen through the essence of himself as an intruder from another world.

  Only you can trigger the counterattack or protection of the blackened "Mio".

  The current Mio is just that smart girl who doesn't know enough about her own abilities.

  Thinking of the most intimate relationship between the two led to Mio's change, Luo Yuan also knew that it was the day when he completely owned Mio that was revealed.

  Because in that case, no matter how Luo Yuan hides his strength, he will bring his origin breath to the most in-depth communication.

  So, now I have to take that step.

  As the two circled around a building again, there was already an open space in front of them, and there was nothing to hide.

  The most troublesome thing is that there is a handsome young man with short blond hair ahead with a group of people blocking there.

  The young man looked at the close two with complicated expressions, and the beautiful girl whom he had hopelessly fell in love with at first sight still belonged to someone else.

  "Sure enough, you still came to me!"

  The handsome young man or Elliot said in pure neon language.

  Luo Yuan resolutely stood in front of Mio for the first time, and at the same time looked at the enemy with vigilance.

  Of course, deep in Luo Yuan's eyes, he looked at this sad rival in love with a funny smile.

  Of the four magicians of the founder of DEM, two girls have become his women, and Westcott, the most ambitious, has become his secretly manipulated puppet.

  Only this Elliot was the one he hadn't paid attention to from the beginning to the end, and today should be regarded as the first official meeting.

  Looking at Elliot's miserable smile of a loser, Luo Yuan didn't mean to laugh at him.

  For what he did in the original plot, he still respected him, and he spent the rest of his life protecting the elves in order to atone for his sins.

  As a result, the primordial elf didn't even look at him until he died, and he was also a very pitiful person.

  Of course, he was pitiful, and naturally he would not have a good face for someone who coveted his wife.

  "It's still a good boy, but is this your choice? The original spirit or...'Mio'."

  Elliott looked behind Luo Yuan in a low voice.

  "I ask you, are you... happy now?"

  Gee, what a poor fellow.

  "At least……"

  Mio also stood beside Luo Yuan and planned to say something, but Luo Yuan squeezed her hand, Mio stopped her plan to talk nonsense, but smiled sweetly at Luo Yuan, and then had a cold face Look at Elliott.

  "We are very happy!"

  "That's it!"

  Elliot sighed and seemed to make up his mind, then turned slightly to the side and waved at the men who were aiming at the two with various weapons.

  "You go..."

  "Hahaha, Elliot, you did a great job!"

  Suddenly a wild laughter sounded, and the people led by Westcott also surrounded him from behind.

  Elliot sighed secretly and planned to command his men to attack his partner Westcott, creating an escape opportunity for the two of them.

  But at this time, two girls wearing display devices flew in the sky, and they were holding a girl who was struggling.

  "Oni sauce!"


  Luo Yuan sighed secretly, everyone has arrived, it seems that they should be ready to start.

  "...Yuan, you...this is?"

  The two sisters Aileen Kalian held Chonggong Zhenna from a distance, and looked at Luo Yuan in disbelief.

  "You bastard!"

  Karen gritted her teeth.

  Since Luo Yuan and Mio met, Luo Yuan has rarely seen the two sisters Aileen Kalian.

  They thought something was wrong with Luo Yuan.

  And Karen was the most angry. After the bastard ate her, he didn't show up for a long time.

  As a result, they received a message and found that the primal elf appeared in Neon Tokyo. After they came to catch Chonggong Zhenna, who was related to the primal elf, they discovered that Luo Yuan had always been with the primal elf.

  Angry and jealous, at the same time a little puzzled, is this really their god-like Luo Yuan?

  If it is their lover Luo Yuan, will their DEM company still have a chance to get the initial elves?

  But the original spirits now surrounded by their own side are real.


  Luo Yuan did not give everyone a chance to react and immediately used the freedom method to block.

  His freedom method of sealing is different from the sealing of the bad streets in the last world. It is a freedom method specially rewritten for him by Lian Nancy in combination with his own abilities.

  Immediately, a space formed by a hemispherical golden flame with a radius of several hundred meters enveloped them.

  Fengjue separates the space where he lives from the present world, and the time and space in the space fall into stillness.

  However, there was one person who began to tremble, with spiritual energy surging all over his body, and he was about to break free from the influence of the ban.

  She is Mio, Mio, as a living being born from the will of the world, the Lord of the world, it can be said that she is the world itself.

  It is impossible for Luo Yuan to separate Mio's existence from the world by cause and effect through the seal of freedom. Perhaps only when he becomes a god can the world be separated.

  Mio's existence strongly resists the influence of Feng Jue, and the effect of Feng Jue cannot bear the causal existence of her and the world.

  However, Luo Yuan did not intend to trap her with Feng Jue. When Luo Yuan launched Feng Jue, his strength was fully restored. At the same time, he flicked his fingers, and a drop of blood quickly evolved, and another "Luo Yuan" appeared in him. before.

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