"Wow! I don't want Yuan..."

  When Mio heard Luo Yuan's words, he reacted very strongly, and immediately stretched out his arms to hug him tightly.

  "I want to be with Yuan forever!"

  "Ha~ just kidding!"

  For some reason, hearing Mio's last sentence reminded Luo Yuan of the previous dream, his smile became a little stiff.

  However, he quickly adjusted his mind, pulled the girl's hand back, and hugged her and kissed her fiercely.

  "mua! Good morning, Mio! I'll make you breakfast."

  Luo Yuan took a shower and headed to the kitchen.

  "Euni sauce..."

  Sister Zhenna was sitting in the living room looking at him worriedly.

  Mio's anomaly had a great impact on this family during this time.

  The girl who used to be pampered and happy every day has recently become sentimental.

  "Stupid sister, brother will handle it!"

  Luo Yuan rubbed her long blue hair and regained the confident and calm smile that had always been in his sister's eyes.

  "People are not stupid, it's my brother who is stupid, stupid Ernie-chan."

  Zhenna pouted a little annoyed, squeezed her little fist and beat her brother.

  But seeing the calm smile of my brother, I really feel very at ease, and I deeply like it.

  It's just that since Mio came to the house, the time he spends with his brother has decreased a lot.

  Mana didn't even know whether to blame Mio or her bastard brother.

  But now she doesn't blame anyone, she just hopes everyone gets better soon.

  Luo Yuan was also relieved to see that his sister was still lively and cute.

  But then you need to find a time to talk to her alone.

  Luo Yuan was preparing breakfast in his hands, but his eyes seemed to pass through the physical barrier of the room, and he looked at the DEM company that he had lured to Xiong Country to find the initial elves for a long time, but had no results.

  This time we're going to play a big one!


  Today is the weekend again.

  But Luo Yuan didn't plan to take Mio and his sister to go shopping.

  All the recent play activities are stimulating my sister, because Mio always dominates him.

  And Luo Yuan, who has made up his mind, is also ready to go crazy for the last time.

  So after breakfast, Luo Yuan rushed into the bedroom with Mio in his arms under his sister's puzzled eyes.

  Then the shameful voice made my sister, who was pretending to be watching TV in the living room, blushed and embarrassed.

  "The bastard Erni-chan! It's too much!"

  I don't know how long it took, when the restless sister was about to escape from Chonggong's house, Luo Yuan rushed out again.

  Then he picked up Mana and ran to her room.

  Originally, she was worried about her brother's unusual behavior today, so Mana, who was patiently staying in the living room, panicked when she saw her brother's behavior.

  "O, O'Neill sauce..."

  Being held by his favorite brother, his body went weak, his face was flushed, and he looked at his crazy brother, stammering and didn't know what to say.

  The little hand pushed his brother softly, but his determination to resist was not firm.


  Luo Yuan temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart. He had tried his best to "convince" Mio just now. At this time, the girl who was prone to blackening was sleeping soundly.

  "What, what's wrong... Ernie-chan~"

  When my sister heard her brother call her by name, she knew that her brother had something serious to talk to her about, but, just why did he hug her!

  Although I also like to be intimate with Oni-chan, but being held by my brother like this, my head is dizzy, and I can't think about anything!

  "If there are two lives in the future for you to choose..."

  Luo Yuan sighed slightly, he wanted to force his sister to decide, but he felt that he should listen to her opinion.

  "The first is that you will be asleep for a long time in the future, and the time of waking up is very short, but very safe!

  The second is that you decide your own future, but it can be dangerous. "

  "Which one do you choose?"

Chapter 38 The chase from DEM

  "Mu, do you have to choose, Ernie-chan~"

  Zhenna looked at his brother in a daze, wondering why he would suddenly play this kind of hypothetical game only played by children.

  "Yes, you must choose!"

  Luo Yuan kissed his sister's forehead with some pity. As a character who is related to the most important person in the world, she is destined to be unable to live an ordinary life.

  Even if you want to pass, you have to wait until you really control everything.

  "Then, is there any Oni-chan in those two options?"

  Maybe it was because he noticed that his brother's attitude was a bit strange, but after thinking about it, he asked one more question.

  "Here I am……"

  My sister's feelings for her are really deep, and Luo Yuan's heart is more gentle.

  "Your Oni-chan will always be by your side..."

  "Then if I'm with Ernie-chan..."

  Zhenna's blushing face was a little embarrassed, because she felt like she was confessing to her brother, but she continued to speak bravely.

  "...I'm not afraid even if it's dangerous!"

  Clearly she chose the second life!


  Luo Yuan murmured and kissed his sister's lips, strong emotions surging.

  "My favorite cutest sister..."

  "Oni-chan... um..."

  Mana, who has always been a proud and beautiful girl at school, once faced her favorite Oni-chan, she is like a little girl, she can't be proud and can only be bullied obediently.

  Because she knew in her heart that Ernie was the proudest person in the world.

  She knew it from the moment her brother who suddenly felt a big change came home and looked at her during the Eurasian air disaster.

  It was a kind of strong self-confidence that came from the heart, as if no difficulties could stumped him.

  At that moment, when Shina saw the elder brother at that moment, it was as if a believer had seen a god.

  Heartstrings trembled, admiring Tongsheng, that was her most powerful Oni sauce, and her favorite Oni sauce...

  "Ugh... Ernie-chan..."

  Being hugged by my brother for a deep kiss, I felt a little strange at the same time with joy in my heart.

  Today's Oni-chan is a little different. She seems to love her very much and like her very much.

  The older brother, who usually only kisses and kisses intimately, doesn't seem to intend to be so hasty this time, and starts to take off his short skirt.

  Mana began to tremble all over, and she started to be afraid again. It's not that she didn't want to be more intimate with Ernie-chan, just like she often dreamed with Ernie-chan in her dreams recently...

  But they can't, in Zhenna's heart, even if the two who are already the same as lovers are still brothers and sisters in essence, they cannot be together!

  Feeling the scared little sister in his arms, Luo Yuan wanted to tell her that he was not her brother.

  But he thought about it, as long as he followed the next plan, then there was no need to say or not.

  It's just that now he wants to bully his sister more, because the two of them won't be able to see each other for a long time to come.

  Luo Yuan's eyes flashed a strange light, and he withdrew his hand that wanted to take off his sister's short skirt.

  "...Then you have to help Ernie sauce..."

  Luo Yuan put his sister down and whispered in her ear.



  Chong Gong's house after lunch.

  "Aren't you going to play together?"

  Luo Yuan took Mio to the entrance and looked at his sister who was still sitting on the sofa watching TV.

  "No, not going..."

  Really blushing, she couldn't help thinking of what the villain Oni-chan asked her to do before, too shameful.

  "Oni-chan, let's go and play, and Mio, have fun..."

  Zhenna, who was bullied by the satyr Oni-chan, was a little shy, and she didn't want to watch the two of them show their affection in the afternoon after having a closer relationship with her brother in the morning.

  That feeling of jealousy is really uncomfortable!

  So she would rather stay at home and watch TV, and by the way, think about Ernie-chan alone at home.

  Since his sister didn't go to play, Luo Yuan no longer insisted, and left the Chonggong house with Mio, who was full of joy.

  After a while.

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